Knowledgebase 4 months review

Posted by godesigner, 12-30-2007, 02:29 PM
Hello. I am writing from my mobile So please dont mine if there is any spelling mistake or incorrect English. I am with webkore as a reseller Since last 4-5 months. So. Here's a review about their Services. Uptime: 99 percent Server:Good & reliable Support:. Average ; Sometimes bad. How long can you wait for your reseller hosting company to respond to your ticket.? I am waiting Since last 1 month, the ticket is regarding end- user support helpdesk. Their helpdesk is not working properly since I joined them. At that time I asked Them that when the helpdesk will get fixed ? Their reply was that they are hiring programmerrs who will fix soon. 4 months over . Nothing done yet And when I opened a ticket , there is no reply since last 1 month. I am a student. My exams are on , no time to come online and my reseller hosting company dont support me. Is there any one from Webkore company? Any reseller of them?

Posted by amdcomms, 12-30-2007, 04:50 PM
Sounds like the uptime of the server you are hosted on is good but the support that the company is providing you is not up to scratch , i think 1 month and still waiting for a reply for a support ticket is a little too long. Its up to you but maybe it is time to move to another host that will be able to offer you what you require.

Posted by premium20, 12-31-2007, 01:55 AM
99% uptime may not be so good for most of us. However, it remains to be seen as to how the OP measured uptime. Webkore is pretty active over here, so we can expect a response from their side on the helpdesk issues soon.

Posted by ldcdc, 12-31-2007, 07:14 AM
Little" is of course just a way of speaking. How do you monitor it? Your predicament is quite easy to understand. The really bad part is that changing hosts might not be the best thing to attempt right now. Some hosts do transfer your accounts for free though. That could be an option. You just need to make sure that they offer and user support and that according to their customers, it's working fine. Last edited by ldcdc; 12-31-2007 at 07:19 AM.

Posted by godesigner, 01-04-2008, 05:57 AM
yes,I have recieved a reply from them. they said that I have done a negative review So should move to Other host and they will refund me Of 2 months payment. But they havent refunded yet and Charged for this month too. this means now they have to refund 3 months payment. Still waiting for their reply but they have Closed the ticket. I have moved to innohosting now. I hope they will Support me better.

Posted by rv_irl, 01-04-2008, 11:06 AM
I think it would have been better if they had publicly resolved the situation instead of recommending you move to another provider. We've had one or two current customers post a negative review, and by acting on it publicly, we turned the situation around. People like to see how a host deals with particular problems and situations. Welcome aboard!

Posted by ldcdc, 01-04-2008, 06:08 PM
Different hosts handle situations differently. Given that they are aware of your negative review, I think that they should have posted their side of the story. Asking you to leave because of this review makes sense only if the review is inaccurate. A customer who lies is not a dream customer. However, if that were true, they would certainly set the record straight here.

Posted by godesigner, 01-05-2008, 12:46 AM
They said me that they cant make me happy, so they are terminating my account and provide me a refund for 2 months but they charged me for this month too & Didnt sent me any refund. Now they have to send 3 months refund. I opened a ticket, no reply.

Posted by godesigner, 01-05-2008, 12:55 PM
Webkore is a cheater they deleted my account and now the billing account without refund... (crying) ( They refunded for only 2 months they didnt refund me for this month...... help me plsssssss .....

Posted by saint71, 01-05-2008, 01:41 PM
Pick up the phone and call them. Their latency reflections the quality of your comapny. I dont even like the domain name = tooo similiar... lol

Posted by BrettB, 01-05-2008, 01:45 PM
Perhaps the two months of service they were referring to included the month that you had just payed? I don't believe they provide a phone number to call.

Posted by nax9, 01-05-2008, 06:24 PM
As this is a public forum, I've already been advised it would be illegal for me to reveal any details about this certain client. With that said, he wasn't welcome back on our servers in the first place, as he was with us a year ago and had left (fill in a blank here). Upon his signup his account was canceled but he still wanted to be let back on, which is a reflection of how good the service we offer actually is. Now he's being removed again. All in all, the official comment is "no comment" As for "" after 6+ years in the industry, I think we've been here for far longer than you will last

Posted by Paul-M, 01-05-2008, 06:30 PM
What an aggressive response. I would hope after 6 years you'd have learned peers should be treated with some courtesy.

Posted by nax9, 01-05-2008, 06:57 PM
I have much respect for some people browsing these forums that offer constructive criticism and actual advice, without sig flashing and attacking other companies. For those that are guilty of such, I couldn't care how my response is interpreted by them

Posted by Paul-M, 01-05-2008, 07:01 PM
Any publicity is good publicity I guess. By sig flashing you mean posting for the sole purpose of SEO or linking to your company's site?

Posted by godesigner, 01-05-2008, 10:29 PM
Thnk for replying here wk-a , plz give me the refund of this month which you charged me aytomatically & I will not do any more review about , no more posts abt this topic.

Posted by godesigner, 01-07-2008, 02:13 AM
Please someone help me, webkore is not giving me refund for this month which they charged me automatically.

Posted by saint71, 01-07-2008, 02:32 AM
Hope you cancelled..... chargeback on em.

Posted by rv_irl, 01-07-2008, 05:16 AM
He's done the same to us. Left, and rejoined.. We'll see how it goes. I don't think it is suitable to make such a threat. A review is to be informative and help other members out about your experience. Usually you should make your mind up making a review when you have gained sufficient experience and genuinely want to help the community out.. It is not suitable to threaten a host with a negative review to get what you want, because quite frankly, you won't. Should you decide to make a review based on what happens next, it is obvious the review will not be as helpful since it would be mostly filled with hatred rather than useful information. That said, Sales/Billing are not usually operational on weekends.. Maybe give them a little amount of time to act on this? Something to think about

Posted by godesigner, 01-07-2008, 01:32 PM
I left you due to slow support problems. But now it is good. I even told you that I was your client before. How much more time??? Such a big co. dont have 16.95 usd to pay back??? Surprised??

Posted by rv_irl, 01-07-2008, 02:52 PM
Yes you did.. I don't think it's an issue of not having the money to pay back, but just sales and billing is not operational on weekends. Today is working day, so I'm guessing they will refund you today (hopefully).

Posted by nax9, 01-07-2008, 03:30 PM
Just setting the record straight here once and for all, since apparently only Rameen understands part of what's going on, instead of launching baseless attacks, ("charge em back!") comes to mind. He forgets his previous incarnation as a reseller, where he left in the red and was accommodated for an entire month I'm not sure why he was allowed back, as he was clearly not wanted as a client (you name it, he did it). I'll take responsibility for that one. He was charged from a Paypal subscription he didn't bother canceling a week after he was told to move out, so a chargeback would fail. He was already refunded that payment as well. Technically, he still owes money, even if we withhold the meager 16.95 Be careful what advice you give, because it can turn around and bite you in the behind in the future.

Posted by nikg, 01-07-2008, 03:46 PM
I 've been with webkore for almost 3 months. Last time my payment was due i forgot that i had a subscription so i loged in to paypal and paid my invoice manualy. Two days later my paypal account was charged again because of the subscription. Double payment but because of me. I opened a ticket and told them what i had done, i got a reply that they were going to refund my money for one payment and so they did a few days later. Now regarding uptime and server perormance, everything works great so far. No problems at all.

Posted by godesigner, 01-08-2008, 03:10 AM
The company even didnt bothered to cancel the invoice.

Posted by VCWS-Tim, 01-14-2008, 05:35 AM
Hi, I have been a loyal reader of these forums for years, but never had a need to signup & login. Until now. My company has worked with Webkore since December 2006 and have been very happy. There has been a few times when something needed to be addressed -- and they did - quickly. To be honest, I myself can sometimes not be an easy person to work with. I'm sure WK-A could verify that. BUT - I have always been treated with the upmost respect, even the few times there was a situation where I lost my cool. Ashamed to say, just being honest. I am in communication with the staff very often requesting this or that, asking for something not listed on the corporate site, or just needing something done quickly. Ultimately, the come through each and every time. Listen, A few of you are really putting 'WK-A' in a bad situation. Many web hosting companies, after being attacked, login to these forums and reply with FULL chat logs, emails, etc. and more often than not make the 'client' look foolish. Most of us keep good records, so it's really easy to do. 'WK-A' is held back and not done so, due to the legal and ethical ramifications. Don't you all think this thread has side tracked a bit too much. If you want to give a review, fine. People will read it, validate it, and consider it. Most people will dismiss a thread/review such as this due to the fact you come across as someone who is threatening, unable to be pleased, and even somewhat a person who doesn't pay their bills. BTW saint71 ,telling someone to do a charge-back is very bad advise. Other than being the wrong way to handle things (except for extreme situations), it can be considered stealing (at best) if this money is really due. I realize this is my first post in here and that does hurt my credibility but anyone is welcome to PM me and I can validate my/company name. No need for plugs.

Posted by SydneyJen, 01-16-2008, 11:33 PM
Is their end user support desk working now? I was considering moving there, but not if the helpdesk has not worked in as much time as you say.

Posted by Johnno, 01-17-2008, 08:42 AM
I'm a little leery of commenting on this considering the reaction to the OP (I don't particularly want to be told to leave WK at this time), but I'm kind of hoping that this may act as a catalyst to get some real answers as to what the heck is going on with WK's EUS services. No, as far as I can tell, and from reports from other WK clients signed up for the service, End User Support is not working at all now. For me the original problems started back in July/August when there was a sudden change in the response times, resolution and even the 'tone' of replies to EUS tickets. The service went from better than excellent to very poor in a very short time. I also noticed at the time that the tickets went from being signed by a Tech's name (most of whom I and my clients had built up excellent relationships with) to always being signed off by "Staff". With the tone change, the service reduction, the anonymity, and the fact that the more difficult tickets were taking a LOT longer to resolve, I kind of surmised that WK had outsourced their EUS. (Please note that this is only guesswork on my part and may be totally incorrect) A little later (maybe Oct/Nov) the EUS Helpdesk application became very difficult to use effectively as it stopped sending out any ticket notification emails. After numerous ignored and 'closed without action or comment" tickets about this I was eventually told that the original programmer had left and a new solution would be forthcoming shortly. In the meantime we were (presumably) to put up with the partially broken product, which I what I did. More recently (December) the EUS Helpdesk died completely and now there is no EUS service provided at all to my knowledge. I (and other users) have logged numerous tickets regarding EUS issues (after all it is a service that was advertised and that we pay for). From what I can glean from my own experience and talking to some other WK clients, all the tickets regarding EUS issues are being ignored and eventually closed without comment, action, or resolution by WK. My most recent one was logged three days ago, and I'm waiting for someone to respond and resolve (yet again...). A little background as I too am a lurker and this is my first post.. I've been with WebKore for coming on 18 months now, and in all honesty, in my first twelve months there I would have no hesitation is saying that they were the best company that I had ever been with (and I've been with a few over the years). To give you some idea, in that time I went from a single 'cheapie' shared reseller account, to leasing four VDSes with them - that's how impressed I was. Regrettably the last six months or so have not been anywhere near as good. Customer service at all levels (Sales, Billing, Tech Support, uptime ) has slipped quite badly. I've actually purchased and subsequently cancelled a further two VDSes from WK and am currently making all new purchases elsewhere. So why do I still keep four VDSes there? Like I said they were the best company I have ever dealt with, and I genuinely hope that they are going to turn things around and get back to the service and performance highs of my first twelve months with them. They really were THAT good! But(and this isn't a threat) I can't wait for a heck of a lot longer. I am supposed to be giving my clients 24x7x365 Tech Support, based on that being what was promised as part of WK's service to me. My clients are getting tired of 2+ months of my "We're working on it" and "Sorry no update at this stage" mantra. If I can't get a finite time scale soon, I'm going to have to start looking at alternatives before my clients really start loosing faith in me. In conclusion I would just like to ask VCWS-Tim if you would possibly mind using your excellent WK staff contacts to obtain some prompt and time-scale defined answers on when the EUS Helpdesk service will be fully functional again please? Regards, J

Posted by ldcdc, 01-17-2008, 08:37 PM
VCWS-Tim, Johnno, to add even more credibility to your reviews, as members might question them on account of you being new members, please submit a domain (or more) that you're hosting with webkore, via Only the moderating team will have access to the info you'll be submitting, and a simple confirmation will be posted here. Thank you.

Posted by Johnno, 01-18-2008, 07:53 AM
Thanks ldcdc, info submitted as requested. I don't know so much about the 'New Member" though, I've been a member of WHT since March 2005 - I'm just a "Posting Virgin" up until the other day. Thanks again, J (edit - Please don't take offence. There is a supposed to be a smiley at the end of that sentence but I don't have enough kudos to use them yet.) Last edited by Johnno; 01-18-2008 at 07:59 AM.

Posted by Johnno, 01-20-2008, 08:06 AM
Quick update... The EUS interface is now back up. I only picked up on this because my internal support ticket had been closed without answer and comment, so I checked the EUS interface before firing off another ticket. It appears that there are still issues with non-delivery of notification emails. I can't comment on whether they are once again supplying EUS as none of my clients have tickets in at the moment. However until it has been demonstrated otherwise, I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt and assume that we are at least partially back in action.

Posted by godesigner, 01-20-2008, 10:09 AM
johnno... It seems that you are from webkore team..

Posted by Johnno, 01-21-2008, 03:39 AM
Hi Godesigner, Not sure where you got that idea from, but I can assure you that I'm not. I'm just a WebHost who leases some VDSes from WK. Cheers, Jon

Posted by meneketehe, 01-21-2008, 09:00 AM
the domain might be registered in 2002, but I can't see any page about hosting, not untill dec 2004 at least according to*/ Last edited by meneketehe; 01-21-2008 at 09:02 AM. Reason: add archive url

Posted by Johnno, 01-23-2008, 02:39 AM
OK, it appears that the EUS interface is up, but there appears to be no-one home. I had two clients log tickets with the EUS ~6 hours ago (same server-wide issue). They were neither replied to, or actioned. The underlying situation was eventually resolved ~ 5 hours after the customer initial ticket - when I intervened and logged my own ticket with the main WK Client helpdesk (not EUS). Although my ticket was closed without response, I have to say that it was actioned VERY quickly, for which I am most thankful. So for today at least support at WK resembles the Curate's Egg . J

Posted by pattygale, 01-30-2008, 03:36 PM
Yes, I am new here, but I have to post this. I was a Webkore customer for nearly a year. I do not resell hosting, but had reseller accounts for my own affiliate websites. Things were fine in the beginning until about August of 2007 with Billing problems, downtime issues and support becoming virtually non-existent. In November it started getting ridiculous when support response times became slower and slower to the point of support actually closing tickets without acknowledging them. Yes, whoever was working their support were actually closing support tickets without answering them or acknowledging them. This didn't happen just to me, but other customers as well in addition to repeated downtime server issues. Many customers started posting on their forum because there was no other way to get in touch with this company. I finally found another host and canceled both my reseller accounts with Webkore 10 days ago. This morning, I received 2 emails from PayPal telling me that my subscription payments have been sent to NovaPoint Technologies - Webkore. First, I shouldn't have been billed for this and second, I never initiated any new subscriptions with them. They had to have done this on their own because the renewal dates of my hosting were 1. not on the same day and 2. not on the 30th of the month. The subscriptions I did have for hosting were canceled back in November and I have the Paypal ID's to prove it. For whatever reason, their Billing dept. started having issues and for 3 months in a row could never get my invoices done correctly, which is why I canceled the subscriptions back in November. Repeated emails, posts to their forum and even a phone call to Anthony's voicemail from their Whois data remain unreturned or unanswered. Yes, I am filing a dispute with Paypal as well as a complaint with the Canadian equivalent of the BBB. My advice? Stay as far away from this company as possible. edtited to add: I honestly think this company has been abandoned. Either their original support staff was fired or all quit, I have no idea, but no one from this company is making any effort to communicate with customers either via support tickets or emails. Last edited by pattygale; 01-30-2008 at 03:41 PM.

Posted by idhosting, 01-31-2008, 05:09 AM
So just to clarify you cancelled both your paypal subscription with them and your hosting and 2months later paypal still deducted as if the subscription was never cancelled? Thats troubling.

Posted by VN-Ken, 01-31-2008, 06:31 AM
We have our off-site helpdesk hosted with them, and we've had a few issues starting out, which made me wonder about them. Won't disclose why, as its a hunch. Our VPS was manually stopped by them on multiple occasions and when I asked why, no explanation was provided, they just suddenly started it again. Another time, APF 'somehow' blocked all traffic to the VPS, which was running perfectly. Submitted a ticket and after 12 hours, I went ahead and just found an alternative way of fixing the issue (deleting the APF files via the VZPP). We will be leaving them.

Posted by godesigner, 01-31-2008, 06:51 AM still havent refunded mine $ 17 USD . They suck man. .....

Posted by pattygale, 01-31-2008, 08:33 AM
Yes, and I sent them my screenshots of my subscription history from inside my Paypal account to prove it. I think what they are doing is setting up the payment link to Paypal as a subscription and not disclosing on their invoices that it is a subscription link. This happened back in July of '07 and again back in Nov. Their invoice simply said, "click here to pay", which I did and then the next thing I know, I was charged twice out of my Paypal account, once for the regular payment I made manually again for a subscription. When I contacted them about the subscription, and said I never authorized or requested a subscription, their response was, "Oh, we're sorry that was an error" and they refunded the double payment back to me. Then, it happened again in November. I thought I was manually paying the invoice and then next thing you know, I'm charged twice out of Paypal. I contacted them again, said, "These subscriptions were supposed to be canceled back in July, how is this happening again?" No reply and then the next thing I know, I'm refunded for the double payment again, and I get yet a notice again from Paypal telling me the subscriptions were canceled. December rolls around and I manually paid the invoice with Paypal. This time, all is quiet, so I'm thinking they finally got it right. My monthly renewal dates were the 25th and 26th of the month. On January 20th an 22nd, I canceled both my reseller accounts with them and did not pay the invoices because I canceled before they were due. Yesterday, Jan. 30th, I received two emails from Paypal telling me that my subscriptions to NovaPoint - aka Webkore were sent and money was submitted. Since I'm no longer an active customer, of course, I couldn't submit a support ticket and they do not let you register for their ticket system unless you are a customer. I submitted the only contact form on their website, which is actually to contact their sales dept. I finally heard back from someone late in the day who proceeded to tell me that it was MY responsiblity to cancel Paypal subscriptions. I told him exactly what was happenening, sent him my subscription history screenshot as proof and never heard fom him again. As I told their sales person who contacted me yesterday, I'm not an idiot, I know how Paypal subscriptions work so I think they are setting up their paypment links as subscription links without disclosure. Or their system is totally screwed up that it's setting up subscriptions in addition to when you think you're just making a manual payment and they don't have anyone to fix it. File an "unauthorized use" complaint with Paypal. That's what I did and Paypal took action very quickly and they are the ones who reversed the transaction and refunded my money back within just a few hours. If I hadn't done that, I'd probably still be waiting on Webkore for some type of acknowledgment.

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