
POP3 issues, password good but outlook says password is wrong

Posted by trachr, 04-27-2012, 12:58 AM
I use a server on rocketvps... which is openvz Im having an issue where I put a mail account into outlook then randomly somewhere down the road it suddenly says the password to wrong. It can happen without me messing with any settings at all it just starts. Any idea what could cause this? Ive tried resetting the mail servers, as well rebooting the entire VPS and nothing happens. Thanks

Posted by net, 04-27-2012, 12:59 AM
Moved > Hosting Security and Technology.

Posted by supportexpertz, 04-27-2012, 03:43 AM
trachr, You might want to try using the command line to find out if authentication itself is the problem from your computer, causing your outlook to throw out issues. Take out your command line and type these : telnet domainname 110 user pass This will give you a good idea on whether the issue is related to the server or if it is something related to your mail client ( outlook )

Posted by dealdomains, 04-27-2012, 03:52 AM
It can also occur if outlook is setup for the same email address on multiple machine, or exceeded the limit of pop3 connection. Have you tried to confirm things with your webhosting provide? One more thing I remember its not a good Idea to keep Cpanel password and email account password same. I dont quit remember what problem I faced, but you there some issue with same passwords as well.

Posted by PlotHost-Max, 04-27-2012, 03:56 AM
Usually the issue is related to Outlook configuration. You can also try connecting to secure pop3 port(995).

Posted by enigma-1, 04-27-2012, 09:39 AM
I am pretty sure works in rocketvps with outlook. I tried sendmail and postfix. You may have to enable authentication on outlook. Look at the internet E-mail settings -> Outgoing Server -> My outgoing server requires authentication (use same settings as my incoming mail server) and tick the checkbox then try it. PS: you can also see in /var/log/maillog what the error message recorded says.

Posted by trachr, 04-27-2012, 03:27 PM
I dont see how it could be a messed up setting in outlook as it worked all day then suddenly stopped working But to test it I tried telnet and I still get ERR Authentication failed which I assume it means its a problem on the server not outlook

Posted by PlotHost-Max, 04-27-2012, 03:32 PM
Can you connect to webmail using that user+pass ?

Posted by trachr, 04-27-2012, 03:34 PM
no... Im getting failed passwords there too... its like the whole mail server just died randomly last night... Could changing IPs/shared IPs do this but just have a delayed effect?

Posted by PlotHost-Max, 04-27-2012, 03:54 PM
Did you create/test a new test email account ? Did you check /var/log/maillog as enigma-1 said ?

Posted by trachr, 04-27-2012, 04:26 PM
yes still no go and I couldn't see anything in the log... as the business hasn't started yet Im just gonna rebuild its probably some crazy 1 in a million error or I set some setting wrong somehow and didn't notice it. I did apache changes and a bunch of stuff so I have no idea what may of caused it. Basically a few things I do is use google resolvers atm I use dovecot mail I still havent decided if Ill run whcms with root reseller or the primary account as a resolver, but either way that couldnt of caused this problem Lets see... I also use PHP Encrytion/ Ecommerce profile in easy apache... honestly I have no clue what was best here but I need ioncube so I went with that. Only other thing I can think that ive done is change exims default port... other then that just setting up nameservers and trying to get things properly setup So if I did anything wrong there please let me know Ill be sure to do it right the next time lol.

Posted by trachr, 04-27-2012, 05:12 PM
oh 1 more question on rebuild Ive always been using 64 bit builds... would you pick 64 or 32 Im learning 32 uses less memory... CentOS-5-x86 CentOS 5 32 bit with Apache, MySQL and PHP pre-installed CentOS-5-x86_64 CentOS 5 64 bit with Apache, MySQL and PHP pre-installed CentOS-6-x86 CentOS 6 32 bit with Apache, MySQL and PHP pre-installed CentOS-6-x86_64 CentOS 6 64 bit with Apache, MySQL and PHP pre-installed are the options I pick from... also can do those same options but base OS so minimal

Posted by enigma-1, 04-28-2012, 06:05 AM
Depends how much ram you have. If it's less than 4G, 32bit is fine

Posted by medioscorp, 10-30-2012, 01:49 PM
Hi all. I have a VPS on KH and i'm having some similar problems. A lot of my users reports that the prompt for user and password appears every second. Even when they click on cancel. I check all the configuration on the outlook and looks ok. I log in to the account by webamail and everythings work great. It's getting to anoying cause it happens a lot of the time that outlook stars asking for user and password even when it have it correct and saved on the account. I have reported this to KH a lot but they claim is an error of outlook. It happens me with almost all outlook versions. So i'm guessing outlook is not the problem or am I wrong? Hope someone can help me out with this issue.

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