
Help with SSL vhosts on WHM

Posted by sender, 10-05-2012, 02:27 PM
Good Morning, I am running on Wired Tree VPS and have been talking to support there regarding SSL redirection. Basically, I have a purchased SSL for '' (primary domain), I have a bunch of addon domains that I would like to use the SSL for (with the understanding that the browser will throw a warning about server name not matching cert). Currently when I attempt to navigate to I am automatically redirected to the server name on the cert ( Wired Tree indicates this is a result of WHM only setting up a vhost entry for SSL on They said they could add vhost settings to resolve this, however it is beyond the scope of their managed service and I would have to pay for an hour of time. My question, to this great community, is what do I need to do to allow my addon domains to NOT be redirected and to use's SSL (with the browser warning). If an expert here could guide me to the vhost settings I would need to place in the WHM include editor (post virtual hosts) I would really appreciate it. Thanks for your help! Sender

Posted by MikeDVB, 10-05-2012, 04:48 PM
I would suggest submitting a ticket with cPanel -> [or] posting on their forums ->

Posted by BestServerSupport, 10-05-2012, 09:43 PM
Why do you wish to use the same SSL certificate for add on domains? If you are running e-commerce websites always go with a private certificate to avoid SSL warning messages.

Posted by SajanP, 10-05-2012, 09:49 PM
Another thing to do is, rather than using an SSL intended for a different domain on your addons, just use self signed certificates. You're going to get the error/warning either way, you may as well get it because of trust and have it work properly rather than an actual error in the cert itself. Also, double check to make sure you've setup ADDON domains and not Parked domains. Let us know if you're doing any sort of redirection in WHM/cPanel as well.

Posted by BestServerSupport, 10-05-2012, 10:02 PM
I am agree with @sajanNOPPIX. You probably need to use shared SSL certificate [self signed] for your add on domains if you really not worried about SSL warnings.

Posted by sender, 10-12-2012, 02:11 PM
Couldn't use the standard cpanel shared cert as the URL cpanel sets up was messing with the CMS I am working with (paths were messed up to images primarily). The SSL was only needed for backend tasks in the CMS system and adding a browser exception was acceptable for this project. Creating a custom VHOSTS entry in the WHM include editor (post virtual host) allowed me to use my main site's SSL cert for my addon domain CMS projects. Thanks to all the replies here -- appreciate the knowledge of the WHT community!

Posted by BestServerSupport, 10-12-2012, 09:54 PM
Happy to hear that you were manage to fix the issue by adding VHOSTS entry via WHM. Thanks for updating here though. Yes, SSL browser warning is fine, as you have mentioned that the SSL was only needed for backend tasks in the CMS system.

Posted by mondmond88, 10-17-2012, 11:08 AM
hmm, actually i think wt should help you out on this, and not asking u to pay one hour of their time. but glad you got it working thou

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