
Innohosting = Massive headache!!!

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 03:11 PM
Well I had to switch hosting. I must admit that the tech support for innohosting is HORRIBLE. They don't give a damn about keeping customers happy. I guess you get what you pay for. Cheap service = bad customer support. Never again for me. I switched to iHubNet and they are awesome. They had me up and running in about 2 hours completely migrated. Execellent response time.

Posted by rv_irl, 01-08-2008, 03:23 PM
Thank you for posting your review.. I was monitoring your issues, and believe our support was prompt, detailed and friendly. You are welcome to post the ticket logs as I am confident we handled you very well. You claim the problem was on our side, we switched you between servers in the USA to servers in the UK, and you claimed every single one of them was not sufficient. We put you on a server with no customers, and you claimed our servers were overloaded despite a load average of 0.00 and almost nil CPU utilisation. You did mention in your ticket that you would prefer not to leave us, so I'm not sure of the emphasis of "horrible". I can assure you we do care about our clients and many can vouch for that and our support is something we are renowned for. In your tickets you began requesting particular members of staff reply and particular don't. When you ask our main tech guy not to attend to your issues, then quite honestly you will have problems. But all the best with your new host, I hope you don't experience the same type of problems. Last edited by rv_irl; 01-08-2008 at 03:27 PM.

Posted by Patrick, 01-08-2008, 03:46 PM
If you're going to talk bad about a company on a public forum you better at least provide some evidence to back your claims up. Post some tickets in full and let the WHT community be the judge as to if InnoHosting was in the wrong or if you were just plain hard to deal with... I'm sure InnoHosting isn't perfect, no host is perfect, but you cannot honestly expect anyone to take your post serious without providing some form of proof.

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 03:55 PM
I know how you people like to sugar coat things on this forum. I am not going to prove or try to argue my case. Hopefully people trust me when I say the support is horrible. 1) It takes ATLEAST an hour to get a response on a ticket. Days to get things resolved. 2) The server they had me on was downloading at 10-20k 3) They were trying to pin a server problem on my coding. even when I wrote a simple program to test the bandwidth and proved it was their server. Once I did this they stopped responsding to my ticket posts. Which to me says I don't want to help you anymore. Honestly I am not a hard person to deal with. All I ask is for some good customer support. Which I can honestly say I was not provided with. Another thing to watch out for are these hosting employees coming on here and trying to belittle people for sharing their negative experience. If you notice they NEVER do anything wrong. It's allways the customers fault. All I want from this is to share the truth about my experience with innohosting. BEWARE.

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 04:01 PM There is proof for you. Showing you that pulling simple data from a thumb nail from 2 different servers takes a ridiculous amount of time. I personally beleive they are overselling their bandwidth. Here is the same script on a non-INNOHOSTING server. Last edited by SDEinc; 01-08-2008 at 04:11 PM.

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 04:12 PM
Here is the code for the first script: Here is the code for the second script:

Posted by Patrick, 01-08-2008, 04:13 PM
Well, one server is located in the UK and the other server is located in the US... The one in the US averages about 30ms from ThePlanet where TemplateMonster is located, so obviously any downloads from the US location is going to be faster to other US websites. Did you ask them to switch you to a US data center, or did you want to stay on a UK server?

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 04:14 PM
I was told I was on a server in washington. I didn't find out it was a uk server until yesterday. Which is when I switched. Well now that I go back and re-read it. I mistook DC for washington dc. I would have never oked a switch to the uk. Last edited by SDEinc; 01-08-2008 at 04:19 PM.

Posted by blueskimonkey, 01-08-2008, 04:22 PM
I've just tried your script from one of my UK servers and the times are less than 1s, I would check where your site was hosted and perhaps arrange to move it to a location close to where the bulk of your customers are located.

Posted by rv_irl, 01-08-2008, 04:41 PM
Can you give me permission to post screenshots of our response times so long as I censor out sensitive information? As I believe we did respond in good time and very detailed. I believe within an hour is fine for responses. In some cases you may get a response within a couple of minutes, sometimes it can take upto 1 hour. It averages out to 30 minutes. I don't believe even an hour is a bad response time. You do also always have the option of ringing tech support for an instant answer on our toll-free. Our tech support is open 24x7 by telephone too. Here is a test file on the UK server: Here is a test file on a USA server that you were on: I would like to politely state that this is not the full story. We are simply trying to troubleshoot the problem and determine the fault. Not one single customer of the thousands of sites we host has this problem. So quite obviously, it is going to take slightly longer for a resolution. I'm afraid this is where we differ on opinions. I believe we handled everything very well, and if I was given the opportunity to do this all over again, I would not change a single thing. I believe your request for a senior tech not to respond to your question was a difficult request. Despite that, Chris and I stayed up late until the night working on your site and ringing both the onsite techs at the UK DC and USA DC in pin pointing the issue. I don't believe it is the hosting company always wrong. People are more common to come and give a negative review, rather than a positive one, by nature of course. A host has every right to respond to those claims. The client may not always like the side of the story the host wishes to express. But like I said, I do indeed wish you every success with your business. I am sorry that we could not live to your expectations, and I hope you all the best with your new host

Posted by securinet, 01-08-2008, 06:18 PM
I've been following this thread since it started as i was quite supprised when i noticed its title when it appeared in the forums. I'll openly admit (even though i'm reselling their services through my business) that i am an InnoHosting customer, and have been since last July (2007). From when i first signed up, i needed some assistance/advice with setting up particular aspects of the hosting business that were unfamiliar to me. Examples of this were using cronjobs, and my billing program. I didn't really expect much help from them to be honest as other hosts i've used all find it too easy to say along the lines of ''please take up this issue up with the 3rd party software provider's support department." or "this is not our issue, everything is fine from our end." But this was not the case with Inno, Chris and Rameen who have dealt with most of my questions themselves have helped me by answering questions which looking back now, really were beyond what i still expect of them and their support. They spend time, provide advice and suggestions when i've asked and actually for once give me as a customer time and dedication, which again, i find is way above what i expect from a competitively priced hosting company. Regarding the problems with server response times etc, i've never found a problem with this, and i'm in the UK with my hosting in the USA. I see no need to move it to the UK where most of my customers are as they are all happy enough with what they get already. I've also never had any problems with downtime, and as far as i can see on their stats from pingdom, they are not far off 100% uptime, if not 100% every single month! One other thing i'd like to add is regarding the person saying that they dont care about their existing customers - why did they give one customer a free christmas meal for two and paid upto $200 for the cost of the meal??? That had no benefit to them and was only open to existing customers. The way i see it is that they did it because they genuinely wanted to do something nice to show their appreciation for existing customers. (Before anyone asks, i was unfortunately not the winner!) Great Job InnoHosting. Keep it up! Regards, Michael Hill

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 06:27 PM
If you guys notice not ONE response about the lag in their servers... LOOK AT THE PROOF! That script doesn't lie! If you spent half the time trying to fix the problems instead of sitting here defending yourself and trying to score new customers. I bet you would have alot more business.

Posted by rv_irl, 01-08-2008, 06:31 PM
What proof? I provided public download files for everyone to download to see what our connections are like. I went over and beyond providing proof. And look at securinets response, he doesn't see any lag.. And look at the response before that from blueskimonkey, he also sees nothing wrong. I'm not sure what else you would like me to do. I have responded to your termination ticket, I have addressed and apologised for the way you feel even though I see nothing wrong..I have asked for your permission to post the tickets to provide further evidence.. You have written a review about the company I represent, I have every right to come here and defend the company and provide our side of the story. I'm not sure what else you would like from me? Last edited by rv_irl; 01-08-2008 at 06:35 PM.

Posted by devonblzx, 01-08-2008, 06:50 PM
I must say, the script you provided doesn't show too much, it shows that the download speed of the server seems to be suffering from your other site, that's about it. My point is this, what does download speed matter to you? If you look at the upload speed from your other server it drops from 15 seconds to 3 seconds. Your also comparing an LA server to a UK server, do you know how many miles are inbetween LA and the UK? It looks to me like they had tried to satisfy you by moving you to a different data center, and their was a misunderstanding of the new location of the DC. Of course your not going to get the best speeds from a UK server if you are from the west coast US, this is just plain and simple. Sorry to hear about your experience, but I really think you overreacted by calling their support so-called "HORRIBLE" if they took the time to migrate you and responded to your tickets within one hour.

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 06:53 PM
Click the script run it and see the un-acceptable lag. This is no coding issue. It's an issue with your server. Your servers have trouble communicating with other servers. Just go here and see how the EXACT same script runs superfast.... I would just like you to admit your wrong and stop trying to blame me unless you can provide proof of my ignorance causing this lag.

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 07:02 PM
That script shows the time it takes for code to execute. Not download speeds. Listen... They still don't know what the problem is! Why? because they don't care to look into it. You are getting an outside view of this situation. This chris guy moved me only because I sent him about 30 messages trying to argue my case. Not to mention this ordereal brought my site down for 3 days. Sometimes they would get back to me in 30 min sometimes it was 24 hours. They don't seem to have support on sundays. Everything was "Its a coding issue contact a third party" to them. I don't know how much more proof I could have given them.

Posted by rv_irl, 01-08-2008, 07:11 PM
We do have support covered 24x7x365 by both ticket and telephone. People in doubt can test our tech support by giving us a call on 1-888-522-INNO and go through to tech support at any time of the day including Sundays.. As for your us proving our servers communicate well with other servers, Chris will follow up with that shortly

Posted by johannes, 01-08-2008, 07:15 PM
This is what i get from the server from SA ================================================ This script gets image data from a remote file: The thumb size is => 145 The script's execution time was 15.7495 seconds... This script gets image data from a remote file: The thumb size is => 145 The script's execution time was 10.8091 seconds... This script gets image data from a local file: 17199-m.jpg The thumb size is => 145 The script's execution time was 0.0001 seconds. ================================================= And this is what i get from the other new server from SA ================================================= This script gets image data from a remote file: The thumb size is => 145 The script's execution time was 0.7183 seconds... This script gets image data from a remote file: The thumb size is => 145 The script's execution time was 0.8557 seconds... This script gets image data from a local file: 17199-m.jpg The thumb size is => 145 The script's execution time was 0.0001 seconds... ==================================================

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 07:21 PM
That is allmost exactly what I get. 15 seconds to get image size data is rediculous.

Posted by ldcdc, 01-08-2008, 08:29 PM
Looks like the server's got some issues connecting to/downloading from remote locations, but works quite fine otherwise. Whether that is an easy to troubleshoot issue, or enough to call them "horrible", is only a matter of debate and speculation. It appears though that they did put effort into it, and that should count for something.

Posted by db09, 01-08-2008, 08:41 PM
Glad to see this has morphed into an advertisement for another webhosting company. Nice. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Not to cheapen it in any way, OP, but it seems like your situation is an isolated incident. It also looks like Inno has worked hard to help resolve the problem with you. If this were a widespread issue, I'm sure we'd see it crop up more than once. Not only on WHT but on the plethora of other review sites. I can tell you, from personal experience, that what you are claiming in regards to Innohosting's support is extremely out of character for Rameen, Chris and crew and as a result, I find it somewhat difficult to digest. Upon signing up, Rameen went absolutely and totally out of his way to assist me with a gripe that was, admittedly, most due to an itchy trigger finger on my part. This was resolved not just to my satisfaction, but above and beyond. On the technical side of things, Chris has done an outstanding job on two occasions to resolve problems for me and show me where things went wrong, as to prevent future occurrences. Once with a DNS issue that was a result of some screwy settings from my previous host and most recently with an extremely odd e-mail problem that Chris ended up finding the source of and correcting. It took a day or so total in both instances to resolve the issue, but I was kept up to date the entire time. Part of that 'day or so' would also include me not immediately responding to ticket responses from Inno's support staff. This mostly occurred during the day while I was at the office, which I would imagine is the time of highest availability for support (of any company). I believe the longest I had to wait for a ticket response was about 2 hours. This occurred with the e-mail issue. By that point, as was described to me in the tickets, a boatload of possible causes had been tested and ruled out, so of course it's going to take a bit of time to check and see what else has not been looked at. One more comment, you will see alot on here when people have any issue with a script where the user is quick to introduce the notion that the support staff of the company was *blaming* the problem on their script. I can almost guarantee you that 99% of the time, it is simply a suggestion on the part of the support tech to take a look at your coding and make sure everything is in order. A good support team should work with you to resolve an issue, especially a complex one, and from reading this it looks like Chris did just that. It's unfortunate you were not happy with Innohosting but at the same time, I think the tone and wording of your comments is somewhat over-reactionary. Dave Last edited by db09; 01-08-2008 at 08:55 PM.

Posted by rv_irl, 01-08-2008, 08:49 PM
It doesn't have problems connecting with other sites, it is simply TemplateMonster. If you alter that script and use it to pull data from another host, it will work quite fast. The issue we were trying to figure out is whether this is a problem with TemplateMonster or with us. So far, it seems to be TemplateMonster imposing limits after a particular amount of time. The issue is only between a remote server and TemplateMonster. All our tests show that it is what we expect. For example here is another server of ours: And also Shawn, you were actually on that server originally. That is Server3, and if you look through your ticket history, you will see the IP corresponds to server3. Look at the test results: As you can see, our servers are faster than your new host, and much faster than scalahosting. We have genuinely invested a lot of money into hardware and pay a really high price for the premium bandwidth we use. I can assure you, this isn't a problem on our side. So the problem? TemplateMonster limits the speed of connections after a particular period of time, and that is rightly so in order to not leak bandwidth out to other sites as it does cost them money.. That is also why we asked you to contact TemplateMonster. In summary: - Customers have shown here that our response times are fast. I have provided evidence of this and asked you twice for permission to show this further. I continued and posted a telephone number for anybody here to test our tech support any time, any day. - I have gone forward and provided you proof of what we originally stated. TemplateMonster is the one limiting the speed and not us. I'm sure after a particular period of time, you will experience these same problems with your new host as well. I hope that satisifies your questions. That is all I can say Shawn. I have addressed all your issues on this thread publicly, you've seen opinions of the public which also support that we did indeed put a lot of effort into getting this resolved, but we cannot fix something which is not in our control. Finally, and once again, all the best. Last edited by rv_irl; 01-08-2008 at 08:55 PM.

Posted by ldcdc, 01-08-2008, 09:13 PM
The script measured ~10 seconds when using the other link, too. If anything, it appears it's not just a TemplateMonster issue. Arguably, the same protection thing might kick in at the other server too, but it seems a bit unlikely.

Posted by neil@ukwebhosting, 01-08-2008, 09:22 PM
Personal opinion on the situation. I think the OP. took the huff too quickly, yes there was problems, but if things are as was posted these was being looked into then he might have being better of waiting. If the hoster wasn't investigating then maybe a move might have being in order. But one hour ticket reply doesn't seem that bad especially as it seemed non critical.

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 09:25 PM
This is the third time I have had to deal with this problem. I can't afford my site being up and down like that. The poster above you is correct. The problem was not just with template monster. If they were paying attention and cared they would have noticed that.

Posted by rv_irl, 01-08-2008, 09:30 PM
We switched the DNS resolver IP's when trying to troubleshoot this problem. I was aware of it. The resolution took longer with those IP's. We were working with the DC on this. If me staying up till 3am and Chris working on this for hours everyday making sure it is not a problem at our end means we didn't care, then I cannot argue with that opinion. But others have shown that we did do a hell of a lot quite evidently. Last edited by rv_irl; 01-08-2008 at 09:35 PM.

Posted by neil@ukwebhosting, 01-08-2008, 09:33 PM
If everything you have said is true, if I ever left my present hoster then I would certainly have no doubst about considering Innohosting.

Posted by rv_irl, 01-08-2008, 09:36 PM
Thank you - Appreciate the kind commment @SDEinc I am not going to argue any longer as regardless of whatever proof I post it is not good enough for you. I have proved our response times, and proved that it can work fast on our servers. I have said everything that I have needed to say. If you believe you need to carry this on and continue claiming I missed X out or didn't do Y, then be my guest. But this is me done with this thread. Good night everyone

Posted by cyberdog, 01-08-2008, 10:10 PM
Seems like a mod needs to come in here and delete the Scalahosting spam. Sounds like some TOS grey area. SDEinc: I tried the two download links provide by Inno which are on the two servers you were on. You said they didn't care but they moved you to a server on another continent with no users on it. If you are having issues with a server with no users on it, that server is at another DC altogether, and you wont even post the ticket log to prove your claims of bad response times or support, then YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY SDEinc The speeds are what I expect, faster for servers closer to me, and slower for servers far away, but the speeds are fine. And heck the cpu time on an empty server should be fine too. I'd point right to the code too. I'm not trying to be biased towards Inno but you have provided no solid proof whatsoever. And Inno has challenged you to provide proof. If Inno really is all that bad you should have plenty of proof. Inno can't hide that proof here either since it's public and would make them look bad. Moderators...this seems to be more of a flame war then a customer dispute. Why the heck is this not mediated by a 3rd party? All I ask is that SDEinc provide proof such as ticket logos to back his claims or to take the claims back.

Posted by SDEinc, 01-08-2008, 10:28 PM
I don't have the time to argue with every innohosting nut swinger here. So basicly, you can either believe me and save your self a headache or not the choice is yours. I am done with this thread. Best of luck to you all

Posted by Annex, 01-09-2008, 12:01 AM
We all aren't innohosting nuts you are just ridiculous, this review should have the title changed, as for the speed of the server: It isn't getting much faster.

Posted by dwscenter, 01-09-2008, 02:20 AM
So Rameen what Nut Swinger Number am I Anyways, this was quite an interesting thread, especially being the first one I actually seen a negative comment on Innohosting that actually had some feed back, so Im sorry SDEinc that things dont work with you at Innohosting, but I do find Chris to be very helpful anytime I need help at Innohosting, and Im sure the other xxxxxx amount of clients feel the same so this is like 1 complaint out of the 1000s of hosts that Innohosting is handeling so Rameen I feel you guys are doing a fine job their Keep up with the good work! I have always stood behind quality service and will be the first one to shout out when Im receiving good service, and I will always stand behind Innohosting if they keep the service that they have for the past 10 months with me! Thanks Tom

Posted by anon-e-mouse, 01-09-2008, 06:50 AM
Good luck to you

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