
Data lost

Posted by Rezaa, 10-15-2012, 05:30 PM
Hello, My server was unavailable few days due to fualty sda. The server was reachable after each restart for only few hours and everything was fine in that short priod. I asked the datacenter to add a new HDD to the server and attach the faulty drive to it. They did my request. But when I mount the drive, I can not find my data on it! I'm sure that all data was there before adding the new HDD but now I can not find them on the mounted drive! Is there any solution to access my data on the old drive?

Posted by kill -9 $RANDOM, 10-15-2012, 08:41 PM
From the sounds of it, professional data recovery is probably the best option. Try asking the host to see what they recommend.

Posted by Cirtex, 10-15-2012, 10:03 PM
First thing that came to mind as well, and it can be very slow or expensive depending on what kind of recovery and level is needed. I'd definitely recommend just trying other methods first, and perhaps asking the DC to try mounting the drive to another machine to test first.

Posted by kill -9 $RANDOM, 10-16-2012, 01:30 AM
If it truly is a hardware failure, trying to mount it to a different machine *may* not be advisable as power cycling the drive could just worsen the problem and increase the cost of data recovery. It would be best to get some kind of assessment from the datacenter or SMART test on the drive to see what exactly is going on with the drive. But yeah, data recovery is going to be big time and big money if that is what is needed.

Posted by BestServerSupport, 10-16-2012, 09:38 AM
Were your data critical? You can use third party recovery tools to retrieve your data if you have good budget. What your host told about this? You should better ask them for recovery solution. By the way, do you have any kind of backup with you?

Posted by Rezaa, 10-16-2012, 09:52 AM
Finaly I mounted the faulty drive but it seems the drive is formated and there is no data on it! I've asked the datacenter (Hetzner) to recover my data, also I told them I will pay how much money they want, but they just said "We are not providing any recover service" !!! I'm really regret that I've chosen Hetzner.

Posted by BestServerSupport, 10-16-2012, 10:15 AM
sad to here this. The only option available here is to get help of data recovery specialist to recover data OR restore available data from the backup.

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