
any reseller hosting average $1 per G per month?

Posted by webers, 10-05-2007, 11:57 PM
i need both windows and linux(php+my mySQL) requirement: 1. speed should be accepatable. ping time should be less than 250 which i will test myself 2. for windows, 10GB or more, for linux, 20GB+, bandwidth should be at least 20xspace 3. average ticket time should be less than 1 hour. 20 minutes prefer... as a sample 10GB - 200GB bandwidth - $10/month 20GB - 400GB bandwidth - $20/month

Posted by domaincart, 10-06-2007, 10:24 AM
Your budget is too low. You cannot find a reliable windows reseller hosting for $10/month as your requirements. This is impossible.

Posted by 040Hosting, 10-06-2007, 01:18 PM
Webers, Only advise i can give you, seriously reconsider your budget, for point 1, 2 and 3. good luck with your search though.. Kindest regards, Patrick

Posted by nimbar, 10-06-2007, 04:17 PM
Hi, I think you're too cheap, if you want a stable business, stable and happy customers and of course stable net gains... you should pay more for your reseller services. Anyways, good luck with your search, who knows, you may find something, but prepare a backup plan in case of a disaster!. Have a nice day.

Posted by ldcdc, 10-06-2007, 05:06 PM
Actually, point 1 he can retain. It doesn't take a good host to have a decent ping.

Posted by PremiumHost, 10-07-2007, 08:17 PM
Loading speed depends on server load. Ping is still good while the website doesn't load He could get a host with the quantity requirements but time will answer the quality side.

Posted by 040Hosting, 10-22-2007, 04:16 AM
ldcdc of course. Pings do not say anything if you know how it works; hence there are even hosts which you can't ping at all (firewalled) or finding a router which drops icmp packages because its to busy with doing other stuff, which does not mean it is a bad host at all. But it was more about the general picture of the OP's post

Posted by Outlaw Web Master, 10-22-2007, 12:12 PM
you seem to know what you want which is great however, you'll need to be more realistic with the budget if it's to be trouble free. decent hosting prices and when you try to pay too little the only thing you'll find you get a lot of is slow speeds,downtime and complaints. owm

Posted by ldcdc, 10-22-2007, 02:27 PM
I know 040hosting. Good post by the way. You outlined exactly what I was trying to say with my tongue-in-cheek (but of a rather obscure nature) post.

Posted by under_gravity, 10-23-2007, 07:27 AM
even if you find one for that price you will struggle with support forever.

Posted by Nnyan, 10-26-2007, 06:57 PM
There are hosts out there that will give you that many resources (or more) for your asking price. Sign up for one of them and then come back in 3-4 months and let us know how it went. IMHO a cheap lesson.

Posted by rabbie, 10-27-2007, 12:19 AM
HA HA!... and I agree... You get what you pay for.

Posted by iHubNet, 10-27-2007, 05:29 AM
I agree that you need to increase your budget to get with reliability... You could go with oversellers, but I am not sure that's what you are looking for.. thanks

Posted by Annex, 10-28-2007, 03:59 PM
hostingpuppy would be your only real option.

Posted by 01globalnet, 10-28-2007, 04:19 PM
The new plans of Hostgator can suit your needs - on bigger packages the price per gig is below $1...

Posted by RDOSTI, 10-28-2007, 04:33 PM
I can think of many that would. There's nothing really wrong with that pricing Linux hosting is low cost anyways. Windows hosting on the other hand will be expensive since the OS itself is "Premium/Charged". Regards

Posted by Funkadelic, 10-28-2007, 04:35 PM
Before I had a hosting company, I hosted my sites with and I found them off advertising an unlimited bandwidth/storage plan for $24.95. Techs are in India but it was good service nonetheless.

Posted by a1domainhosting, 10-29-2007, 03:14 AM
I prefer if you are serious re consider your price on windows reseller account. On linux i think, what you are asking is fine which any host should be able to provide you. Ping also depends on your own net connection and your n/w, so do consider that as well. These days lots of companies are overselling so you will get what you are asking for just make sure you have right company to support you and does not blocks accounts just because they use given space. Few names posted here on this thread block accounts just because they use more then 50% space given. You have to reply to your customer just be sure

Posted by 040Hosting, 10-29-2007, 03:41 AM
Are you guys reading the OPS request at all, what he is asking is not possible for most companies, its not only 1GB per dollar, but ALSO a response time of a dedicated support engineer which is not a fair business deal; and lets face it we all have a living to make, except for those who have their servers running in their living room.

Posted by a1domainhosting, 10-29-2007, 03:51 AM
thats the catch many companies these days come in days time and offer such space and bandwidth and support. Can you tel me how so called big companies can offer 300GB only for $4 a month? is that possible. How much space server can hold and how many such accounts. Will company affort to have max 2-3 clients on one server and pay high server cost and support charges for only $-$20max a month. This is all marketing and making others fool. Many peoples here in hosting does not understand and are carried away with ads.

Posted by 040Hosting, 10-29-2007, 06:33 AM
Apperently you still didnt find the OPs post:

Posted by a1domainhosting, 10-29-2007, 09:53 AM
cant you effort $30-$40 to pay to support team when you are a big company? Normally these companies do outsource and these guys do reply within an hrs time. Anyways forget we might be seeing from different angle.

Posted by 040Hosting, 10-29-2007, 09:58 AM
Might be, but replying or solving a ticket are two different things.

Posted by a1domainhosting, 10-29-2007, 10:07 AM
agree with you but companies i am talking are real good support and solving kind of guys/firms.

Posted by WebHostingTopList, 10-29-2007, 06:26 PM
Are you looking for reseller hosting with overselling enabled or not? Keep in mind that most of your customers will use less then 100 % of allocated resources. So lets say that average customer will use 50 % of allocated resources (of course that it will depend on how many resources you are going to offer but because you have used as an example plans with 10 GB and 20 GB web space I guess you are not going to offer too much resources to your customers so I expect they will use higher % of resources comparing with web hosts offering 100's GBs of disk space). Have a look at these reseller plans examples: Plan A: 10 GB web space 200 GB data transfer overselling enabled price: $10/mo Plan B: 15 GB web space 300 GB data transfer overselling not allowed price: $10/mo Plan B offers more resources for the same price. But lets say that your will offer to your customers hosting plans with 1 GB web space and 20 GB data transfer. Plan B allows to resell the allocated resources to 15 customers. If average customer will use only 50 % of resources (the % is usually many times lower than 50 %) you can resell Plan A to 20 customers. So ask your reseller host if overselling is enabled.

Posted by Luxore, 10-30-2007, 09:12 PM
I don't think you can find good windows hosting at this price, but linux hosting yes. You might take a look at I was pretty impressed by their operation and I don't impress that easily

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