
my extra ips doesnt work

Posted by rcpkrc, 05-24-2012, 03:12 PM
hello, l have one default and 4 extra ip. my default domain is working. but my extra ips are not working. what should l do to make my extra ips work via ssh?

Posted by Josphin, 05-25-2012, 02:22 AM
I think there may be a firewall affect in your system. try csf -a Or one of the IP can be assigned for two domains.

Posted by gigatux, 05-25-2012, 02:28 AM
I agree that it could be a firewall. If you're not running csf, take a look at iptables -L and iptables -t mangle -L to see if anything could be blocking your new IPs. If you can't ping your IPs still and don't have a firewall, it might just be easiest to ask your hosting provider to confirm that the IPs are routed correctly. I don't know if it would affect connectivity, but I noticed that your netmask on eth0 is whereas it's on your aliased interfaces. I would have expected them to be the same so you should check this out.

Posted by Josphin, 05-25-2012, 02:44 AM
I agree , you can lookup into the iptables whether it could be block .

Posted by Srv24x7, 05-25-2012, 08:29 AM
If firewall is also not the issue and even though you are not able to ping those extra ips , Then there is obviously some sort of routing issue with the additional IPs you have on the server. Consult your DC about this.

Posted by rcpkrc, 05-25-2012, 04:43 PM
l tried both of the codes and commands, extra ips seems added already to the server but l dont kno whow to check if those ips are locked or not. and the other advices, l can ping those ips 's from inside the server via ssh but l cant outside of the server. there is firewall scf but l dont think soo its a firewall issue. any1 can help me about the network issue?

Posted by Josphin, 05-26-2012, 01:11 AM
If the firewal is not be the issue then you can send more mails beyond the limit. so they can block your ip. you contact to your DC or support center.

Posted by markspeed, 05-26-2012, 01:42 AM
Have you tried contacting hetzner support since your server is with them? Also it seems silly to snip your ip when you've left the bcast/mask there and your ip(s) are easily identifiable anyway. What is the output of: ip addr show; ip route show ? Try the basics - 1) can you ping the aliased ips at all ? 2) Can you ping out with them as the source address ? 3) Try stopping iptables/csf if you are running a firewall temporarily to see if you are able to. If your ips are working and just not working via SSH, it's very likely to be #3, or perhaps you have hardcoded your primary ip in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and sshd isn't listening on the others. netstat -an should help you determine this.

Posted by rcpkrc, 05-26-2012, 03:15 AM
I need some1 who can help me via teamviewer to solve this problem in my server cos l contaced hetzner and they said they dont provide software support and l am not good at network issues..

Posted by InfiniteTech, 05-26-2012, 03:40 AM
Looks like you added the IP address from cPanel. Can you reboot your server and see if the problem persists?

Posted by anuja9991, 05-27-2012, 10:02 AM
Please fire following two commands via ssh, it will help you out /etc/init.d/ipaliases restart /scripts/rebuildippool

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