Knowledgebase unable to handle basic issues on saturday ...

Posted by hebergeo, 04-28-2007, 06:10 PM
Well ... We paid and they cannot put up the account back on on sat .. This is not serious ...

Posted by littlened, 04-28-2007, 06:15 PM
I'm having a problem with them too, signed up for an account on friday, the account has been setup but I never received the confirmation, and now I have to wait until monday for the confirmation e-mail with all the details on so I can use the account.

Posted by cartika-andrew, 04-28-2007, 06:15 PM
wow - they either need to not suspend overdue accounts on a weekend or they need to have staff authorized to re-instate accounts once they have been paid - weekend or not - seems like a small thing to consider when providing reseller hosting. I imagine this is a factor of their growth and simply missing this scenario and not accounting for it. Although this doesnt help you now, I am particular this policy will change with them in the not too distant future.

Posted by Ronald_Craft, 04-28-2007, 06:48 PM
I can see how having nobody authorized to re-activate a suspended account is on them. You payed them, so they really need to have someone online at all times that can look at the payment history and go " payed..ok, turn it back on boys!" However, if your billing date is the same each month..and you have all these important clients to worry about..shouldn't you have remembered to pay? It's not that hard to mark it on your calendar or put a reminder on your cell phone. Seems like laziness on your companies part. This isn't all RZ's fault. It's their fault for not having anyone that can help you after you paid. But, it's your fault for being late with your payment. Your email server being down didn't change the date your bill was due.

Posted by cartika-andrew, 04-28-2007, 07:08 PM
Hi 1stsrike, I think that is a little harsh. I am trying hard to say that RZ simply overlooked this scenario and will correct it - but, end of the day, suspending reseller accounts on a weekend and providing no capacity to get them back up is a little irresponsible - as you are effectively putting people out of business. It matters not if its the same bill each month, etc - as a provider of reseller hosting services, you have a reasonable responsibility for peoples businesses. People forget to pay bills, didnt receive notifications, whatever - it doesnt matter. I do not think the poster is complaining that their account was suspended - I think they are rightfully complaining that they cant get their services back up for several days - which can effectively put them out of business - this is squarely on the shoulders of RZ as this situation should simply never ever ever occur.

Posted by hebergeo, 04-28-2007, 07:15 PM
Well, we dont have a monthly billing date, due to the fact we do *NOT* pay our partners monthly. For rezeller zoom and hosting providers, we pay like 6 Months at a time. This is much more easier to manage. Add to this the fact that I was not available this week. Spring is the time for all seminars, congress and events, and I participated to 3 congress last 10 days, and 3 more the week that is coming. internetworld is coming in 2 days in London, and we will be glad to meet any of you there too, look for Last edited by hebergeo; 04-28-2007 at 07:20 PM.

Posted by Ronald_Craft, 04-28-2007, 07:20 PM
Apparently it isn't, since you forgot to pay. Now, let me ask you..after this whole fiasco, are you still happy with them? Would you rather stay with a budget provider whom is going to give you canned responses in tech support or would you rather spend a few extra bucks to ensure you get a company that will never let this happen in the first place? Would you bet your job on it?

Posted by cartika-andrew, 04-28-2007, 07:23 PM
Now this is an excellent statement. Having said this, budget provider or not, this is a fundamental process which I believe they will correct - otherwise they probably should not be in the reseller hosting business - as I honestly believe they are amongst the better budget reseller providers.

Posted by hebergeo, 04-28-2007, 07:44 PM
anyway the problem is not budget or not budget. I usually do not respond to forum accusations or forum trolls, so i wont respond to trolling this time as well. This said, we own our own servers in a NOC 4 miles away from our buidling for particular purposes, we work as well with Rackspace for managed hosting. Now, depending what service your provide at what price you provide it, you cannot afford some heavy bandwith cost for some internet services. We are migrating many of our accounts to our own servers. But bandwith is expsensive, if you ever dealt with large traffic sites, you should know it. Plus, when you have many dynamic hosted sites, you cannot migrate it in 2 days. This can take some time, some weeks, and even many weeks, depending of the technologies used and many other factors. People who have some business web hosting experience know what i'm talking about. Anyway, im glad i now rarely chat on forums on the internet, when i see all those free agressivity on those forums. Trolls. trolls. trolls. Im glad I work so much i do not have spare time on forums anymore.

Posted by JordanSS, 04-28-2007, 07:47 PM
Helloooo... are you guys serious? Canned responses? Budget provider? RZ? I can't believe it I read this. It's YOUR job to pay YOUR bills. And if you don't pay the bill for 5 days they suspend your account. Did you payed before the 5 days and they suspended it? You just copy/pasted a problem that you discussed with a Technical Support guy. And you were asking him about your billing problems. It's like you ask me that I am a sales guy to manage your server and then complain about me messing things around. They don't have billing working in weekends? No they don't. And they didn't in the moment you signed up. And you knew that and agreed to that (it's in the TOS and in the website). So why are you accusing one company that you agreed to work with that they are not doing a job they never said they will do? I understand that it's bad for business to have your website down but it's your fault that it's down. And when you ask a tech guy to resolve your billing problems and he can't do it... you just don't say "just deal with this conversation on webhostingtalk then". @CartikaHosting: I am sure you know suspending a site can be an automated process. PS: I am not trying to defend RZ here but I wander why do you agree to work with a company by it's rules forget to pay in time and run to WHT to complain about your mistake as it's the company that one that made it. Last edited by JordanSS; 04-28-2007 at 07:52 PM.

Posted by cartika-andrew, 04-28-2007, 07:55 PM
JordanSS, I am actually trying to defend RZ as much as possible here - but, your comments are way out of line. Accidents happen, bills can be forgotten to be paid, people can have crisis strike, whatever - end of the day, there is nothing wrong with RZ suspending any account which is past due - but, there is something fundamentally wrong with keeping a client who has paid down for several days because no one is capable of re-activating. Say what you will, but, if they cannot accomodate this, then they should not be suspending any accounts on the weekend. Even if this is in their TOS, it is still not a viable excuse when providing a service like reseller hosting where peoples businesses are at stake. If I was a gambler, and knowing RZ is a GOOD company, I would gamble that they will change this policy - as regardless of what you have said - a provider has a responsibility here - and that responsibility is if they are suspending accounts, to be available to re-activate in a reasonable time frame - and unfortunately, in this business - 2-4 days is not reasonable. Agreed, and the original poster probably agrees as well - but, its not their fault that all services are still down even after they have paid

Posted by onthespot, 04-28-2007, 08:05 PM
I would agree, if its so important then you need to ensure that your account is always up to date and paid for in full.

Posted by JordanSS, 04-28-2007, 08:05 PM
CartikaHosting I don't deny the fact that changing this would be good for everybody but I doubt 2 things. 1. You have a 5 day notice to pay for your bill. hebergeo says he had some problems with the mx. For 5 days? That's BAD. 2. You can't ask a tech guy to do sales or billing. It's just not his job. Next time we'll be asking billing guys to do tech and then we have a problem. RZ does business in the way they want it. It's not my job and not my business to tell them how to do business (or to tell anyone how to do business). But agreeing to some terms and then complaining about them is wrong anyway you look at this.

Posted by hebergeo, 04-28-2007, 08:09 PM
I just re-read their TOS and cannot see this. PLease show me where its mentionned their billing system is not working on week ends.

Posted by rv_irl, 04-28-2007, 08:13 PM
As Cartika has been saying several times. It's important to note that he's not debating whether or not the bill was paid on-time, but a solution should be in place where an account can be re-activated upon successful payment. The OP didn't even blame RZ for suspending his account.. His argument is that now that he has paid and RZ is willing to unsuspend the account, they won't do so until the next working day.. Mistakes happen (anyone remember when Microsoft forgot to renew Last edited by rv_irl; 04-28-2007 at 08:18 PM.

Posted by JordanSS, 04-28-2007, 08:14 PM
this is taken from the website: Sales M-F 9:00AM - 6:00PM CST 1.888.565.1145 ext.2 Sales Center Customer Service M-F 9:00AM - 6:00PM CST Customer Service Center Billing M-F 9:00AM - 6:00PM CST Billing Center Technical Support 24 Hours - 365 Days Support Center This is from the TOS: 3. Payment. * 3.1. Establishment and provision of service is contingent upon receipt of payment from Customer to Reseller Zoom. * 3.1.1. Customer must pay in full for the Services before Hosting Zoom begins to provide the Services to Customer. Invoices are generated 5 days before renewal and customer agree that if paying by credit card, recurring billing will be billed and charged automatically on the date the invoice is generated and that Hosting Zoom may apply the amount due at any time to the credit card listed on file. * 3.1.2. Setup fees will be charged and are due at the time of the Customer’s initial request of the Services requiring setup. * 3.2. Payment is due on the defined monthly recurring billing date of each month. All returned checks will be charged a $20.00 service fee. Service will be interrupted on accounts that reach 5 days past due. Accounts that are not collectable by Reseller Zoom will be turned over to an outside agency for collection. If your account is turned over for collection, you agree to pay to Reseller Zoom a “Processing and Collection” Fee of not less than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars nor more than One Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollars. 4. Delinquent Accounts. Reseller Zoom may temporarily deny service or terminate this Agreement upon failure of Customer to pay charges when due. Such termination or denial will not relieve Customer of responsibility for the payment of all accrued service fees, and any collection fees to which Reseller Zoom may be entitled under this Agreement or under applicable law. stealthdevil I already said that (as a customer) I would like this also but that's the way things are now. Billing doesn't work and the OP is blaming a tech guy for it. I can assure you that if he was talking with Kiet about it then it would have been fine with me. But why blame one guy that is doing his job (and doing it very well I might say) for something it's not his job? Last edited by JordanSS; 04-28-2007 at 08:21 PM.

Posted by hebergeo, 04-28-2007, 08:20 PM
2 things there. First. We are actually migrating many accounts, we already had a very bad experience with RZ 2 months ago, where during a server migration, they *ERASED* a full WHM account... I spent 4 hours on chat that day, and the tech guy told me, 4 days after the server migration "sorry, we erased all the old hard drive. You data is lost." Ye, we have backup and such. But at least they did not. they erased 1 of our account ..... Since that day i wanted to move from this Budget Reseller to another solution. We started to migrate some sites, but all were not done. I still wanted to keep RZ, due to their failover budget solution for some large traffic sites/internet service we own. We were not sure about what plan to go with. So we *DID NOT* threw in another 6 months paiement. I was not even sure i was going to stay with them.

Posted by Ireland, 04-28-2007, 08:21 PM
Perhaps this is a very good item to consider when selecting a Reseller Hosting Service. Do they provide 24/7/365 support and customer serevice? Do we know which providers do?

Posted by Ronald_Craft, 04-28-2007, 08:22 PM
And, don't forget this: 1. General Terms. In consideration of hosting services to be delivered, Customer agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions: * 1.1. Customer agrees to pay, in advance of each monthly service term, for hosting services to be rendered. * 1.2. Customer agrees to be bound by the service term selected on the online order form or via applicable promotional codes that may require Customer to order Reseller Zoom’s service for a particular minimum period of time. * 1.3. Customer agrees to a no-refund policy in advance. Setup fees and monthly web hosting service fees are non-refundable. * 1.4. Non-Payment of services shall result in a 5-day notice of disconnection. All payment failures must be cured within 5 business days from invoice due date or account will be suspended. Account termination will result from invoices overdue for 30 days. * 1.5. Reseller Zoom is not and shall not responsible for data integrity for any accounts that are terminated, disconnected, or interrupted because of Customer’s failure to pay for Reseller Zoom’s services. * 1.6. Customers agree to pay all taxes applicable to your account. 29. Abuse of Reseller Zoom Staff or Support Personnel. * 29.1. At Reseller Zoom, we take pride in providing excellent service to all of our customers. It is our policy always to treat our customers with the highest level of respect and courtesy. In return, we expect the same respect and courtesy from you. * 29.2. If our staff feels that you are consistently engaging in abusive content toward them, or addressing them in a demeaning or rude manner, your account(s) may be suspended and you may be asked to take your business elsewhere. In the event that we terminate service for abusive conduct, customers will be given five (5) days’ notice. We will issue a refund only for the unused portion of pre-paid service. * 29.3. Abusive conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors: o Repeatedly addressing members of our staff in a demeaning or rude manner; o Using profanity in any oral or written communications with our staff, by any medium of communication, including but not limited to e-mail, instant messages, chat, text messaging, fax, postal mail, telephone, voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), or in-person communication; o Yelling or shouting at our staff; o Deliberately using all capital (uppercase) letters in any written communication to our staff; o Insulting our staff because of their personal characteristics, or on the basis of their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or housing or economic status; or o Deliberately providing false information to our staff for the purpose of harassing them or wasting their time. Their billing departments hours of operation are posted clearly on the site and their TOS is written clearly. You can call us trolls if you want, but while we may sympathize with you on some aspects, we're not going to hold your hand, pat you on the back and tell you everything's going to be ok.

Posted by hebergeo, 04-28-2007, 08:32 PM
OK ... You want to dig in? lets dig in ... 1. We recently changed many of our workstations, due to some updates on our OS. During this workstation update, mine was updated as well. We switched some red hat GUI to Ubuntu. My computer was updated on Monday. The tech guy transfered all my /home/ data to our intranet server, and transfered it back again on the new OS. He set up then my thunderbird (mail client) with my main email account. I was, as mentionned above, not available this week, and only checked the main email adress I mainly use a lot here. Now, we use a certain email for RZ and some other internet partners. This email was not beeing updated on my thunderbird by the tech guy, as it was not his job. It was BAD LUCK, as it can happens. If none of you ever had bad luck with business, and especially computer business, your a bunch of liars, or a bunch of totally newcomers. Upgrades happens. Updates happens. Server wreck happens. Employee wreck happens. Things going wrong happens. Man, if you've been some time in business, you know things going wrong happen. The problem is not why things go wrong, because *Things do go wrong*, the problem is : how we handle stuff when all goes wrong.

Posted by Mikey this way!, 04-28-2007, 11:42 PM
Am in exactly the same situation. I signed up on Friday with them. I've just received a response stating that this is not welcome email and it's just the receipt and if it's a weekend I probably have to wait till monday for my account to setup. It's very irritating. I had kept time aside on the weekend to check the new reseller account and be prepared to move few of my clients and give it a shot. This has never happened with my previous hosts. Even if I signup with them on weekends, my account is setup immediately and am notified about it. But, I guess we can't about that as it was already mentioned on their website about the weekend delays. P.S. Caroline from the Billing Dept was kind enough to tell me that it was after business hours and yet she had progressed it to be activated. However, she could not tell me the exact time since it was after business hours.

Posted by cartika-andrew, 04-28-2007, 11:54 PM
Thank you for being the voice of reason here steathdevil - and just to repeat myself - I see ZERO issue with HZ suspending this client - however, I see a HUGE issue with the company not being available to resume the account if the deliquent funds are paid. If you are not available to resume accounts, do not suspend them - period - again, I am 100% particular RZ will change their policy on this. Hi Jordan, Sorry, I respectfully disagree on both fronts. You can ask a support person to re-activate your account - especially when there is no one else available to assist you and all services are down - and especially when the support representative can verify payment has been received. Now, I am NOT blaming the support rep here, from what I can see, their hands are tied with internal policies and they handled it as best as can be expected. Additionally, no one agreed to terms indicating that if your account was suspended on a weekend you can expect to be down for several days - I do not see anything stating that support is not able to re-activate a suspended account for being deliquent which has submitted payment. The only clause I see relating to this at all is this one: and if temporarily means for 2-4 days because support does not have access to activate an account and billing isnt available for the weekend, then I must be missing what the word "temporarily" means... Again, I am 100% particular RZ will fix/change this process internally Hi Mikey, I know this is frustrating, but, you cannot blame a provider if they choose to not offer billing or sales on the weekend. This is something that although annoying, is not service affecting and as such, is really up to them on whether they want to make these departments available on the weekends - however, this is distinctly different then having a account suspended for billing issues and not having anyone capable of re-instating the account for days.

Posted by Mikey this way!, 04-29-2007, 12:09 AM
Hey CartikaHosting! Thanks for understand my position. But, please note that I did not intend to blame RZ at all. It was their policy which was open to the public to see. I had seen it before signing up. If you read my earlier post carefully, please note my sentence as below: "But, I guess we can't about that as it was already mentioned on their website about the weekend delays." P.S.: It seems I forgot to type the words "blame them" in my earlier post. Can't edit it as it's over 15 mins now. Anyway, we can read my intention in that sentence. Last edited by Mikey this way!; 04-29-2007 at 12:11 AM. Reason: For to type the words "blame them" in my earlier post and I quoted it here.

Posted by cartika-andrew, 04-29-2007, 12:13 AM
Hi Mikey - all good and I apologize if I didnt read your entire thread - I just wanted to make sure RZ wasnt taking heat for no reason at all - the original poster has a valid argument - but, I do not think activating new accounts on a weekend is mandatory and should certainly be left up to individual companies to handle as they see fit - which you obviously agree with Cheers for now... Andrew

Posted by hebergeo, 04-29-2007, 12:52 PM
OK... For some reasons the account is now up. They put it back up on sunday. I think they are a good host after all. Well ..

Posted by Mikey this way!, 04-29-2007, 03:34 PM
Hey Andrew, No probs. I agree that it's the individual company's policy. It's nearly Monday now anyway. Am not complaining at all Warm Regards.

Posted by Mikey this way!, 04-29-2007, 03:38 PM
Good for you! (y) Best of Luck!

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