
tutorial needed for Remote mysql with cPanel

Posted by martin33, 05-23-2012, 03:11 PM
Hi, I have a cPanel server, i would like to get my databases on a remote server. I heard by default, cPanel doesn't handle natively the ssl for remote mysql, so it's better to use ssh tunnel. ...but i don't know how to do this. I tried to search, all i found is incomplete tutorials (or very old ones). Possible for someone to provide a tutorial on this? thank you, Martin

Posted by Collabora, 05-23-2012, 04:13 PM
Why not ask cpanel:

Posted by Server Management, 05-23-2012, 07:26 PM
Why exactly do you want to do this?

Posted by martin33, 05-23-2012, 08:02 PM
For security reasons..

Posted by Server Management, 05-23-2012, 08:30 PM
What security reasons exactly?

Posted by martin33, 05-25-2012, 06:01 PM
If you have all your servers (dns, web, database) on separate servers, then it's more secure : if you get the web server hacked, the databases (the most important thing!) are safe! If a security issue is discovered on the mail server, that won't affect all your company : you won't have to send an email to all your customers saying (for example) their credit card numbers were stolen... I just opened a ticket at cPanel. My database server is ready since a while, and it's working, but i cannot connect using the instructions provided on the cPanel website. seems like cPanel don't handle multiple server setup easily. :-p Probably something i forgot somewhere... I am now more familiar with doing this without any control panel...

Posted by Server Management, 05-25-2012, 06:07 PM
Incorrect, If your webserver was hacked every likely hood your database could and would be easily attackable and could be pulled from the remote server using a simple script of sorts, Having a remote database is no more secure than having a local one to be honest. You also allow a point of failure and point of security with the remote connection Last edited by Server Management; 05-25-2012 at 06:10 PM.

Posted by Collabora, 05-25-2012, 06:17 PM
Sure its safer. Just because its possible to break into the 2nd server doesn't mean its not more secure. hacker would have to know the db are on another server to start with. One can also use a non-tcp/ip protocol to connect the servers also Its worth it. Or are you suggesting that hosts overload servers in order to avoid failure instead of bringing up new ones

Posted by Server Management, 05-25-2012, 06:21 PM
The OP's example was credit card information, I certainly wouldnt recommend using a remote database for such things It would take any decent hacker or administrator 30 seconds or so to see if the database is local or remote...

Posted by martin33, 05-25-2012, 06:38 PM
Read about PCI compliance.

Posted by martin33, 05-25-2012, 06:40 PM
I do share your opinion on this. *..and that's the reason why most (good) enterprises won't have all their services on the same server

Posted by Collabora, 05-25-2012, 06:40 PM
What do they know about security? haha

Posted by martin33, 05-25-2012, 06:46 PM
In our programming classes at school, that's the first thing they told us when they started to teach php/mysql language. (this was even in our school manuals... lol) Now... are you really saying this is not true? So... ...everyone who take times to create multiple server setups are wrong? really????

Posted by Server Management, 05-25-2012, 06:51 PM
Ok am wrong your right... Please go ahead and read about the Sony hacking and every other major enterprise, organisation and government body who has a multiple server cluster who also complys with the PCI regulations with strict auditing. Ive seen it time and time again the remote connection being compromised infact I deal with at least one case per month but what would I know about security and remote connections?

Posted by martin33, 05-26-2012, 12:06 AM
Hi, For sure if i don't go with ssh tunnel, or if i use a direct connexion without any ssl, then yes, chances are that i will get hacked. ...but if i setup an ssh tunnel, and all my ports are closed, except the ssh one on the remote server... ...i am safe, no? My php teacher was the director of the computing department... ...i assume he knew what he was saying when he told us a remote sql server was the best to protect against intrusions... ...on the mysql website, they also recommend to have mysql installed on a remote server (with ssl, or ssh tunnel). ...can you elaborate a bit more? Just saying it's not more secure is not an answer if you want to bring some help by replying to this post!

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