
Apache Optimization

Posted by trachr, 04-28-2012, 12:09 AM
I have some basic knowledge of apache but by no means am I an expert... so having said that Id like some advice as you all probably know more then I do. Im trying to set up a hosting company that will offer both shared hosting to some younger people, middle - high school range, I also plan on offering some multisite wordpress blogs, as well as some wordpress optimized servers.. in addition to all this I plan on also focusing a plan or 2 on Ecommerce. Ill probably do that via marketpress (wordpress) but I would like to have options open there to use cpanel apps for my customers. So... the question is this.. What default profiles would you use, and what if anything would you add to them. Ideally I could get away with 1 easy setup to remember but im guessing my wordpress servers will be different then my shared hosting servers, and that would probably be different then my primary server where my billing system will be stored. So I understand this is not an easy answer but if anyone could help me figure out a setup that will work for 1 of the planned services I want to provide, or multiple services.. I would appreciate it. My current setup I was just picking PHP Encryption/E-Commerce and using that but Id imagine that isint the best choice so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by Server Management, 04-28-2012, 01:37 PM
Generally I would just have one whole custom enviroment for all services my choice for such customation would be Litespeed. If you have a handful of servers all hosting different things with different configurations it can quickly because a mess if you dont have the correct management in place. When starting out you want to keep things simple and keep overheads reduced and so forth! Regards,

Posted by ddosguru, 04-28-2012, 01:47 PM
I can't see the benefit of using LiteSpeed (we *had* used it 2007 - 2010 or so). Apache + nginx + Varnish performs better, is open source, and is free. LiteSpeed became substantially more expensive when they introduced multicore licensing, its closed source, and a major exercise in patience trying to get it to play nicely with PHP.

Posted by trachr, 04-28-2012, 05:53 PM
With the Apache+nginx+varnish do they all run together without problems? Also I know nginx and varnish have cpanel addons.. well I know varnish does and I think nginx does. Do you use them or just keep them separate from cpanel?

Posted by trachr, 04-28-2012, 06:23 PM
Also in addition to my previous question... do you use cloudflare? I was considering offing that to my customers as well.

Posted by layer7, 04-28-2012, 06:24 PM
1 for litespeed.

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