
[Tech] - anyone ever done Clustering?

Posted by firehawk1010, 04-28-2012, 11:03 AM
Sorry. wasnt sure quite where to post this as it is not strictly webhosting! has anyone here ever done Windows Clustering? I am so tired and stressed trying to do something and only have had 7 hours sleep in the past 3 days. I am trying to setup a simple environment (virtual) to prove that when a Node in a cluster goes down, the other picks up. After much pain I think I may have this however I would love for people here to see if I have setup the system correctly? I want to make sure that for example, the disks are correctly configured. It's a simple 2 Node cluster on WS2008 R2. Configuration DC 1 Private NIC IP: Sub: DNS Server: Node1 2 NICs. 1 NIC is a public nic. Private Nic 1: IP: Sub: Gateway: <-- this is a VMWare thing I believe DNS: Node2 2 NICs. 1 NIC is a public nic. Private Nic 1: IP: Sub: Gateway: <-- this is a VMWare thing I believe DNS: VSAN So I am using Starwind to create iSCSI storage/targets on this virtual machine. Oh - I dont have much clue about iSCSI! VSAN IP: Sub: Gateway: DNS: I have 4 targets here. Clustering info There are 2 nodes in this cluster, as you gathered from above. ClusterIP: ClusterName: w2k8r2-clstr Now, in regards to the disks, I see them as different volumes. Cluster Disk 1 is a Witness in Quorum Available Storage: Cluster Disk 2, 3, 4 I see that if I reboot Node 1, the disks appear in my computer on Node 2 If Node 2 is rebooted, I see the disks appear in my computer on Node 1 is this the correct behavior? Have I missed something? wrong configuration? Thats all for now. I REALLY hope someone can help, I would appreciate it

Posted by Mike V, 04-28-2012, 12:06 PM
Yes it is . The disks would remain on Node 2 unless you manually take it offline or restart it. The private NIC shouldn't need a default gateway if they're in the same subnet in the same physical location, given that the gateway you have isn't valid for that subnet anyway.

Posted by firehawk1010, 04-28-2012, 12:09 PM
Great! Thanks. I do have a problem ive just seen though and no idea how or why or what I have done wrong. im new at this so please bear with me and educate me: DNS issue. Cluster network name resource 'Cluster Name' failed to update the DNS record for name '' over adapter 'Local Area Connection'. The error code was 'DNS bad key. (9017)'. Ensure that a DNS server is accessible from this cluster node and contact your DNS server administrator to verify the cluster identity can update the DNS record ''. Now, This can happen on both nodes. The private network is actually on LAN2, not LAN. The DC has the DNS and has an A record for the static IP which is the virtual IP for the Cluster. what does it mean and how can I fix this?

Posted by firehawk1010, 04-28-2012, 12:29 PM
The other problem I am discovering now is that randomly the clustered disks (some of them, even the quorum) fails for no reason. no activity... it just fails to bring back online. I can do it manually and its fine. then any one of the other cluster disks at any time repeats this problem. problem with starwind software? What iSCSI software do you recommend for me to create a Virtual SAN?

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