
bro,give me some tips

Posted by xiaolin, 01-30-2007, 11:37 PM
i'm now a reseller but i'm very new with it...the hosting company only offers a package (big diskspace and bandwidth),but my customers.many of them like the small package,so now i have to order VPS 20gb,1TB bandwidth,20 users,can someone tell me,do my customers in this vps have a own vdeck control panel?can i set the diskspace and bandwidth limited to my get more $? i want to offer 250mb package on this VPS,it means 20 users = 250x20=about 5gb,so i still have 15gb?? how much bandwidth shoud i tell my customers with my 1TB bandwidth.please give me some ideas thanks all guys

Posted by insiderhosting, 01-31-2007, 01:17 AM
What control panel are you using? Also, we have no idea how much you are paying for the package, so not sure what to tell you on the bandwidth end of things. -Steven

Posted by TieuDieuTu, 01-31-2007, 01:21 AM
In short, "yes" to all of your questions. When preparing your hosting plans I would suggest prepare them in a way for you to grow later on. I don't know who you get your VPS from, but from my experience, a VPS account with 20 GB space and 1 TB bandwidth will easily prices you more than $100/month. Even at this price, 1 TB is very likely to be oversold bandwidth. With that in mind, if you manage to hit 1 TB bandwidth you'll more than likely face one of these two options: move to a bigger plan or move to another different company. What you should consider is how much are you going to charge per account. Multiply that number by how many accounts you can put on that 20 GB of space to figure out your maximum potential revenue that VPS will give you. Use those numbers to compare with your competitors to see where you stand and determine if is it a sustainable business model or not. You can always charge a little bit extra and focus on the level of service you're going to provide. The revenue figure you should have in mind that if you sell off all of your accounts, the revenue should be at least twice as much as your expenditure. This way it allows business growth and to limit the amount of damage if disaster should strike. You'll have some extra fund to spend. From the bandwidth standpoint, with that much bandwidth, I strongly suggest against maximizing your quota. What I would do is that "save" a couple of hundred GB or so then divide the rest to your accounts. Although it's highly unlikely that every account will use all of the quota, if there's a need for it you know you'll always have some for contingency. You never know when a site or two get hit by DDoS which send your bandwidth bill through the roof and you have to choice but passing them down to your customers. Another benefit for this approach is that you can limit the damage of abusing customers. But of course your package won't be as sexy as your competitors. Good luck

Posted by ldcdc, 01-31-2007, 01:34 AM
He said: Which leads to the Ipower family of hosts. and feature VPSes with 20Gb of space and 1Tb of data transfer. However, unlike their shared hosting that comes with vDeck control panels, these come with Plesk. Not that there's anything wrong with Plesk.

Posted by xiaolin, 01-31-2007, 07:04 AM
yes,i resell at startlogic, plesk control?i don't know its face ^^.does it provide private cpanel to every customers in an vps??? you know they ask 29.95/month with 20gb package,max is 10 accounts, can someone tell me how many diskspace should i offer my customers? 250mb.1gb.2gb? maybe i offer 2gb an account with bandwidth 30gb (as TieuDieuTu said)....with 10accounts,i charge $6/month. so i have $60/month....that's right? can i have rights to limit bandwidth,sql and sell them if my customers need more? and just because i don't have any experience on it,so what should i do if any troubles come?do my hosting provider care about that?i just only to offer with general support?

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