
DDOS Attack explain please

Posted by RonC, 01-29-2007, 10:08 PM
Hello, I am on a shared server that has been targeted by some kind of attack. Web sites and the email have been sporadic for three days now. Can someone please enlighten me about this. Would the attack be from more than one machine? Would the attackers change IP addresses to avoid detection, making filters useless? How difficult is it to defend against this type of thing?

Posted by onthespot, 01-29-2007, 10:17 PM
not very difficult, all one needs to do is do a netstat and view all the connections that are coming in. If a ton from a single ip they should simply be blocked if in wait state. That should clear it up. Yes they can come from multiple sources but most likely they always open a good amount of connections so you should be able to do netstat -an | more to view exactly whats occuring then block them at the firewall level.

Posted by IHSL, 01-30-2007, 01:12 AM
If only combatting DDoS was that easy Your method may prove to be temporarily useful with a DoS attack (single attacker, small attack) but DDoS (multiple attackers, grander scale) is quite different. DDoS attacks have brought down giant companies over the years and although new advancements in firewall production and networking in general have helped companies handle DDoS attacks, they are still a very real threat and a very big problem. RonC: If you have been told this is a "DDoS attack" and not a "DoS attack" then there's nothing you can do. Your top-level provider (the datacenter) needs to work on this for you. There are many solutions out there, but it really depends on their infrastructure with regards to how quickly and/or efficiently they can get rid of the problem. Simon

Posted by James-Fagan, 01-30-2007, 01:36 AM
Hmm... so is there any ways to find any attackers and anything the user end can do to help prevent an attack? or is it all up to the DC admins/system admins?

Posted by IHSL, 01-30-2007, 01:42 AM
There's nothing an end user can do, unfortunately. It is solely in the hands of those in charge of the network and the servers. Simon

Posted by RonC, 01-30-2007, 01:50 AM
Well I have been told a few things over the last few days. It was called a DDOS attack at one point, what does that stand for anyway? I think they are doing their best and it was definitley being handeled by the data center.

Posted by avythe, 01-30-2007, 01:53 AM
distributed denial of service (by DoS instead of DDoS they're just talking about it coming from a single address)

Posted by steven99, 01-30-2007, 02:09 AM
Take this explanation and multiple it a few times and you've got a DDoS attack. DDoS is pretty much a DoS that comes from different sources at the same time. Can range from just a few to several thousand to even more. Botnets pretty much are the sources for them and botnets are done by zombie computers. Zombie computers are those infected with trojans that will command the computer to do stuff behind the scenes. (Wikipedia is your friend, sometimes.)

Posted by Shaw Networks, 01-30-2007, 03:24 AM
DoS attacks will vary from attack to attack. Have you asked your host (or do they know?) exactly what's going on?

Posted by rounak, 01-30-2007, 06:44 AM
even i was attacked many times by many peoples

Posted by James-Fagan, 01-30-2007, 07:30 AM
Geez... who the hell would do this to companies... is it actually a like uncontrollable virus or well... it says its against internet law on wiki so i gather it's manually by people... WHY WOULD YOU MAKE WORK HARDER FOR PEOPLE aaagh... Some people these days...

Posted by Montypaks, 01-30-2007, 08:00 AM
Good question. Brings up a bunch of other questions: Why do people steal? Why do people abuse? Why do people kill? CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!

Posted by TonyB, 01-30-2007, 10:44 AM
DDOS attacks are frusterating especially the fact a lot of attacks are for crazy reasons. I know people who get hit by large ones multiple times a month because they make money offering a service. The attackers take exception to this and as a result attempt to destroy the service with constant attacks. What's worse is Local authorities just don't seem to care. Unless you're a massive company it's just well oh well you're not big enough. You could have the exact location of the person with all their information and it doesn't seem to matter.

Posted by RobM, 01-30-2007, 11:59 AM
They had a show on this on Discovery Channel last week. It should be on again tonight. They have a few clips about it on there site.

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