
Resellerzoom - the true :(

Posted by danielcz, 12-09-2006, 05:34 AM
First. All day 12-07-2006 there was a problem with DNS at my resseler account. All my clients' subdomains was deleted. Main domains didn't point properly. People form resellerzoom tried to resolve this problem and they did it completly after 18 hours. 18 hours. Not to long ? Beside I had to tell them what is wrong. Second. Today I see that someone deleted system apache handler for php5 file. I checked at my second reseller account - there is everytjing ok. But here all my and my clients' php5 file are like normal text, and you can see them sources !!!!!!! It completly unsafe and dangerous for me and for them. I writed to resellerzoom, that someone deleted system apache handler for php5 file from my reseller account (or mayby from server). Answer from resellerzoom: If you need to use php5 for applications hardcoded with .php extensions you can add the following line to the .htaccess file of this account: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php5 Should you have any questions or require any assistance, we are always at your service.-------------- AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php5 AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php5 dosn't work. nothing happen with php5 files. They are still normal text. Resellerzoom - thank you very much. Last edited by danielcz; 12-09-2006 at 05:40 AM.

Posted by PolurNET, 12-09-2006, 03:19 PM
Did you reply to them or try asking them to set it up for your account again? If you're not getting a good response from tech support, contact cs[at] and Kiet or someone will reply to you. As for your DNS issues, from my experience in the past, RZ budget accounts can act awkwardly, but the advanced plans usually get better response times and stability. Of course, this isn't surprising considering the pricing and number of accounts per server comparison between both types of packages -- they warn you in advance too Anyway, good luck!

Posted by Swelly, 12-09-2006, 03:59 PM
Maybe perhaps you didn't quite explain the issue to support that well. If they gave you that type of response. I would do what PolurNET has suggested and email the above, maybe you can get your situation worked out a bit better.

Posted by PremiumHost, 12-10-2006, 07:30 PM
Include link to your php5 application so that support staff can check directly.

Posted by federico15, 12-10-2006, 08:28 PM
Reseller Zoom is gr8. No downtime, excelent support, low costs ! I have a Budget plan. Thanks

Posted by one19, 12-11-2006, 09:27 AM
I'm a ResellerZoom customer and quite happy with them. I won't say they have 100% uptime as I've had my problems. But I find that if you remain patient and courteous, you can easily work things out with them. There may be something wrong on their servers but you may have to take more time to explain the issue to them and you may also want to double-check a few things on your end (maybe there's something you missed). Let us know how your issue turns out.

Posted by VPSHelp, 12-11-2006, 10:16 AM
Looks like just a one post wonder.. Bash and run.

Posted by Swelly, 12-11-2006, 01:39 PM
Yup, there is alot of these. Probably, wont ever come back to WHT. sad

Posted by danielcz, 12-12-2006, 06:26 AM
you are not right I have this problem again right now. All my clients' parked domain point to one site again sins few day.

Posted by VPSHelp, 12-12-2006, 09:16 AM
YEAH! That's what parked domains do. They say that right in CPanel: "Domain pointers allow you to "point" or "park" additional domain names to your existing hosting account. This will allow users to also reach your website when entering the "parked" or "pointed" domain into their browsers." ADD-ON DOMAIN is what you want. Add-on domains point traffic to a specific domain name to a directory on the master domain name Honestly, don't blame RZ for something they cannot control. They cannot control your ability to read and understand each function of CPanel. If you want a better understanding of the CPanel features, I suggest you read the manual: Not trying to be rude, but there's absolutely no point for RZ getting bad publicity over a user error.

Posted by danielcz, 12-12-2006, 09:50 AM
You should not say that this is user error. Can't you read what I have write ? If I say that something happen twice for few days with server configuration that mean exactly what I write. I know cpanel, whm, DNZ zone wery well. All my and clients domain, all subdomain was pointing to the same site. All this sites (domain) worked propely since last friday. RZ know that the problem is with apache configuration file and now they have corected it. Problem is that happen again sinse 4 days. It is not a joke. I am serious.

Posted by VPSHelp, 12-12-2006, 10:43 AM
Well, you said: Parked domains are domains that all point to the master domain. THAT is what I was reffering to as user error. You're either not in the know of that, or just miss-used a terminology for that, I don't know. As far as an incorrect apache configuration problem. I doubt that, or else many many people would be experiencing the same thing on the server and not just you. Thy may have fixed an entry in the file, but I do not believe that a simple misconfiguration could cause only your account to have problems and not everyone elses (Not calling you wrong, just I'm a bit skeptical is all, of course I could always be wrong.) I will gladly look at it for you if you wish? You can send me the reseller login info through email via my profile, and I'll gladly look at it and advise you on the best solution to ask of RZ for.

Posted by danielcz, 12-12-2006, 12:18 PM
I know what is parked and addon domain. RZ answered me, that all domains disapear from apache configuration. It disapeard twice fince last friday. I do not know how. I think about where is located DNS ZONE and apache configuration file in reseller account.

Posted by VPSHelp, 12-12-2006, 12:43 PM
Okay, then I guess we had a misscommunication and you just said the wrong thing in the above post. Mistakes happen, I can understand. Honestly, I just can't see that happening without them having wide-spread issues on that server. Which RZ server are you on, and would you like me to take a quick look for you to see if anything is incorrect? Thanks!

Posted by danielcz, 12-12-2006, 01:22 PM
Everything is ok now. I am on Jackson server. Have second reseller account on Canada. --------- Answer from RZ: Hello, The httpd.conf is not accessible to resellers. Regards, Nishanth B. Technical Support -------------------------------- I asked them: If httpd.conf is not accessible to resellers then how is it possible to broke twice since friday ? I have to know what happen and will this happen again ? I will ask you as long as I don't get answer from You, about what happened with this file, that main domain off my clients pointed to wrong account. ----------- Answer is: Hello, We are not sure how this happened but we think it was because of a cPanel glitch. The scripts cPanel use are being updated automatically and it is possible that a script was incomaptible with the old version of cPanel and required the latest version to work. We updated cPanel to latest version and this shoudln't happen again. Kind regards, Vlad Georgiev Technical Support

Posted by VPSHelp, 12-12-2006, 01:27 PM
Ok, I could believe it if it was a CPanel glitch. Otherwise, someone new did something stupid. I trust Vlad though. He's always been very responsive and cordial.. Knowledgable fellow too. Hopefully things will get better. May want to consider upgrading to an Advanced plan sometime.

Posted by danielcz, 12-12-2006, 01:42 PM
Problem is that I don't think so that cPanel 10.8.2-R119 is latest version.

Posted by VPSHelp, 12-12-2006, 01:49 PM
Doesn't have to be the "latest". CPanel/WHM has 3 necessary update cycles to choose from. CPanel-Release (The most up-to-date version) CPanel-Stable (The version which has been tested, not the newest, but has had continued dependability and proven itself to be worthy of production use). Manual Updates (Self Explanatory) They probably have it on Stable. Last edited by VPSHelp; 12-12-2006 at 01:54 PM.

Posted by danielcz, 12-12-2006, 03:32 PM
It is updated now to cPanel 10.9.0-R95 Thank you RZ

Posted by camnetwork, 12-13-2006, 08:50 AM
Are you still with them or have you found a new host?

Posted by VPSHelp, 12-13-2006, 09:00 AM
Well, sounds to me like he's still with them.

Posted by danielcz, 12-13-2006, 10:38 AM
I am still with them. But now i see that there is no php5 support. Someone deleted system Apache handler for this file so me and my clients can't use php5. System-wide defined Apache handler .cgi .pl cgi-script .php .php4 .php3 application/x-httpd-php .shtml server-parsed

Posted by VPSHelp, 12-13-2006, 10:41 AM
Email Kiet. He can probably get you situated on a server with PHP5 support. They've been testing it lately, so never really guarantee it'll be available.

Posted by Swelly, 12-13-2006, 02:43 PM
I agree with CEngine, getting support diectly would be your best bet.

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