
anyone used ?

Posted by aussie7, 09-19-2005, 01:54 AM
I have seen this company advertising on ebay in Australia and the US over the past few months and would like to know if anyone else is using their services Their home page is They say they have been around since 2001 and are offering the cheap accounts on ebay to build up a positive feedback rating Their costs are very cheap US$25 per year for unlimited space and bandwidth for reseller accounts Seems too cheap for whats on offer

Posted by GIGANET, 09-19-2005, 02:04 AM
Unless I've missed some new technology but how can they offer unlimited space?

Posted by aussie7, 09-19-2005, 02:09 AM
That's what I don't understand the unlimited space and bandwith they offer, so I thought I'd ask others opinion of them

Posted by fuzion2k5, 09-19-2005, 02:12 AM
Unlimited space/bandwidth is just a marketing scam

Posted by The3bl, 09-19-2005, 02:25 AM
Ask yourself this if they lie to you in the selling what will they lie about when you need support? There are no unlimited hard disk I know of.

Posted by swflnetworks, 09-19-2005, 03:04 AM
As far as them being around since 2001, their domain name says different: Created on 06-may-2005 98% of the ebay hosts are up to no good. Watch yourself.

Posted by aussie7, 09-19-2005, 03:53 AM
Thanks for the replies, I currently have very good reseller hosting and won't be moving from them I just wanted to know if anyone had any input about ezhostingnet

Posted by ritosh, 10-16-2005, 08:56 PM
I'm using ezhostingnet, and have been for over a month. So far it's been an interesting ride. I didn't expect much, thinking if the company goes belly-up within 6 months then I would have got my moneys worth. I really just need a live server to experiment on, to test drive the various features under cPanel, Plesk and Helm, and to see what would be involved in setting up hosting services. Before I bought a package off of them I grilled the owner about, well, everything. To the point where I think I was becoming a bit of a nuisance. My prerogative. I mentioned the age of their domain, expressing my suspicions. He seems like a nice-enough fellow, and left me with the impression he's been involved with hosting since 2001, but that this certain venture is new. I tend to support the underdog, and am willing to give people room to make mistakes, while giving them the benefit of the doubt. But, I carefully read their terms of service, and it's pretty clear: they expect you to know what you're doing, and if you don't, well, sorry, but you're pretty much on your own. They do have 'support' but it's extremely slow, and poor in communication. They do fix issues, but often fail to let you know when they have. Things just start to work on their own. Yes, it's frustrating. I'd recommend to anyone wanting to buy a hosting package to really research and get a handle on cPanel, Plesk, and/or Helm, before doing anything. It will save you a lot of headaches. Quite frankly, I don't really know what I'm doing, but lack of support is forcing me to learn a lot on my own. Which is good. It seems things run fairly well if you don't screw anything up. If you just need some space to play with then they're a good risk to take. Maybe, just maybe, they'll develop some presence and establish some credibility. But, if at present you're a serious developer, or are serious about getting into hosting I'd hold off, or, if a risk taker, enter with little expectation. Who knows, you may end up being surprised. For the price I got the package for off of eBay, I'm finding it worth it for the experimenting. If they take a dive tomorrow then I'll have a lot more experience I had from a month ago to take to a more reputable company. Not such a bad deal. Last edited by ritosh; 10-16-2005 at 08:59 PM.

Posted by WireNine, 10-17-2005, 12:29 AM
Not everyone wants to experiment with a host, they want to use them for their business purposes or personal website needs

Posted by ritosh, 10-17-2005, 04:10 PM
I appreciate that, which is why I stated: "But, if at present you're a serious developer, or are serious about getting into hosting I'd hold off, or, if a risk taker, enter with little expectation." I don't recall suggesting that "everyone" should want "to experiment with a host." The package cost me $30, and it's been up and running 24-7, so my current needs are being met. The opening inquiry in this thread was the need to know "if anyone else is using their services." I tried to answer that question by giving an objective account of my experiences to date. It would be unfair of me to slam the company and suggest staying away because they're new on the block and have bugs in their support system. Nor can I fairly suggest purchasing a package based on my experiences. I don't think I did either. I simply gave an account of what I've encountered so far, and what, personally, I realistically can expect for 30-bucks. People can take from that what they want.

Posted by jonkev14, 12-01-2005, 12:28 PM
I yes I have brought this 3 control panel reseller hosting package form this company and for 3 month it has been nothing but HELL. Yes i did my homework and as the other person has stated i also grilled him. He assured me that i wouldnt have to worry about the server failling or getting help. It has been all lies! The first server he had me on, my site was off and on like a light after three weeks of first asking then threating him to get me off that server. he finally did . Only to put me on an outdated verson of cpanel and rvskins as Well as whm. I could not even use my rvskins because the features would not come up and after now my site had been down for over 18 hours with no access to cpanel or whm. I can not get in to even get my clients accounts download so they can go to another server. i even called his server provider to try and get help. Since i didnt own the account i couldn't get help. All they couild tell me was there was trouble tickets attached to my account. This guy is cluesless on how to run a business, He has taken me to a level i havent seen since i was a kid and thats rage! but im am not going down without a fight. he is a scam artist and he racking in hundreds of accounts on ebay and i have taken the liberty to warn the people there but its their loss if they decide to go down the road already traveled.

Posted by Toniee, 01-04-2006, 12:36 AM
Do Not Buy, Service Suck, Downtimes About 4x Every Hour. Hosting 700+ Websites On A Tired Old Server. I Do However, Provide People With Free Cpanel Hosting On It, So If You Want Just Ask Me But I Have To Tell You That You Cannot Complain To Me Becuase Of The Downtime, Im Telling You Ahead Of Time, There Will Be Downtimes And A Lot Of It.

Posted by elvenrayne, 01-04-2006, 12:46 AM
U gotta pay in euros.. and seriously the website itself is crap!

Posted by Jurasiprize, 01-04-2006, 01:51 AM
Toniee - i dont think people would like downtimes.

Posted by Shaw Networks, 01-05-2006, 09:38 PM
Hmm, unlimited disk space and bandwidth, new website, three negative reviews in one thread. I think you have your decision laid out in front of you aussie7

Posted by bryceton, 01-09-2006, 12:04 AM
defenetly a bad host have to agree with the downtime I bought and never used was curious on a few things so bought it just to experiment with how good it is LOL, turned out as expected

Posted by HybridReseller, 01-09-2006, 06:59 AM
The Truth About "Unlimited" Plans

Posted by NottinghamISP, 01-09-2006, 07:08 AM
Im on them at the moment and thier service is crap, Thier cpanel servers are always mostly down, Thier plesk servers are very slow but ive never had a problem with this helm server, If i was you i whouldnt go to this host as im looking to get out of it!

Posted by AHFBWEB, 01-09-2006, 08:54 AM
Between September and now he probably found a host.

Posted by alankru, 01-09-2006, 01:42 PM
I also bought the 3 CP panels. Support started off very well, and so did uptime. However, support has now disappeared and the Plesk and cPanel servers are up and down like a yo-yo. These are the stats as of 1st Jan 06: Plesk: 87.02% 1 day(s) 19 hour(s)/60 downtime (monitored over 15 days) cPanel: 63.70% 7 day(s) 1 hour(s)/121 downtime (monitored over 30 days) Helm: 100% This isn't very good at all after my guarantees! I have tried to contact the owner via email (and the hotmail address in the domain whois), support ticket, I tried to contact the owner once already through eBay with no reply, I've tried phoning, and I have even contacted the datacenters to try and get some help just like you jonkev14 with no luck! I finally got a reply from him via ebay on 31st Dec: They seemed to be a well established company which is why I went with them. During the period of no support, all ebay auctions stopped so I thought he had gone or something, but he is advertising again, but no support! If I can just get my private NS setup and the server stable then I won't mind. For now, HELM will do. I hope that he improves.

Posted by dean_z, 01-10-2006, 04:15 AM
I got an account with this company as a stable point just to play around in the interim while I am re-thinking my reseller business. I did it just to try him out. Unfortunately, the helm server has had now two major crashes in the last month. I am not complaining because I really didn't pay that much for the plan and use it just to keep my email going. If you are trying to build a serious web hosting business, then please listen to the people on this forum and look elsewhere for reseller hosting. Unlimited sounds great and low costs, but I have had tickets open for 2 months with no response. I finally gave up. I plan on going with another reseller company soon but these guys are not legitimate. The owner guaranteed 24 hour turn around on service but I think I received that twice and they will not even respond to email or service requests now. Anyone looking to start a serious web hosting business, I will say again... stay away from ... your customers will love you for it! Dean

Posted by briansed, 06-06-2006, 01:59 PM
I DO NOT recommend EZHOSTINGNET.COM, servers down for weeks, no support.

Posted by nikolas22try, 07-16-2006, 02:22 PM
For 2 months now the server is down. Before 3 months he transfered the accounts to a new server and LOST ME MY DATABASE of oneof my site and since then NOTHING i asked him support and nothing Happen. Does anynody know a way to ask My money back and GET MONEY because he destroyed my sites.... Do you know any lawyer that can take this case and take him on a trial? His details are: George Damalas Kalamoti Chios Chios null,82102 GR Tel. +30.2271081592

Posted by AHFBWEB, 07-16-2006, 10:54 PM
di they not have lawyers or yellow pages where you are from?

Posted by nikolas22try, 07-17-2006, 02:43 AM
I don;t know if the law in my country covers that. Does EU has a law on this?

Posted by premium20, 07-17-2006, 06:30 AM
Well, I would suggest that you move off to another provider. Getting your money back might be a tough proposition.

Posted by AHFBWEB, 07-17-2006, 09:20 AM
Pick up a phonebook and call an attorney where you are from. If you are unable to help yourself why should anybody else waste time on you. I cannot help but feel whatever happened to your site was well deserved.

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