
SingleHop Down again...

Posted by neuman, 04-04-2009, 02:49 PM
Anyone else with singlehop? How are you loving the weekly outages? and bi-monthly network maintenance?

Posted by MattS, 04-04-2009, 02:54 PM
Yeah I hear you, I'm experience the same stuff. In fact I'm about to switch soon, just need to find someone around my price range so I can expand while doing it....

Posted by neuman, 04-04-2009, 02:59 PM
I watch daily for a WHT Special. I prepaid 3 months with SingleHop and tried getting a refund 3 days on there network. I got 1 month left and I'm leaving.. Worse move I have ever made. The bi-monthly maintenance is unreal. I don't see how they could be replacing so much every other week. All there hardware should be brand new as they replace it all the time.

Posted by StackzGaming, 04-04-2009, 03:00 PM
yeah i posted this in the outages section my server disconnected from the net again, didnt crash, when it came up everything was running, also leap was down for several mins as well. at first i thought i needed a restart tried to login an no go. this only lasted for a few mins, but i run game servers, a few mins of a player unable to join means they find a new place to play. this is starting to get very frustrating. i see single hop saying they are updating their network, however all these down times are NOT in the timeframes they specify. they are just random. its starting to get frustrating. im hoping this gets fixed soon. this is getting rediculous. with all this network maintinance i sure would like to see some results. i hope they are doing something to compensate for this. as its seriously damaging my services, it drop players in my servers, and right now is peak time. right after they go back up they are practically unplayable for an additional 5 mins. this is seriously getting annoying.

Posted by neuman, 04-04-2009, 03:04 PM
What's great is how they advertise for reboots when your down. However every time your down so it like how that works?

Posted by MattS, 04-04-2009, 03:05 PM
Agreed I'm doing the same thing.

Posted by StackzGaming, 04-04-2009, 03:09 PM
i wish i could find somewhere that fits my needs as im using that 8 gig wht special, even more so id have to change ips ect.ect. but it may be worth it in the long run if singlehop cant get their crap together. everytime their network glitches, all my servers go down, then they dump the players, and then i loose connection to steam verification, when the servers go back up, since they hlds didnt actually go down, jsut disconnected, they dont reconnect to steam verification as that only happens on a few certain actions, then it kicks all my players every 5 mins because it can not verify and authenticate them until i restart the server. =/

Posted by UNIXy, 04-04-2009, 03:11 PM
Curious, what do the weekly outage reports provide as a root cause? Regards

Posted by neuman, 04-04-2009, 03:15 PM
Every time I have called they never know the problem and awaiting the main administrator to come checkout the network. Sounds like they need more then one brain on the job managing there network.

Posted by neuman, 04-04-2009, 03:20 PM
overall the staff are friendly, but there network is a joke.

Posted by Jacob Wall, 04-04-2009, 03:28 PM and are up for me.

Posted by MattS, 04-04-2009, 03:28 PM
That's what I have is that Q9550 server but can't seem to find anyone to match it. I tried The Planet cause I've seen their ad but didn't get a quick enough response at the time. Hopefully by Monday or Tuesday of next week I can get myself moved out and fix my stuff up. (damaged second hard drive thanks to the tech who somehow managed to clone my primary hard drive)

Posted by Robert vd Boorn, 04-04-2009, 04:32 PM has a pretty good offer that isn't too far off, though I don't know the exact specs of the Singlehop server. Q9300/8GB ram/750GB HD/10mbps (100 = +5$), 2000GB Bandwdith for $125,99/mo

Posted by KarlZimmer, 04-04-2009, 04:39 PM
Does anyone have records of these outages, etc.? This is the first I'm really hearing of continued outages, which is certainly a larger concern than a single outage, etc. Are they really weekly? How long are they lasting?

Posted by Robert vd Boorn, 04-04-2009, 04:44 PM
Well, you will have another 15 minutes downtime coming.

Posted by KarlZimmer, 04-04-2009, 04:49 PM
What type of redundant network configuration is it where one piece of equipment is causing such widespread outages?

Posted by Robert vd Boorn, 04-04-2009, 04:58 PM
Well, that is what I was wondering myself... If the outage of 1 router blows not just like a rack or 2 but actually half their customers.....

Posted by tkam, 04-04-2009, 05:12 PM
Honestly to me (and I'm currently a customer) it doesn't sound like they have any redundancy at this particular level of the network. Just sounds like they have one setup as a backup that's supposed to be failed over to and this dying hardware is for whatever reason preventing the fail-over from occurring. While they've been pretty good communicating about it they keep using the excuse that "they have to give customers 48 hours notice for the maintenance window" which is total crap. In cases like this where it's a failing critical piece of hardware it should be replaced ASAP.

Posted by neuman, 04-04-2009, 06:06 PM
Here is a screenshot Last edited by neuman; 04-04-2009 at 06:09 PM.

Posted by Robert vd Boorn, 04-04-2009, 06:08 PM
Can't see that link Truz.

Posted by neuman, 04-04-2009, 06:15 PM
The upload to WHT was going really slow and not responding for some reason. (however I edited the post above and placed the image there) April 1st there network was down for an hour and 14 minutes. Along with 10mins on April 2nd and 5-10 minutes today.

Posted by Wompie, 04-04-2009, 07:50 PM
I held ssh connections open to both of my servers at singlehop today with no disconnections. In saying that, one of my servers which was ordered 4 or so months before the second drops everything ALOT (every few days) more than the 2nd. I think they must have greater issues with sections of their network compared to others.

Posted by KarlZimmer, 04-04-2009, 08:16 PM
None of those are issues with the specific system itself, they're certainly all network related? If so, that certainly seems quite excessive...

Posted by neuman, 04-04-2009, 08:50 PM
All network related. 100% The screenshot I provided is for ping only of the IP.

Posted by MattS, 04-04-2009, 10:28 PM
those are network related cause I have experienced the same times.

Posted by neuman, 04-05-2009, 12:22 AM
Server is down again... as well as

Posted by SinglehopDS, 04-05-2009, 12:27 AM
Hi, At 11PM CST we began maintenance on the faulty chassis. We expect very little downtime, and will be making updates as the window & work progresses. Thanks for your patience! Daniel

Posted by danushman, 04-05-2009, 12:34 AM
I just wanted to note that this has been scheduled since last week and the purpose is to replace the faulty chassis which has been the root of our issues lately. We'll keep you all updated. Dan

Posted by SinglehopDS, 04-05-2009, 12:47 AM
As a follow up, the faulty chassis has been replaced, and I will provide an update shortly. Thanks for your patience. Daniel

Posted by danushman, 04-05-2009, 02:11 AM
Just a quick update. We've been monitoring things for a little now after the work has been completed and we have not had any error messages like we were experiencing on the old hardware. So far, so good. The window is now completed and we are cleaning up/closing out for the night. Our 3rd shift data center engineers are monitoring things carefully (as always) Thank you everyone for your patience. Dan

Posted by StackzGaming, 04-05-2009, 10:21 AM
i HOPE this is done and over with. honestly, i feel like we should have some sort of compensation, you gauruntee a certain % of uptime however wont achevie it currently for this month even if there is not additional downtime. maybe offering the customers who were affected even like 10$ off our monthly bill or something would make me feel much better, i mean this issue even if resolved was really frustrating, for us. im sure you were frustrated as well. a sign of good faith is really needed here.

Posted by danushman, 04-05-2009, 11:07 AM
Hello WHT -- This is a quick morning update after last nights work. Things are still clean and working nicely. We have not received any error messages or warnings like the defective hardware was causing. Everything has been stable since the hardware was replaced. We have been monitoring the router all night and are happy to report that things have been uneventful. StacksGaming -- You do deserve compensation per our SLA and if you please submit a ticket to your AE we will issue an SLA credit to your account. We take full responsibility for the issues we experienced, even though they were largely outside of our control to prevent, and we take our customers uptime extremely seriously. That said, these issues did not affect 100% of our clients -- clients on part of our network had problems, other clients had no issues at all, so we can't just blanket credit everyone. If you submit a ticket to your AE we will make sure that you get an appropriate credit. Once again, we're sorry that this had to happen but we are also really happy that it has passed. Thank you everyone on WHT for your patience. I know it has been hard and trying on our clients much more than it has on us. Dan Ushman

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