
Hellohost: Gone?

Posted by oneota, 04-24-2006, 08:50 AM
I've been very happy with HelloHost but about a month ago they seemed to disappear. Does anyone know--have they gone bankrupt? E-mails bounce, web site's down, phones say "mailbox full" ...

Posted by eBoon, 04-24-2006, 09:03 AM
Servers down i pinged the IP also the domain is registered till 2007, maybe there having server probs...

Posted by oneota, 04-24-2006, 10:27 AM
they seem to have completely died (no tasteless pun intended) see threads 485200 492952

Posted by Miweblatino, 04-24-2006, 11:19 PM
Hellohost have gone. We were with them for 2 years and they were excellent until the last couple of months. Seems like one of the principals got very sick and the other just walked away from it all. We got stung big time and still not back online as we are now waiting to retrieve our domains that were with hello. We would not have had a prob if they had just said we are going out of biz ( the money we paid upfront was small compared with the major hassles we have at the mo) so we could have moved, saved our sites, domains and business.

Posted by jmweb, 04-24-2006, 11:58 PM
I hope everyone has backups! If not try to make some. If you got nothing and can't make backups go to Google's cache and try and find your site.

Posted by Jedito, 04-25-2006, 03:08 AM may be helpful for statics html at least Sorry to hear that.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 04-25-2006, 03:41 AM
Crikey, and is a great brand/domain too. Sad that it just died.

Posted by WireNine, 04-25-2006, 10:57 AM
Where did you hear that? I would have to agree with Bob, is a good brand, they had the whole hellodomains, etc. Sad that they just gave up on it.

Posted by Commit1 Anthony, 04-25-2006, 01:26 PM
Very unethical for a company to just dissapear, especially with client's domains, files and such. There should be a way of you getting in contact with them.. good luck.

Posted by mavantix, 05-03-2006, 07:51 PM
Probably from me. I think I was the only customer that had any warning at all that they might take a dive off the deep end and go out of business (just a hunch/prediction of mine really). See my original posts in this thread: When Optimus's hard drive started to fail, it was like the same week Tommy got diagnosed with whatever terminal illness he got. I was able to get ahold of Richard one day during that huge clusterf**k of an outage and he gave me the root password to Optimus. I don't think he had any *nix skills, I think Tommy ran everything technical. Anyway, I logged in and took a look at what was going on, saw the HDD errors in the syslogs and immediately downloaded all my client databases and files and posted the thread here in hopes to find anyone else being affected by the Optimus outage. I can only imagine how loosing all the data would be that much more painful. Pretty pathetic of Richard not to at least go out of business kindly. I wish I could have helped in some larger way, not so much to help Hellohost out, but to help all those now effected by the situation. Totally inexcusable if you ask me. If nothing else, Richard should allow the datacenters to send you all the data or put the machines online long enough to download, etc. Just ridiculous. One thing about it all, even with my new host, I've learned the value of a current REMOTE backup!!

Posted by carolinahosting, 05-03-2006, 08:22 PM
sorry to see that happen, hope you guys get sourted out. I know losing data is not fun.

Posted by Energizer Bunny, 05-03-2006, 09:22 PM
Well one doesnt have any control of death, suppose i were to die today you think my company will keep running cause i do payments mannually everymonth via paypal. And no one else has access to that. So you would still call that unethical? Without knowing the reason one should not call something unethical.

Posted by Commit1 Anthony, 05-03-2006, 11:50 PM
In this industry, do you honestly feel that them walking without notifying clients purposely could not be a possibility? Bottom line is, the client does not have his domain, files, or money. Until someone from the company gets on here and tells a story then I will still feel the same way... However I hope it works out smoothe

Posted by peter_k95, 05-04-2006, 02:08 AM
hellohost used to be good, thankfully I already swtiched hosts.

Posted by AQUARIAN, 05-06-2006, 06:26 AM
what about their domain?

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