
Vortech - Matrixreseller

Posted by keith70, 01-22-2006, 09:21 PM
Well I have been with these guys for about 4 years now. So that should tell you something. They have ups and downs, but the downs seemed to always get turned into ups! I can be very demanding at time, and for the most part, Vortech and gang has held up there end. Hats off to the gang at Vortech! So if your looking for someone stable and for the long haul, cant go wrong here.

Posted by ldcdc, 01-23-2006, 09:57 AM
4 years... that's a lot of time, enough to know the worst and the best a company can do. Glad to hear you give them an overall OK.

Posted by cunning, 01-23-2006, 10:20 AM
Good luck for future as well Keith and go go for Vortech

Posted by fizgig, 01-23-2006, 01:55 PM
i tried them but they did not have shared ssl which i needed. i moved to jodohost about two weeks ago since serverdivision started to not answer support tickets and leave sites/email down, it was fine for a while, set up a bunch of my sites and seemed to be working great. bad move, I just got back from a trip and my sites are down since yesterday and they want to charge me $10 to move them to a different server, saying that their wincf server does not support ASP although none of their documentation said that and the sites worked all last week.

Posted by (Stephen), 01-23-2006, 02:28 PM
Fizgig, We have not had a CF server that supports ASP for a long time now(well over a year), we sale CF and ASP/ASP.NET plans seperate on purpose, and our forums. When we find asp and sites running on the CF server(where they are NOT supposed to be running), we turn them off, plain and simple. Topics on OUR forums regarding this: In addition to this out step by step setup guide says this: Logical Servers: From here you can select Win Servers or Cold Fusion Servers. If you select Win Servers, you MUST NOT enable/allow Cold Fusion on this Plan. If you select Cold Fusion Servers, you must NOT allow ASP &ASP.NET on this plan. This means that you cannot host ASP/ASP.NET & ColdFusion on one plan and must create separate plans for them. If you enable ColdFusion on a plan configured to Win Servers, you'll get an account creation error I think it is pretty clear we don't offer ASP and CF on the same servers as a general practic, we are not hiding anything in this!

Posted by fizgig, 01-23-2006, 02:41 PM
i see my sites are up now, thank you for that. why doesn't it say that in the package creation wizard or automatically uncheck cold fusion if you select asp and vice-versa? some people are already familiar with the control panel and will not go into a step-by-step tutorial or search the forums to setup the sites. also, I put in a ticket a few days ago about setting index.asp as the default document, why was it not noticed at that time? why does ASP work at all on that server if you claim it doesn't support ASP? it's simple enough to turn it off. You can't just shut off all sites without notice like that, that's very poor customer service, I had to find out from angry phone calls from my clients including my father and my brother, and the tutorial and forums should not be the place to say what's allowed on the server. I am not trying to make any money as a hosting service, I am just a software developer hosting sites for my clients.

Posted by (Stephen), 01-23-2006, 02:45 PM
1. Some limits in hsphere prevent this somewhat, and ASP/ASP.NEt have to be installed for hsphere to work with the server, so it has to be there, but we do not allow it on the server. 2. As for notification, it sounds like this happened over the weekend when I was not in, I do send such notices, I will lookup for ticket if you can send me a PM, and find out who disabled the site, and make sure they do not disbale without a notice in the future.

Posted by fizgig, 01-23-2006, 03:03 PM
I have messaged you. i messed one thing up though, the other ticket is in the closed ticket section, i noticed that after.

Posted by Shaw Networks, 01-23-2006, 11:11 PM
Wow! 4 years with one web host is quite amazing for a WHT review Nice job Vortech!

Posted by keith70, 01-23-2006, 11:18 PM
Yep 4 years!!! They are well above average!!! Unix and Windows accounts. Very good control panel (HSphere) Very nice webmail interface (@mail). Ways for them to improve: 1) add a little more disk space and bandwidth. Last edited by keith70; 01-23-2006 at 11:22 PM.

Posted by Yash-JH, 01-23-2006, 11:50 PM
I appologise for the confusion. But if you follow the Step by Step Reseller guide, it is VERY clearly given that ASP/ASP.NET doesn't work simultaneously with ColdFusion on our servers. We have separate coldfusion and separate asp/ servers. This ensures better performance and better economy which we pass onto our resellers. We do recommend very strongly for new resellers to read that document, as it contains very useful information. You must create separate ColdFusion and separate ASP/ASP.NET accounts from your reseller control panel in order to use both CF and ASP/ASP.NET. They cannot run from a single end-user account simultaneously. I hope this has been clarified now

Posted by keith70, 01-24-2006, 11:14 AM
Guys...This was a review on Vortech, not to discuss Jodo....Thanks.

Posted by fizgig, 01-24-2006, 11:54 AM
didn't mean to derail, they seemed good, but it should be mentioned that they don't have shared ssl. some of my clients can't afford a yearly SSL cert from one of the well known companies.

Posted by honkwok, 01-24-2006, 12:07 PM
I just check their site. It only mention it support ASP/.NET, but it doesn't say .NET1 or .NET2.0... ANy idea? Thanks

Posted by Vortech, 01-26-2006, 07:42 PM
Thanks keith70.. We did up disk space a few months ago. It may be coming ago to though in the next few months.

Posted by gbcactus, 01-27-2006, 12:49 AM
I'm on the forum tonight because my current reseller host was down. My sites were down, h-sphere was down, even their website was down. So it looks like it's time to shop for a new reseller. Considering Vortech is a name that's been around awhile, I'll probably give them a try. Years ago, when I started building websites, I'd setup my clients with shared hosting from big name companies and never had a problem. Then I discovered reseller hosting and thought it would generate some more revenue. However, I've been with two resellers and it seems like there's a problem every couple of months. Sites go down and I start getting phone calls from very anxious customers. If I give Vortech a try, I'll report back and let you know how it's going.

Posted by l1onheart, 01-27-2006, 02:04 AM
Yeah... matrixreseller is good, i've been 4 years with them. so far nothing to complain. They have 1.1, asp 2.0 still in progress i think... dunno why.. Jodo have both of and they used hsphere too... but overall i'm like matrix..

Posted by ServerZB, 01-27-2006, 02:12 AM
DO Vortech really ask for $60 on a data backup restore while many reseller providers out there do it for FREE?

Posted by l1onheart, 01-27-2006, 03:21 AM
yeah... but now they have free restore like cpanel have, from the hsphere cp... but not for mssql.. still have to pay that much...

Posted by Vortech, 01-27-2006, 05:53 PM
Yes we do if a user deletes there files. If a site is hacked ( and it's our fault ), a server dies or something along those lines no. There is 2 simple reason why we had to start doing this. 1. Customer would do silly things and just call us. We would end up spending a lot of time doing restores because users would use frontpage and do live edits or something really stupid and have no copy of there own. 2. We have spent a LOT of money over the years perfecting our backup system. We even use live mirror software to restore servers in less than an hour if there is a hardware issue now. This runs along side our file by file coping. Managing backups for over 150 servers in a single cluster takes a LOT of space, money and time. We have found that charging a fee is better than charging more in the plan as a LOT of people would never need it anyway.

Posted by Pathfinder223, 01-30-2006, 04:22 PM
keith70, as another member posted above the sole fact that you've been there 4 years now is beyond a good review, so congrats on finding a host that good. you guys have my vote now ;-) i am not very familiar with that control panel of yours, but it should be a joy to work with for users and a nightmare for admins (i just know plesk for windows and it was such a misterious affair... ) . otherwise you would not be charging so much for a restore :-) i mean, accidentally deleting files should be a rare happening, right?

Posted by cartika-andrew, 01-30-2006, 04:42 PM
4 years is outstanding !!!! great review if they increased this too much, you might not have been a happy camper 4 years later

Posted by Vortech, 01-30-2006, 04:46 PM
We still get about 1 to 2 a day, after we tell them the price for us to do it about 80% of the time they come back with never mind I found it on my computer. LoL

Posted by keith70, 01-30-2006, 08:18 PM
CartikaHosting, that is why I said "just a little bit more". And your right about your statement. I have use Vortech to do one restore for me at $60. Yeah that seem a little bit on the high side, to me would be around 15 mins work, at $20. But thats just me. I have a lot of test sites that I have used to do testing at different host. So that helped a lot. Again, after reading all the stuff on WHT, and then trying different host, I would have to say Vortech has the BEST reseller program.

Posted by Jeffreyw, 02-01-2006, 04:28 AM
This justifies the reason why they charge for file restoration.

Posted by IKillBill, 02-01-2006, 05:01 AM
so, if two of our customer ask for restore service, which, in industry standard, are always free...our monthly cost go up to $120(restore)+plan monthly fee ?? not to mention if we charge customer at $10 monthly and when they ask for restore, we tell them it is $60 It is like hi-jacking

Posted by Vortech, 02-01-2006, 10:44 AM
IKillBill, It's a good practice for customers to keep backups and not do things like live edits with FrontPage, yes it would drive up your cost but it also drives up our cost to keep these backups current within 24 hours. We tell all of our resellers that they should stress to there customers to not do things like live edits and such with out some type of backup. There are also many hosts that charge some type of fee for backups and $60 is sometimes on the lower end and some don't even offer customer backups at all. We want to provide the best service we can, we are not a fly by Night Company by any means, we lose money on backup systems for customer data not make money. Each one of our backup systems cost over $10,000 and we have 5 now. I can say for sure we have not made that back and it's not raised our pricing at all over the years. We also replace these systems every 2 to 3 years to be sure they are stable and secure to say we have a backup. Remember in life you get what you pay for, in the case it's peace of mind that if you do something or a customer does something stupid we will be there to help and get your site backup and making money ASAP.

Posted by gene02, 04-01-2006, 02:53 AM
I have been with vortech now 16 months and they are stand guys over there. I use CF a good bit and other places I have been don't know CF so there support just wasn't there. Vortech has given me good support in a timely manner and fair rates. As for backups I learned a long time ago keep your own no matter who the hosting company is. Things Happen and if you keep a good backup of site and applications in most case DB's themselves usually hold there own. Had to put in the plug for Vortech.

Posted by keith70, 05-05-2006, 07:45 PM
Great news from Vortech....See my post above what I said would make it even nicer....Well Vortech upgraded our web space and bandwidth!!! Thanks again Vortech. Hmmm...Now what do I need or want. lol

Posted by Vortech, 05-05-2006, 07:48 PM
keith70, Thank you very much. We try very hard to keep our customers happy and we are alwasy trying to give more back to the customer..

Posted by rustelekom, 05-05-2006, 08:54 PM
Largest H-Sphere Cluster in the world, guaranteed!!!" - it's true, and now, when we have a own very small Hsphere cluster we understand that including around 100 server in one Hspere cluster is really great and nice work. Yes, we've been with Vortech from 2002 end or 2003 begin year ( i just not remember honestly). And we save our old reseller account with them even that we have now few own servers and also mainly deal as server reseller not as host. They have a little issue sometimes, but they always win and this is the reason why many customer still save their account under Vortech.

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