
WHT known users ... Resellers etc.

Posted by piatek, 04-14-2006, 01:41 PM
Ok. Going from reseller to reseller is a pain in the ***. I am wondering. Which of the WHT users ( users that are known here, have contributed to this website, and arent just users that post **** to get customers ) , if there is one, offer resellers. I have moved my websites 3 times in the last 3 weeks. This is redicoulus. I am not looking for a big company that resells because there are problem with those ( at least that's what i think ), nor i am looking for some crap. I need fast, reliable service. Someone who likes to do this, and who is honest. Who can manage their server and who knows the people that host on their server. I don't want the server to be shut down every 3 days. =( Please. Thanks

Posted by GigabitONE, 04-14-2006, 01:44 PM
Do a careful research and not just here ... for more review so next time will end up with a better host and can stay longer

Posted by piatek, 04-14-2006, 01:48 PM
Hmm, I spend 3 weeks looking for resellers to be honest. Searched this website from one post to another.

Posted by WindsOfChange, 04-14-2006, 01:55 PM
piatek, Give details like OS, features, resources needed, budget. Why you had to change providers so quickly... etc then maybe someone will come forward to recommend / offer you.

Posted by piatek, 04-14-2006, 02:06 PM
1. Because they were horrible. I will post reviews shortly as they are from here. 2. I am a graphic designer. I need my site to be up most of the time with good speeds. 3. I dont have a lot of websites ... I host my clients only, meaning i made those websites. Therefore i need 10GB space, could be a bit less. Cpanel, and WHM so i can create different accounts. Or whatever else is there on different OSs. I dont really Resell the space to people i dont know, i just host websites i make, so i have a close connection with clients. There is no ******** on those webpages. 95% of my clients dont even use resources, they just check their email daily, which has 5 emails max maybe. I need some bandwidth. I want good speed and uptime. I could also buy out some part of server if anyone is up for that. Lets say spit a server between 3 people, or whatever. Or if someone has a server and needs help paying it off. etc, you guys get the point. I had a server myself before but its 2 much for me. I am a designer that needs a bit of space, not a hosting company, and i am sure there are people like that, who need same thing. thanks

Posted by FlaNative, 04-14-2006, 02:07 PM
Try one of these for a reseller account and you will not have to move again! They are excellent: SJR Hosting or Sonet7 (owned by Liquid Web)

Posted by GigabitONE, 04-14-2006, 02:23 PM
Do you got any on mind?

Posted by nax9, 04-14-2006, 02:29 PM
IF there's nothing on their sites, why do you need 10GB of space? Just with that requirement, be ready to pay quite abit. Try and figure out what you need, and go with a provider who has a clear upgrde path. You'll end up paying less and get less headaches in the long run.

Posted by piatek, 04-14-2006, 02:30 PM
That's true. I like space i guess. hah. Don't ask why. 5Gb would be enough also. Let's make that 5GB then.

Posted by Lev, 04-14-2006, 02:45 PM
The perspective of a new customer, that one . You sure you need 5 GB? How many are you using right now? Most websites are under 100 MB. The higher your specifications, the more you need to pay to get a reliable host. If you use realistic specifications based on what you need (and not what you want), then you will have an easier time finding a reliable company.

Posted by ldcdc, 04-14-2006, 02:50 PM
very well said. piatek, I can't help to wonder how much you paid with your ex 3 hosts and how much they were "giving" for the money.

Posted by Jag, 04-14-2006, 03:09 PM
Which ones have tried? Perhaps knowing a bit more of the downfalls of the past ones could help pinpoint a better fit for you.

Posted by piatek, 04-14-2006, 03:11 PM
Biggest website i host is 500-1000MB. while it gets updated. Its a small radiostation website ( i did not make it ) but i sponsor the website. rest are under ... 100MB. 5GB space is enough with around 60GB bandwitdh WHM, Cpanel, and god, cpanel skins, X skin is the worst and ugliest skin ever made. That is all i need. Other then fast, reliable person.

Posted by jmweb, 04-14-2006, 04:03 PM
A lot of users like you have experienced the same problems. Typically a user will go with one of those cheapo overnight hosts and end up changing from one to another in a weekend. The important thing you have to remember is you get what you pay for. If your paying cheap costs for space/bandwidth your going to get cheap service. Cheap is cheap.

Posted by piatek, 04-15-2006, 11:34 AM
Oh i totally agree with you. What is normal price for around 5GB, 60GB bandwidth, and so the service is good ? Yes there are a lot of companies that do this for $7-10, but they are crap obviously. So what would be the good price for this ? cheap is cheap. if you buy an american car, it will obviously be cheaper then german or italian car. lol.

Posted by layer0, 04-15-2006, 11:35 AM
You're looking at $30-40/month for a *reliable* provider, give or take.

Posted by MyDigitalHost, 04-15-2006, 11:48 AM
Of the things that I've read, I can recommend JaguarPC. I can also recommend Resellerzoom, HostGator and Jodohost as I've used them in the past. That being said, these are just my opinions and what has worked for me, may not necessarily work for you. Keep in mind that no recommendation supersedes your own research, what you can afford, what you actually need, and your own common sense.

Posted by okihost, 04-15-2006, 12:20 PM
My suggestion would be to spend another three weeks communicating with a few hosts which you are interested in to get a feeling of what type of response times you will be looking at should issues arise and also what type of replys you get from them ie: pre-canned generic responses or details responses from someone who actually read your question.

Posted by piatek, 04-15-2006, 12:28 PM
Yeah this is what i am trying to do also. I will contact Jaguar PC next as i have a few questions there. Did anyone have resellers accoung with them by any chance ?

Posted by AvailNetworks, 04-15-2006, 12:37 PM
you should give a good solid look. They offer what I would consider "high end" reseller packages with excellent service and their plans fit your requirements quite easily as well. Good folks over there, they will treat you well

Posted by Mark S, 04-15-2006, 12:47 PM
Have you actually used those providers or are speaking from reading reviews?

Posted by piatek, 04-15-2006, 01:02 PM
I was reading a part of a plan, i think it was on JaguarPC, but i cannot seem to find it again, and it said that the plan offers less then 5% of resources. Is that good enough for a reseller account ? Or is VPS better. We are talking about 10-20 websites here.

Posted by MyDigitalHost, 04-15-2006, 01:26 PM
mmmm..I thought my post was clear. I said that I read about positive reviews of Jaguarpc and that I've used Hostgator, RZ and JH. I'm not sure how I could be clearer..

Posted by Mark S, 04-15-2006, 01:28 PM
Just trying to clarify-- Sorry.

Posted by Coldmedia, 04-15-2006, 01:35 PM
Piatek, try and go for a company that says they don't resell, meaning you may have to pay more but will probably get better service. -Alex

Posted by cartika-andrew, 04-15-2006, 04:30 PM
That many hosts in such a short period of time is not a pleasant experience Do you charge enough money for your hosting to actually achieve this? If you are only charging your customers a couple of $'s a month for hosting, you will never be able to justify a reliable host As many have indicated, thats alot of resources. Based on what you have written, you probably need between 3-5GB disk space and 30-60 GB Transfer. You should really expect to pay $30-$60+/month for this sort of package if you really are looking for rock solid, reliable service ...

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