

Posted by amravit, 04-14-2006, 02:23 PM
Well I know this a short review but I hope it can help some one on my boat I had reseller account on some x hosting company and some day out the blow I been asked to pay for the past 2 years or to give transaction number if I want to continue my hosting I really didn’t know what to replay if I didn’t pay as they submit why keeping me on there server 2 years maybe iam evil hacker they scared of I don’t know and iam tired of thinking about my mistake when I moved from the country I was in to where iam right now that I didn’t keep the payment recored I asked to restart of paying again on there smallest resaler plane and they asked first to pay 2470 us for the 2 years then kindly wave it to 600 some if I want to restart hosting with them again I came around apost of one of the users here talking bout and his experience and said to my self what else to lose I have 6 clients and one of them is university which cant be offline for asec so I paid and dude I was so surprised of how much fast that zack helped I explained that I need urgently without details to transfer the my reseller account He asked for transfer fees I paid 1$ for the domain and I see very fair and cheap again we started together working from some thing to some thing and the response time for the tickets was less then 15 to 30 minute zack and nat was awesome help every thing now have been transfer to allresaller iam hoping that my old host approve the transfer for the domain as well as they hosted Iam happy from the help I had and grateful and iam saying to all I went to server status page in my new whm and I love what I see every thing is more then perfect way better then my old host which had all time backup disabled and hard size on 90 % most if the time That’s my domain for the main reseller account bhhosting . com I really hate when I lose good friends I made on the past few years on the old hosting company but I guess when you host ur sites on small company its easy to talk to once they go large u start seen so many new people who say do this or else I understand there situation that they cant find my recored of payment but honestly do any one here have reseller account with 6 sites or less and have 2470 extra to say yeah sure why not I will pay it right away About all I can say try them for a month and if u didn’t like what u see I will pay you personally from my own pocket what u have paid 13 $ isn’t that big deal Iam sorry for the big messge but I am really gleeful for zack and what he done for me on the first day i was his client Regards amr

Posted by cyberturk, 04-14-2006, 02:36 PM
Happy to hear this. I know Zack and Natian are both good and helpfull. I wish they do the best for you.

Posted by ldcdc, 04-14-2006, 02:40 PM
Glad to see you happy with your new host. How long have you been with them?

Posted by amravit, 04-14-2006, 02:45 PM
2 days only i am watching the tasks and sites up time its to ealry iam just thankfull for have been done for the past 2days from them so far i think its new i mean the fast respond on help for me heh

Posted by jmweb, 04-14-2006, 04:05 PM
You should never base a review off of 2 days of hosting. Never.

Posted by ldcdc, 04-14-2006, 08:31 PM
IMO it's still an experience. Negative reviews are often based on short experiences (the customer leaves), so positive ones can just as well be based on short experiences. However, I read this: It must be noted that on a reseller hosting server that probably isn't even labeled yet as "filled" so new reseller accounts are still added to it, usage won't stabilize for months, as resellers will keep on adding new websites on it.

Posted by jmweb, 04-14-2006, 09:07 PM
Most of the negative reviews I have read around here have been based on more then 2 days. Heck the shortest I've seen was probably a week. Mind you I don't get to read ALL the review but would certainly be interested in reading the 1-2 dayers.

Posted by amravit, 04-15-2006, 08:46 AM
as i said i realy like the way they treat there clients i have contacted several companys who would turn me off even on the live chat there is ppl who care and ppl who dont i dont mind if aproblem happen but i mind wrong daignosing of the problem and talking to my self not finding any one to replay i will keep posting about whats happening but remmber i have found the review about aguy who have used them for quite of time and he had same experiance i had with zack i honestly when i say try them for amonth and i will pay you if u didnt like what u see i meen it 13$ is nothing and it wont make some people like zack ir nate stay 4 houers sovling transfer problems and manage the bugs comes from it i hope u get my point i have checked the total sites have been hosted on the ip iam hosted at and its alot i like what i see i mean when i saw the server specs iam not talking about what companys put on the ads and banners iam talking about the real server iam hosted at iam watching the uptime using several servies and i will be the first to say there is aproblem when some thing happen and i cant find some one to replay my screaming messge saying my sites are down i respect people who respect there clients even if it was 13$ client regards amr

Posted by IHSL, 04-15-2006, 08:53 AM
First impressions last the longest. Simon

Posted by ldcdc, 04-15-2006, 11:17 AM
As I said, this number is likely to increase in time. What remains truly undisputable is that the team has treated you right in these first days that you've been with them.

Posted by amravit, 04-15-2006, 11:22 AM
well i hope the incressing of the sites comes from me heh i understand ur words well and some ppl care some ppl just dont now asking about some thing no one here pointed to did any one ever had company asking him to pay for the last 3 years of his hosting as they recoreds didnt show that he did pay one one month on 2003 ?

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