
who bought ReadyHosting?

Posted by kneidels, 12-08-2005, 06:26 AM
anyone know? thanks!

Posted by dunkirksystems, 01-03-2006, 12:57 PM
I don't know specifically, but they are moving to Burlington, MA from Kenosha, WI. mp/m

Posted by kpbyrd, 01-03-2006, 01:00 PM
Just contacted Ready Hosting @ 262-652-7640. They are experiencing a major tech issue and will be back on line in a few hours.

Posted by webair-gene, 01-03-2006, 01:12 PM
Rumor has it that it was sold to

Posted by UHT_Toby, 01-03-2006, 02:16 PM
I have heard alot of bad things about, so i hope they didnt sell it to them

Posted by dunkirksystems, 01-03-2006, 02:24 PM
I called RH just a few minutes ago and they said their router went down. They don't have a spare? And you can't buy routers in Kenosha? Heck, CDW's world headquarters is just a few minutes down I-94! And I just got a trickle of email messages from early this morning, now servers are back down. The saga continues... mp/m

Posted by Shaw Networks, 01-03-2006, 03:22 PM
Where did this rumour surface from?

Posted by jmweb, 01-03-2006, 09:48 PM
Here at good ol' WHT. It doesn't seem anything official has been annouced. But given the fact that aplus has a bad reputation (especially around here) I wouldn't be shocked that they try and hide this for as long as possible.. Then again, I could be wrong and perhaps the hosting company wasn't sold. My only question is why doesn't someone ask them while they are talking to them about these router issues? John

Posted by DadCooks, 01-07-2006, 11:43 PM
Here is a response I received from ReadyHosting: ================================================= Thank you for contacting us. We apologize for any inconvenience caused you in the old platform. We assure that we will provide you the more reliable and secure webhosting and e-mail services. We also have high skilled customer support representatives and engineers and we will provide you the support will lesser wait time. I have answered your questions below: 1. ReadyHosting has been acquired by the Endurance International Group, a team that has been providing Web hosting services since 1997. They currently support more than 100,000 hosting customers. They have developed a pool-based, load-sharing hosting platform that is even more reliable and dynamic than the current one. Your site will be simultaneously hosted by dozens of servers, which will minimize potential service disruptions to your Web site and e-mail. Their technical support team is available 24/7 by phone, e-mail or online chat. 2. The new hosting plans will be introduced once the migration is over. Some of the programs we offer may change based on the new systems architecture. 3. The price of ReadyHosting services are not expected to change. And we will continue to offer -- and enhance -- the robust hosting plans customers have today. The costs of new accounts may change, and some of the programs we offer may change, based on the new systems architecture. 4. Currently, we don’t have any documentation regarding the future changes. We will send you an e-mail regarding the important changes in near feature. If you follow the instructions contained in our e-mail messages about this transition, your site should not experience any downtime when your account is transitioned to the new platform. The team that will be managing the migration has moved thousands of customers onto the platform, and has the experience necessary to minimize disruption for our customers. Still, we will need your assistance during the process to make the transition a success. We will be in close contact with our customers before, during and after the migration period to make sure everyone's Web site and e-mail works correctly. Our customers will also have 24/7 access to our support agents by phone, e-mail and chat to address any issues that may occur. If you have any further questions, you can e-mail us seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Sincerely, Rick Forester Customer Support ================================================= Since I am "new" to this forum, the system will not let me put in a link to

Posted by Patrick, 01-08-2006, 01:30 AM
First time I've ever heard of Endurance International...

Posted by BF-Gary, 01-08-2006, 03:10 AM
I believe it is,,,,,,, and many many more. If you do a google search on there street address you get a lot of hosts.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 01-08-2006, 03:41 AM
Yep, they have a fairly aggressive growth through acquisition strategy. Although IMO, they have a lousy domain/name, their credentials look very impressive.

Posted by HybridReseller, 01-08-2006, 04:43 AM
Wow, seems like they're a pretty powerful mergers and acquisitions powerhouse. I haven't heard about HyperMart and VirtualAve in ages. Reminds me of the old days when they were still the freebie web hosts.

Posted by Patrick, 01-08-2006, 03:32 PM
Wow, that's pretty impressive.

Posted by ca92336, 01-13-2006, 06:04 AM
I lost evry thing. They said they don't know. All the site are down. even Do backup yur contents

Posted by AHFBWEB, 01-13-2006, 08:28 AM
virtualave, my worst hosting experience..actually my only negative hosting experience in almost 7 years.

Posted by DadCooks, 01-13-2006, 10:39 AM
Cancelled my account. Yesterday they sent me an email asking me to reply with my address so they could send me a check--replies bounce. Tried other email addresses to reply to--they bounced too. Tried to call--endless wait, cutoff. Tried to access my control panel to check my trouble tickets--does not recognize me. If you thought the "old" ReadyHosting" was bad, get ready for the new "ReadyHosing" .

Posted by ldcdc, 01-13-2006, 03:40 PM
Scary! I'd be curious to know how the story ends, for you're quite in a pickle now...

Posted by DadCooks, 01-30-2006, 05:02 PM
Still no response from a real person and no check, so the story continues... The only email that is not bouncing goes to -- it gets an autoresponse that opens another "ticket", but when I try to use the links in the email to log into my "member" area I get various error screens. Phones lines are overloaded or not being answered--and I refuse to spend all day trying to break or wait through...

Posted by DadCooks, 02-03-2006, 03:40 PM
Received a refund check today (Friday, 2/3/06) from ReadyHosting, Inc. for the unused portion of my hosting account.

Posted by Serial10, 02-27-2006, 08:07 PM
Readyhosting couldn't host a windows server if their lives depended on it at least not anymore.

Posted by jmweb, 02-27-2006, 08:57 PM
I assume you all tried to contact Ready-hosting first? John

Posted by kpmedia, 02-28-2006, 09:39 PM
I've cancelled all of my readyhosting accounts. They were all up for renewal within 1-2 months anyway. For years, was an excellent host. From 2003-2005, I do think they let their technology get too outdated. It cost $100 just to get the privilege to add a single SQL database to your account. That's sort of ridiculous. They did not support that many scripts, and they were sort of greedy with disk space, given the price. So the value of service decreased as time went on, as they did not keep up with the technology available. Newer hosts had better options, and for better costs. In mid/late 2005, I almost think the company quit caring. I have a hunch they knew about the buy-out months before it happened, and the service started to fall apart. It was somewhere around November 2005 that their e-mail servers crashed, and it took almost a week to restore them. And I use the term "restore" loosely, as all contents were lost. Anybody who used only webmail lost everything. A lot of the now-empty accounts and forwards disappeared when the system came back up. In December 2005, readyhosting members were told about the buy-out, as well as informed that our accounts would be moved in January. We were told the move would be easy and transparent. It was anything but that. In January 2006, from what I can guess, they attemped to move accounts mid-month, and the system barfed. A lot of accounts were down, and when they came back up, they were reverted to months-old backups (like 6+ months old). Some days later, users were given notifications that they were ready to migrate. I followed their directions and suggestions for the whole 5-step process. In either step 3 or 4, it was suggested we delete/de-activate our old sites (at least ones running forums and other "dynamic" content) and put up temporary pages to let people know they were looking at an old server, and to check back once their DNS caught up. So I did that. Then I got to step 5 and was told the system was not ready. I had to re-upload my whole site to the old server. What a pain. In mid February 2006, I got 4-5 notices, a new one every other day it seemed. The last one basically told me to do it quickly, or they'd do it for me. I decided to move. This time step 5 was available. But on the new servers, nothing worked. They changed the structure of the server (such as where database files were located) and their ASP was acting up. Their info on how to migrate (such as how to convert CDONTS to CDOSYS) was worthless, as they left out too much information. They also had bots crawl our scripts and make changes, something they neglected to tell us (I asked on the phone, and the guy seemed reluctant to tell me, not sure why), which caused problems if you tried to update from your own "uncrawled" files. It was a huge hassle. My sites were down for days. One of them had bad DNS records for almost a week, on their end. Tech tickets took 2-3 days to get a response. None of the phone techs could do anything, they always had to "escalate" issues. Those people were not techs, they were glorified secretaries. It's now March 2006. As far as I'm concerned, readyhosting is gone, and it was a slow death. All that remains is the name, which somebody else now owns. I'm on a new host now. So far, so good. Last edited by kpmedia; 02-28-2006 at 09:42 PM.

Posted by Skeever, 03-03-2006, 08:29 AM
It's a similar story here, i gave up on RH in last december after too many f**k ups in a row. They used to be OK 2 years ago but sometime last year it went completely down the drain. The new platform really is a pain in the arse.

Posted by damselInDistress, 03-21-2006, 09:17 PM
and so have all of my clients! I put in a support ticket, which they originally closed and told me that the problem was with my code, not their site - I had to prove to them that they were wrong and open another ticket. I have inquired numerous times on the status and they never get back to me. Here are some samples of my attempts to resolve this! March 3: Rose Young: Hi Christine, I apologize for the wait time. My name is Rose, how can I help you? Christine: I would like to know how long it will be before someone addresses the ticket I submitted. My site stopped working during the migration Christine: I do not want it to be down all weekend. Rose Young: Can you please hold while I review your inquiry? Christine: yes Rose Young: Can you please provide me the URL of the page which is not functioning? Christine: you need to go to ***** and then log in using ***** as the username and ***** as the password Rose Young: Okay. I'm checking this for you. Christine: thank you Rose Young: I'm able to duplicate you issue. Please hold while I research on your issue. This may take a few minutes, I'll be back as soon as possible. Christine: thank you Rose Young: In order to assist you, I am going to have to ask a member of our team who specializes in Server Side Scripting to take care of this for you. Christine: ok Rose Young: Would you prefer a phone call or email when this is resolved? Christine: an email please Rose Young: Okay. Please hold while I provide you the reference number. Rose Young: Your reference number is *****. (Never heard back) March 6: Shane Carter: Hi Christine, I apologize for the wait time. I am Shane Carter.How can I help you today? Christine DeGraff: Hello Christine DeGraff: I would like to know if my problem is still being researched or not. Christine DeGraff: When my site migrated, it stopped working. Christine DeGraff: I have requested that it either be fixed or that I receive a backup of my site and database from the day before migration so that I can take it elsewhere. Shane Carter: Yes, I am checking this for you. Shane Carter: Thank you for your patience. Christine DeGraff: np Shane Carter: I am sorry as our engineers are still working on your issue which has been assigned a higher priority now. Christine DeGraff: ok, thank you Shane Carter: They will email you within the next two days with the resolution. Christine DeGraff: thank you Shane Carter: Is there anything else I can assist you with today? Christine DeGraff: no, thank you (Never heard back) March 10: Seth Nelson: Hi Christine, I apologize for the wait time. My name is Seth, how are you today? Christine: fine. I am trying to find out the status of my website problem. Seth Nelson: Please hold while I check into the issue. Seth Nelson: Could you please provide me with the reference number assigned to your issue? Christine: I think it is ***** Seth Nelson: I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Seth Nelson: One of our Engineers is already working on your request. Christine: thank you Seth Nelson: They will be contacting you once they complete your request. Seth Nelson: If you have any questions in the meantime, please let us know and be sure to refer to ticket # ***** for the quickest service. Christine: it has been a week. do you know if they think they are going to be able to resolve this? Seth Nelson: Yes, I'm sure they will get back to you once the issue is resolved. Seth Nelson: Is there anything else I can assist you with today Christine? Christine: no, that is all Seth Nelson: Thanks for chatting with us Christine. Take care and have a great day! (Never heard back) March 16: David Jones: Hi Christine, I apologize for the wait time. My name is David, how are you today? Christine: I am fine, my website is not Christine: Here is the ticket number I would like a status on: ***** Christine: it is almost 2 weeks now David Jones: Can you please hold for a while I check on this for you? Christine: yes David Jones: Christine, the ticket is still open and our engineers are still working on the issue. Christine: ok then I guess I will check back in another week David Jones: We will try our level best to resolve this as soon as possible, Christine. (Still haven't heard back) BUYER BEWARE - DO NOT USE THIS HOST!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by pilsentico, 03-21-2006, 09:21 PM
thanks for the advice

Posted by Phileo, 04-06-2006, 04:25 PM
I will echo the concerns that have been expressed about Endurance International Group. It appears to me as though they are really just an investment group who has chosen to invest in webhosting as their commodity. That doesn't mean that they are capable of running those services, or of providing adequate customer support. I have over 50 accounts hosted with ReadyHosting. I am in the process of moving them all, yet another time, because nobody at EIG has demonstrated any level of competance or ability to provide customer support. Tickets go unanswered for days, they get closed without resolution, and they get merged and hidden in my control panel without any communication. Because they are a load-balanced environment (aka webfarm), ASP session variables don't persist for more than an hour--they are recycled twice every hour between x:50 and x:59. This means that clients who rely on ASP session variables for login information have their entire client base logged out every hour--whether they're playing a game or writing an essay. This would have been alright, if they'd told us upfront--instead, I spent weeks assuring my client that they were working to resolve it, because the tier1 techs were assuring me that it would be resolved--all the while, upper level techs knew that it couldn't be resolved. My latest problem with them has involved the transfer of 14 domains away from their resold registrar (mostly TUCOWS, but some at Network Solutions) to another registrar. It has been nearly 72 hours since I filed the request to simply have them unlocked--no movement whatsoever. It's starting to feel as though they are planning to hold my domains hostage. So, based on my experience, I would say--run--do not walk--away from any host having anything to do with Endurance International Group. Just my experience, your mileage may vary!

Posted by johnnywoj, 04-08-2006, 02:48 PM
Readyhosting is now a poor choice for hosting. I've been with them since '02. As a relative newbie they served my purpose at the time. Have 3 accounts I just never bothered to move elsewhere. 2 of 3 of the recent migrations did not go well. After-hours support has always been terrible with this company. However the "new" readyhosting boasts 24/7 support. After-hours support still stinks. And the biggest problem is getting top-level support. It's always about 48 hours away. Just ridiculous. The 3 accounts still with readyhosting will be moved soon. They're paid for a bit, and nothing critically important, so I'm lurking, watching their efforts. Their migrations appear to have been poorly planned. That's being kind. As 1 writer pointed out, this is now pretty useless for resellers too. Send your client to *.* Very funny. It's really too bad. But I've been there a while. With all the other better choices out there, this company should be avoided. No need to run, unless you have client accounts on their servers. I've witnessed some bad company transitions, like Bitstreamhosting, for example. While this is nowhere near that bad, I can no longer trust the services of readyhosting. johnnywoj

Posted by candothat, 04-13-2006, 03:15 PM
Tech support is in Canada and the engineers are in Burlington Mass and no one there will give me a phone number for the business office at readyhosting. It was like pulling teeth to get the name of the owner as Gary Engle. There is no phone listing for readyhosting in the entire state of Mass per the operator. I am in the nightmare with the migration of readyhosting. The Techs are just telling me it's to bad that some of the software that ran for customers on the old servers will not run on the new. Their tech support just says there is no guarentee that anything they migrate will work even the web mail for my customer is being handled badly. The tech says "oh well just tell your customer to delete all the duplicate mail he may have in folders as a result of the migration. Ugh! I need windows and asp host with reasoable pricing for about 10 urls who do you all recommmend? I would like to move immediately. Thanks

Posted by Phileo, 04-13-2006, 03:40 PM
Gary is actually the VP of Customer Support, not the owner. The owner is Endurance International Group, located on the web at You can even see pictures of the management team here: On this page:, you can find the contact information for EIG, including a phone number: General Number: 866-897-5421 However, the phone number also comes with this caveat: "Customers: If you are a customer of one of our properties, please call your Web hosting Customer Support number for assistance. Our agents are available 24x7. Thank you for your continued support." My mailserver migration also went badly, and I had sites with ASP applications that no longer worked and had to be migrated elsewhere. I went with GoDaddy. I also moved my domains all away from EIG/RH, even though I still have about 40 sites hosted with them. I have yet to decide how many of those sites will stay. The latest issue is that they are failing to follow through on promises made to me in February about statistics and mail, and transparency of ReadyHosting to resold accounts. Migrating the domains away was a bit of a headache, but I worked through it, and knowing that I have direct control over the domains now is well worth the headaches caused. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about moving away and getting setup elsewhere. Phileo

Posted by candothat, 04-13-2006, 04:05 PM
Thanks Phileo! I have been considering godaddy myself. I use them for all my domain purchases with good results. I will give them another look on their hosting features. I called the general number at EIG and the woman there says someone from the business office will call me back too. I appreciate your quick response. Patti

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