
HostGator resellers how do u manage tech support?

Posted by AnmolTech, 12-24-2005, 10:21 PM
I am in a dillema.And i need your advice on the following. I am just starting out in the business and have been undecided over who to choose to buy my reseller account from.Two i have considered are Hostgator and Jodohost. I am non-tech person but at the same time internet/tech savvy. I am not sure i will be able to handle the tech support all by myself. What do u think -- is it possible for one person single handedly run a business such as this,provide tech support etc and still work an 8-5 job - with the possible exception of having 1-2 hrs in between to spare for customer questions. If u are shaking your head then i would probably have no choice but to move over to my second choice jodohost as they provide help desk end user support. If u have any other ideas feel free to let me know my options.(buying hostgator reseller plan and buying tech support elsewhere -- would u recommend this for somene just starting out????) Also how would u compare the xtras offered by hostgator to that offered by jodohost?? Thanks Last edited by AnmolTech; 12-24-2005 at 10:24 PM.

Posted by webbist101, 12-24-2005, 10:25 PM
It all depends. You are not required at all to provide 24/7 support, but if you can only sacrafice 1-2 hours of your time daily, I doubt you'll be able to survive without user-end support.

Posted by WireNine, 12-25-2005, 10:18 AM
Have you considered ResellerZoom? They also provide end-user support.

Posted by webair-gene, 12-25-2005, 10:23 AM
You may also outsource your support to someone like ThinkSupport. There are companies other than ResellerZoom and ResellersPanel that offer end-user support.

Posted by cunning, 12-28-2005, 02:39 PM
It is your own decision how you carry your business. It would be better to start off alone and then when your clientele increase, you can opt for a reputed outsource company to support you & your customers.

Posted by AnmolTech, 12-28-2005, 03:33 PM
Or if one has a job already and does reselling business on the side then i think(as is my case) start off with a host who will offer you end-user support. -- i hope i got this right 'cause thats my only option so far -- wish hostgator had end-user support

Posted by cunning, 12-28-2005, 03:55 PM
It's your decision but mind that you do a better research on who offers end-user support.

Posted by ldcdc, 12-28-2005, 09:59 PM
If the support comes from the reseller hosting provider, things that require advanced access to the server are likely to be handled faster, as the ticket will be assigned faster to the a tech that has the ability to handle it. On the other hand, the more a provider does for you, the more you depend on that provider. For eample, if you decide to switch to a different company later on, you'll have to either find one that will support your end users (which at least at the moment limits the options considerably), switch to using outsourced support (which can be hit or miss in terms of satisfaction), or start supporting the customers yourself. So, if your hosting business depends so much on one provider, you'd better research it and reresearch it till you're confident enough to trust so much of your business into their hands.

Posted by Shaw Networks, 12-28-2005, 10:41 PM
If you're only going to have a couple hours a day to reply to support requests, then I would certainly go with Jodohost. You'll find that as your business grows more and more clients will not be satisified with a once per 24 hour response.

Posted by AnmolTech, 12-28-2005, 11:39 PM
IncognitoNetworks: Thanks for Replying(and others too).I value your judgement -- jodohost seems to be my best choice for now.If I am successful in the future then probably then i would think of outsourcing( initially outsource 100% and later 70%outsource and 30% in the US).Probably i might even need to hire someone to ans sales questions. Please see my other thread in "running a web hosting business regarding taxes" and let me know what u think--- tia

Posted by cunning, 12-29-2005, 12:00 PM
IMO,that would be a wise decision about looking for an outsourced support later and you can always checkout the offers forum to hunt for a better outsource support provider. Jack

Posted by Yash-JH, 12-29-2005, 12:11 PM
One thing I'd like to mention is that alot of the tickets we receive are technical issues dealing with the server. I'm sure it wouldn't be different with other hosting companies too. An outsourced support company would not be able to handle these tickets for a reseller. They'd basically be a level1 team that could do basic questions and put the remaining on hold for you, to pass onto the host. End-user support directly from the host would be level3 support, solving any issue. When we were first thinking about end-user support, we analysed ticket history from our reseller base. We found out that alot of reseller tickets were infact forwards from their end-users. We predicted that our support load when introducing end-user support would only increase by a small percentage, and I can say we were pretty much right Also, i think its very incorrect to say that resellers who allow their hosts to do support get disconnected from their client base. In our system, you still are a part of support and can answer tickets simultaneously with us through the common ticket management interface we give our resellers. You still handle customer relationships. Your host just does the "technical" part Last edited by Yash-JH; 12-29-2005 at 12:20 PM.

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