
3.5 Gb space, 100 gb bandwidth, $8 to $10, cpanel

Posted by pamaro, 12-25-2005, 09:53 PM
And I'm back on the market for a reseller account. I'm currently hosted at Vision Plateau, on their small reseller plan (3.5 gb space, 150 gb bandwith, $8.99 per month). Everything went great for a couple of months, the servers were fast and reliable and the tech support quick and friendly. However, they've decided to go into some sort of "anti-spam crusade". This would usually be a good thing, if it wasn't for the fact that they're going completely overboard with it. For the past few days, I haven't been able to send out e-mails, because they've blocked my ISP (which is the largest ISP in Portugal). Talking to other users, I've found out that they've taken the same measure regarding other large ISPs around the world, blocking a fair share of their users from sending out e-mails. I've initially tried to reason with them on their forum, along with another user, but they seem pretty strong-headed about this. So, even though I'm happy with the rest of their service, I'm forced to look for another host, as I can't afford having useless e-mail accounts. Sure, the best way to prevent spam is to stop people from sending out e-mails, but that defeats the whole purpose of having an e-mail, doesn't it? Any suggestions? I know I can't ask for much with this sort of budget, but it's what I can afford right now (and it was being more than enough up until now, it was a shame they took this decision... could have become a great host).

Posted by mripguru, 12-25-2005, 10:09 PM
Somehow, I don't think that's gonna happen.

Posted by pamaro, 12-25-2005, 10:12 PM
Well, it has happened once... so I'm keeping my hopes up. I'm currently looking into resellerzoom... their bandwidth is shorter than what I had, but hopefully should be enough for the first few months (I can upgrade afterwards, I guess).

Posted by TweakAdmin, 12-25-2005, 10:24 PM
There are some companies out there that you might be able to deal with. The budget is a little low but you may find something out there. Good luck with your search.

Posted by rumi, 12-25-2005, 10:25 PM
Try your luck in offer section, you will surely find one.

Posted by freak, 12-25-2005, 10:39 PM
Yea, it happened once, you weren't happy, that's why you are here asking for new recommendations. You go with a host selling 100gigs of bandwidth for 10 bucks, I betcha you'll be back here in a jiffy. I have no idea when did WHT users start telling expectations like this as completely normal, but let me tell you the real thing buddy, you ain't going to get any quality if you are only willing to pay 10 bucks for 100gigs worth of bandwidth. Up your budget a little or lower your expectations

Posted by pamaro, 12-25-2005, 10:44 PM
Well, my problem isn't with their service as a host, I'm happy with that. The only reason why I'm considering moving out is, as I've mentioned before, that they've started imposing ridiculous limitations on e-mails, banning IPs from large ISPs from sending any kind of e-mail. If it wasn't for this over-zealous decision, I wouldn't even think about moving out.

Posted by TweakAdmin, 12-25-2005, 11:10 PM
Have they given you an explanation as to why they are getting that way?

Posted by NeoGen, 12-25-2005, 11:10 PM
Whoa 3.5 Gb space, 100 gb bandwidth for $8 to $10 is too cheap... It might be challenging to find a reliable Host who could offer package like this IMO.

Posted by pamaro, 12-25-2005, 11:21 PM
Because they "hate spam" and "want to win the spam war". I can relate to that and I understand if they have strict measures for anyone reported spamming or something like that... but they've gone a bit too far on this. From what I could gather after talking to other users, they're pretty much banning entire countries (since some of'em have a dominant ISP that, for some reason, is on their blacklist). Seems quite unreasonable to me and I've tried talking to them in their foruns, but I got a basic "that's your problem" reply...

Posted by freak, 12-25-2005, 11:31 PM
Your old host has servers located at If you look at the costs of bandwidth over there, a low end server is probably going to cost you 100 bucks a month and comes with 1500gigs of bandwidth. Now if you they sell 150gigs for 9 bucks, and can only fit 10 customers, where are they getting their profit from?

Posted by Klaatu, 12-26-2005, 11:38 AM
Shhhhhhh! You're gonna bust his bubble. ~;-)

Posted by Shaw Networks, 12-26-2005, 10:32 PM
Finding another host that will offer 3.5 gb space and 150 gb bandwith for $8.99 per month will be quite difficult. I think you'd have the best luck submitting a hosting request through Dozens of hosts will be able to bid for your patronage. Be sure to research any web host you find from HostVoice back here on WHT.

Posted by pamaro, 12-27-2005, 11:53 AM
I'm currently checking another offer ( I've found through here... I've also lowered my needs a bit, into several "packages". So, as long as the host provides me with the ability to upgrade if required (ie, doesn't suspend the sites immediatly if I cross the bandwidth), I may be looking into the following as well: - 2 gb/50 gb - 2 gb/75 gb - 2.5 gb/50 gb - 2.5 gb/75 gb - 3 gb/50 gb - 3 gb/75 gb Must have cpanel and mysql... custom nameservers are a definite plus (so I don't have much trouble changing nameservers) The main thing is that I'm able to buy extra bandwidth or upgrade to another plan in disk space if required (my needs right now are lower than what I'm setting as maximum, but I'm launching a few sites that may meet them). Price range is still around the same... any suggestions? Incognito: I've tried that, waiting for replies now. I'm also coordinating with other clients from Vision Plateau, as they're also planning on moving out... if we find a nice space, we'll probably move there together (VP really took a bad step here ).

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