
cPanel high loads while creating account

Posted by PirateSolutions, 05-10-2011, 06:13 AM
hello, This issue is driving me crazy already. I always have high load at those times: x:10 or x:20 Where x=hour and 10 = minute. There is also high load everytime I create or suspend account. Im running cPanel/WHM. Any advices what to check?

Posted by Server Management, 05-10-2011, 06:24 AM
The load average to go high is normal within cPanel during the account creation process and the suspend account process due to the number of processes running at them times.

Posted by PirateSolutions, 05-10-2011, 06:27 AM
I found out i/o was the problem. mysql has too much read activity: But is that? How can I prevent it? Could it be due to /scripts/update_db_cache in cron? Those are fast 15k rpm drives in raid10 so dont tell upgrade drives

Posted by Server Management, 05-10-2011, 06:37 AM
I dont see how your mysql problems relates to account creation, etc Whats the specs of the server? How many accounts on the server? Are you using a reseller account or is it your server? Last edited by Server Management; 05-10-2011 at 06:41 AM.

Posted by Patrick, 05-10-2011, 09:05 AM
Indeed. Most of our 'mysterious' high load or high IO directly relating to cPanel has to do with the quota system getting screwed up. I'd run the following as a precaution: /scripts/fixquotas

Posted by funkywizard, 05-11-2011, 07:13 AM
If you're seeing a lot of mysql load, you'll want to tune your /etc/my.cnf file. By default, mysql won't even be configured for query caching, so you'll want to start with that. Google for "tune my.cnf" or "tune mysql" and you'll find plenty of helpful tutorials. This still might not be enough to get the load to a level where you want it, but it's a good start.

Posted by PirateSolutions, 05-11-2011, 10:33 AM
Hello, Problem is disk I/O, althoguht those are fast SAS 15k RPM drives and raid10. Most of time it works fine, but at some times load it over 100 and it lasts 1 minute. It happens a couple of times a day. I cant debug the issue, I already disabled LFD(checking a lof ot files) and mounted / as noatime. There is 300 accounts on the server, I think some cpanels action is using too much disk - like checking the drives or fixing mysql databases. its driving me crazy. Any help will be very appreciated.

Posted by funkywizard, 05-11-2011, 03:27 PM
If you can afford it, a good fix would be to put the mysql databases on an SSD. run "du -cksh /var/lib/mysql" to get an idea how big your mysql directory is. If a lot of your disk i/o is coming from mysql, you can get a huge performance boost by putting that on an SSD.

Posted by stardust_x7, 05-11-2011, 04:57 PM
I believe you have problem with disk I/O, LFD normally not involve with slow process if the main server having some critical issues. Also check if you are getting DDoS : Optimize Apache, mySQL also disable antivirus, boxtrapper, mailman and then restart the server. Check if the performance get improved.

Posted by PirateSolutions, 05-13-2011, 10:22 AM
Its not ddos. THose are already fast 15k drives x4 but i/o is still the problem from some reason

Posted by Steven, 05-13-2011, 10:33 AM
The cpanel actions really do not use that much disk.

Posted by PirateSolutions, 05-13-2011, 10:43 AM
Hello Steven, Its true cPanel by default doesnt use a lot of I/O by default, but when there is 20GB of mysql databases and over 100GB at /home it's a lot of files and when cpanel process the logs it takes a lot of I/O. So far I disabled LFD(checking too many files). It's a powerful server with SAS drives, Varnish in front of apache, optimized mysql / httpd. This issue is really driving me crazy. Would you be willing to take a look Steven? PM me the price in PM.

Posted by cuantica, 05-13-2011, 03:15 PM
Hello, how many accounts do you host in that server? if there are too many, then could say this would be normal behavior. check mysql status to determine possible database issues. 1 cd /var/lib/mysql take a look at your database err log 2 tail fix any crashed tables Also take a look for consuming queries watch mysqladmin proc stat Maybe this would help.

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