
Site5 or Reseller Zoom

Posted by LRZ00M, 11-26-2005, 08:01 PM
I have an account with Site5, they were really great but lately there are a lot of different problems, from bandwidth spikes to bandwidth meter not reseting to cpu overloading, they keep saying they will fix the problem but its either taking them a while to fix or it not fix it at all. I am starting to lose faith in them. So now I am checking on the Advance Reseller Plan of ResellerZoom, its a bit more expensive than Site5, but I hope that I would get the best service out of it. What I want from a reseller account is the speed, stability and peace of mind (hoping I will stay with them for a long time...) So if you can recommend something to me, should I stay with Site5 and keep hoping for the best or should I move to resellerzoom and start something new and excellent? My next bill with Site5 is next month so I hope I can decide soon. If you have experience with both hosting company please share it with me ... Thanks

Posted by niyogi, 11-27-2005, 12:56 AM
I've heard great things about the premium plans offered by HostingZoom (it might be because of the sincerity of those who purchase the more expensive plans perhaps). I don't think you'd go wrong with them actually. Cheers, Roj

Posted by Brendan Diaz, 11-27-2005, 01:53 AM
Dear LRZ00M, Let me just start off by saying that I am very sorry that you have been experiencing continual problems with Site5’s web hosting services. I fully understand and completely respect your choice to “see what else is out there” since you are not satisfied with our service. I am not posting in this thread to try and sway your opinion or take anything away from the advice you receive here from fellow WHT members – but I would like to help you out a bit if you’d let me. However, if you are looking at going with HostingZoom, I know more than one HostingZoom employee and I can tell you that – at least from the honest feedback my friends have been giving me – HostingZoom is a quality web hosting company and would be a very viable option should you choose to leave Site5. Whether or not I think you should leave Site5…well, I guess I’m a little bias huh? If you would like, please feel free to PM me with additional details about the problems you’ve been experiencing with our services. From what you listed in your post, it seems that the vast majority of your problems are server-related problems, and I would be more than happy to see to it that you’re moved to a new server with no load issues or users that cause persistent bandwidth spikes. We have ~100 servers in our fleet and I can almost guarantee you that a move to a newer server could literally “cure” most of the problems you’ve been experiencing. It is an unfortunate fact that Site5 has recently had a few servers with users that tend to cause problems, and we do take every necessary effort to weed these trouble users out as well as manage server issues that do arise to the best of our ability. If you’re willing, just let me know and I will see to it that you’re moved to a new server and that we get these issues under control for you. You can PM me any relevant tickets that you’ve submitted to our helpdesk, or just information about your server and how you’d like to tackle this problem with us. Also, if poor server performance has caused unnecessary downtime and the server you’re on has not met the uptime SLA, do not hesitate to request a credit. If WHT does suggest you move on, well, I wish you only the best and thank you kindly for the time that you have spent with us! If you shoot me a PM in a few hours and I’m already sleeping, I’ll be sure to check my inbox first thing in the morning. Have a good one, and good luck with your decision!

Posted by cartika-andrew, 11-27-2005, 02:39 AM
If they have been really good until now - I would say take Brendan up on his offer and see if theres anything he can do to assist you... Ive heard of a few issues with Site5 - however, in their price range - Im not particular you can find an overall better organization - also keep in mind that the number of complaints are far less then the number of satisfied customers... Brendan is quite active here, and very eager to help - why not see what he can do for you before considering other options (grass is always greener and all )

Posted by LRZ00M, 11-27-2005, 04:01 AM
Thanks for the reply folks! Brendan I couldnt send you a PM maybe I dont have enough post for that function in this forum? However I will send you an email shortly. I love to stay with Site5 coz like what I mentioned, you guys have been great, support wise and service. It was just sad I got this continious problems with the server I am on. Hopefully we can get this sort out. Thanks

Posted by Brendan Diaz, 11-27-2005, 12:25 PM
Dear Louie, Heh, yes I should have realized that I am sorry! I have received your email and I will respond accordingly in the next few minutes. Thank you kindly for taking the time to contact me - I will see to it that this issue is sorted out for you.

Posted by RaceJunkie, 11-27-2005, 12:43 PM
It's good that Brendan is going to try to make things right. What's bad is that you had to post here before you get any help. I had problems with Site5's server loads too, and all i got was that's what you get for being on a shared server, and deleted posts in there forums.

Posted by epixelated, 11-27-2005, 07:36 PM
I'm with site5 too and have also been searching for a new host because ironically the support directly with site5 has dropped immensely. I remember on more than one occasion I asked if I could be moved to a more reliable server and was denied that request. If Brendan is willing to move you to a more reliable server, I would definitely jump on it. Usually the only person I seem to get any help from or answers that make logical sense is Julian. Otherwise it feels like pulling teeth to get help.

Posted by KimberlyB, 11-27-2005, 08:11 PM
I was hosting with ResellerZoom and cancelled my account just three days ago. Their support team was always pretty quick to respond but the web server went up and down FARR too much. Anyone reviewing other reviews on Reseller Zoom will know all about the blasted 500 Internal Server Errors as well. They finally got that fixed up but Apache and mail were going down multiple times consistenly each day. I moved everything over to a new company called Red Rock Servers and I'm having no problems. It's Plesk instead of CPanel but at least it's stable. Good luck.

Posted by epixelated, 11-27-2005, 08:34 PM
I'm so glad you said that, because I just signed up for an account with reseller zoom and used the option to pay by check. This is definitely incentive for me to not move to them. Uptime is my top priority right now. I've never used plesk before, is it failry simple to use? Any benefits or losses over using cpanel?

Posted by LRZ00M, 11-27-2005, 09:51 PM
Were you hosted in their Advance Reseller Plan?

Posted by epixelated, 11-27-2005, 09:53 PM
Is the advanced reseller plan on more reliable servers? That's the one I signed up for.

Posted by wnTyler, 11-27-2005, 09:56 PM
Reseller Zoom is horrible, do not use them, it will cost you more in time and problems. I have an account with them and I am in the process of switching to a new host because of the excessive downtimes, server load allways being extremely high, limiting scripts from running fully, and their new rules they put on how many domains you can host.

Posted by epixelated, 11-27-2005, 09:58 PM
Red Rock Servers seems a little steep for me. $35 for 1,000 MB's of disk space doesn't do much for me.

Posted by epixelated, 11-27-2005, 10:00 PM
Thanks Tyler. That helps a lot. I've been searching for days now and starting to get a little frustrated. It makes the process a little easier when you can hear actual experiences. 2 bad experiences is definitely enough for me to stay clear!

Posted by kubicle, 11-27-2005, 10:22 PM
I have an account with RZ and Idologic. Out of the two, I really like Idologic better. The verdict is still out on RZ, but I've only been with them for 2 weeks. BTW, I am on their Advanced plan.

Posted by epixelated, 11-27-2005, 10:40 PM
Idologic is about $43 more monthly than what I pay at site5 right now and has less features. Also, I am definitely looking for 99.99% uptime. Although, site5 does post on their site that they have "99.9%+ Uptime (current avg. is 99.998%)", the stats for the server I am on with them shows an average of 99.8965% uptime. I guess since they have a lot of servers they very well could have an average of 99.998% of uptime, who knows.

Posted by ioZoom, 11-27-2005, 10:42 PM
Hi, I'm interested in knowing more about the account you had with us so that I review the issues in which you are noting about Apache going down consistently multiple times per day. I agree this is a major issue if this was consistent as you've mentioned on a daily basis however I can't remember any server going down multiple times every day. As for the 500 errors it's an issue where many people don't understand why it happens and often blame our resource monitor for it when it can be anything from wrong permissions to a script error. We're proactive in preventing abuse and if you got an error that was confirmed due to our monitor than your site wasn't meant for that certain plan.

Posted by epixelated, 11-27-2005, 10:49 PM
hzKiet, Please explain to me how different plans might help. These are things I personally would love to be able to understand. I'm getting a lot of http failures with site5 from 3 different monitoring companies and maybe there is more to it than just downtime. It would be nice to know what the problem could be if it's not the servers?

Posted by ioZoom, 11-27-2005, 10:50 PM
From the information provided in your post I was able to find the account you have with us and can not see why you would claim of excessive downtimes? I understand you're on the Jupiter server and can tell you that server have 99.9%+ uptime over the last 4 months. We limited the domains you can host in order to ensure our budget servers remain stable. As for the limiting scripts from running fully I assume you are referring to our resource monitor which will kill any process which uses too much system resources. 99% of all accounts on our servers do not see this problem and if you do and confirmed it was due to our monitor that just means your certain site needs to be optimized and/or moved to a plan more suitable for it. Regardless I wish you good luck with your new provider but if you would like to discuss this with me personally feel free to contact me at kiet[at] Thanks!

Posted by bigjoeb, 11-27-2005, 10:52 PM
As for the 500 errors ...." The way you talk, your customers should be packing. This cannot be the great plans and costs I read about here. Now you tighten the belts. This is sounding like a familiar redundant reseller tale. bigjoeb

Posted by swflnetworks, 11-27-2005, 11:04 PM
I can vouch for RZ on this one. I'm currently hosted on Server Cameron. I've got 99.96% uptime this month, and last month was 99.99. The server goes offline maybe 1 time a month, but it's barely noticable, it's like 1 minute at most. Their Tech Support was always responding and usually resolving within 30 minutes to an hour of ticket creation, sometimes longer. They've even helped me with issues on Thanksgiving day. This is the account I have with them on their Budget Plan. I've only moved servers 1 time, because mars was unstable the time I was on it due to a DDOS which was mitigated shortly after I moved to cameron. If you ever have a problem with their server, just make a ticket and ask to be moved. They'll try the best they can to get it all moved as fast as possible to where you won't even notice any downtime (except for DNS propagation, but that's out of their control). Their Advanced plans are alot better, as I did have one before I eventually closed the account, when I moved to a dedicated server. I still have the budget account open though, and has been running strong for 5 months.

Posted by swflnetworks, 11-27-2005, 11:09 PM
They're only doing what they need to do to survive. And yes, the Internal 500 Server errors are usually due to people forgetting to make their .htaccess file. Their servers are configured slightly different then most hosts, so the .htaccess file needs a few more lines than others do to enable a few more php variables. So, no. He's not saying anything that makes the notion that his customers should be packing. I created a ticket about it when I first encountered the problem over 4 months ago, and they made an htaccess file for my account for my specific needs. I've never had the problem since. Though, I do like how you can just jump in wherever you feel and lay judgement on hosts you have no experience with.

Posted by kubicle, 11-27-2005, 11:25 PM
which Idologic's plan did you look at? what features are you looking for?

Posted by ioZoom, 11-27-2005, 11:44 PM
Hi, Do you mean how different "hosts" will help? Or are you referring to the various plans we offer? I would be more happy to answer the latter privately via email or PM but if you're asking about the former question I would suggest doing a search on this forum for feedback left by other forum members. No two providers are the same and one provider may suit your needs while another may not. Site5 is a great provider and i'm sure whatever issues you're having they are more than capable of resolving them. I saw a post where you expect 99.99% consistently and can honestly say you won't get it on any reseller account even if you're the only account on the server.

Posted by bigjoeb, 11-27-2005, 11:57 PM
Though, I do like how you can just jump in wherever you feel and lay judgement on hosts you have no experience with." Perhaps I do have experience. You give your opinion and I will give mine. When I PAY, I have a right to judge to my own specs within reason, or move on. You also have the right to "voice" your opinion here. Sure they are just covering their butts. Does that make it right to the customer? They were offering folks usage they now restrict. Fine. They have that right. Others have the right to object, say it here and move on if necessary. More comments like yours and that is exactly what I will do. This IS a redundant reseller issue. To their credit, they are trying something, but being too staunch and matter-of-fact about it, over and over again, is not desired or comforting for my $$. They could also try reducing the accounts on each server.

Posted by epixelated, 11-28-2005, 10:42 AM
Kubicle, I was looking at the Advanced+ Reseller plan at Idologic. I could ahndle the space and bandwidth that comes with this plan, I just can't see paying $65 monthly for it when I can find plans with the same space & bandwidth for the fraction of the cost. My ideal hosting package at the moment would have: 10+ GB of space. 100+ GB bandwidth Unlimited domains, email accounts, ftp accounts, parked domains, add on domains, mysql databases, etc. Fantastico Updated version of PHP & MySql Webmail Integrated billing system (Modern Bill or Client Exec (SOmething that will allow domain name registration without being connected to a specific registrar, as well as the ability to add additional non-hosting related services.) Anything with whm autopilot or h-sphere would be out. A plus would be a reseller control panel that includes billing as well as account creation, etc. I have yet to find a complete reseller package that would allow me to sell web hosting packages, web design packages & domain registration. I do have a package I signed up for at Jodo Host and so far I am happy with the customer service & support. The major downfall is that they use h-sphere and I can't seem to sell domain registration through h-sphere without connecting to a domain registrar such as enom, OpenSRS, etc. Domain orders I process manually. Also, they have set mail servers you have to use, such as "" vs., which means I would have to have all of my clients update their info. Plus the way usernames are set drives me a little crazy. You have to have 8 characters, no more and no less, in your usernames. I'm starting to think I'm just really picky.

Posted by epixelated, 11-28-2005, 10:50 AM
No, I was referring to how different packages can help. You said something about how her site might not be on the right plan and that could be the problem. How do different plans help solve the problem? Are the higher priced plans just on better servers? I will never deny that site5 was a great provider. When I first signed up with them I had very little problems and their customer support level was top notch. Very fast to respond and very intelligent. Something has definitely changed. As far as 99.99% uptime consistency goes, I have to tell ya, at one point site5 did have 99.99% uptime consistency. (Minus server reboots of course, but I can definitely handle 1-2 minutes of downtime.) Call me picky, but I feel strongly that if you have a 99.99% uptime guarantee, you should be doing everything possible to make sure you're up for that long. I don't make promises I can't keep and I just expect the same. If a host can't keep promises or falls under that guarantee, then as long as they try to solve the problem or do what they can to make the customer happy, instead of shrugging their shoulders stating their isn't anything they can do about it then I would be fine.

Posted by epixelated, 11-28-2005, 10:58 AM
I have to agree with you completely. We aren't talking about free hosting here. We are talking about our business and what we do to bring food to the table. I pay very close attention to how a host deals with particular situations and how important my business seems to them. I have dealt with hosting companies that no matter what happens it's never their fault. The absolute best hosting company I have ever dealt with in the past was Clook Host. Jim was always up front about when something was their fault. And when it wasn't their fault he/they would do what they could to help you figure out what the problem was. There was never a moment I ran into where I was told "it's not our fault, so figure it out for yourself." They always went above and beyond. If it weren't for the downtime I was experiencing at the time I would have NEVER left there. I don't know exactly what they are like now, but I still have colleagues that I referred over to them that are still with them and they have said they are definitely getting better with the downtime issues they were having. If they come out with bigger and better plans in the future, I definitley would consider going back.

Posted by KimberlyB, 11-28-2005, 11:27 AM
I do outsourced technical support for a number of web hosting companies so I know when I'm getting the runaround and excuses. I also know very well not to always trust a hosting company's proclaimed "uptime" because that can be easily tinkered. Using my own server monitoring software I was able to see where mail/ftp/web went down multiple times throughout the day on my account. I know from a technical standpoint that Apache and mail servers need to be restarted from time to time, but mulitple times in a given day, sometimes 15+ minutes at a time isn't good. I was only on the Budget plan because my site is very small. I was looking for something inexpensive yet stable. Any scripts I used were offered by your company through the Fantastico control panel. I was only running OSCommerce and Typo3 for a small site. Anyhow, here's a screenshot of my mailbox with e-mail alerts showing me about the site being down. I'm not trying to make bad business for RZ, I'm just being honest. There were way more alerts than that but this should show my point. I've blacked out my domain name because I don't see where that's relevant since I don't host with RZ anymore. Kim

Posted by epixelated, 11-28-2005, 12:11 PM
Holy COW! Talk about frustration! As far as I'm concerned, I don't care what plan you're on, it should never happen like it did. Budgeted or not. I have some clients who pay me a higher rate than others. I have lower budgeted clients who just can't afford to pay much for their website. Whil i might not offer them a high priced design, I can't imagine treating them as low budget clients. I treat all of my clients the same, regardless of what they pay. It must help a lot that you help other hosting companies with support. This way you know when your getting smoke blown up you a$$ from another company. I sure wish I had that ability! =)

Posted by swflnetworks, 11-28-2005, 01:08 PM
Honestly, yes, that's alot of downtime. Though, again honestly, you had every opportunity to be moved to a new server with the creation of a help ticket, and they'd have moved you to a more stable server until they figured out the problem. That's what I've always done, and I've always maintained 99.97 uptime in the process.

Posted by swflnetworks, 11-28-2005, 01:14 PM
Once again epixelated. There's a difference between their Advanced and their budget plans. Budget plans are more for webmasters, and specifically states on their site word-for-word: "Perfect for webmasters to host multiple websites under one plan for one low monthly price." It's not meant for hosting on, that's the case. No matter what though, their budget plans DO always maintain 99.97-99.98 each month. If not, they are open about it. There's no run around, there's no ****-talking. Not to me anyways. Advanced plans are meant for beginner hosting, and are better suited specifications wise, and Premium is meant for serious hosters. As long as they maintain that 99.98, it's still on their agreement. Though yes, all it takes sometimes is a simple server move.

Posted by KimberlyB, 11-28-2005, 01:28 PM
I was told by RZ phone support (I called one evening out of frustration) that the server was being worked on and that it would be fixed soon. Since I do technical support, I know these things can happen so I gave them time. Nothing changed so I simply cancelled my account. If they say something is going to be worked on and improved they should do it. I'm glad you've had good success with them moving your account. That's great! Their price is definitely reasonable but I just found it to be too much headache worrying about my site with them. Best of luck. Kim

Posted by KimberlyB, 11-28-2005, 01:30 PM
It sure does. It also helps to keep me on my toes for what to look out for in terms of service level agreements.

Posted by frdalton, 11-28-2005, 10:34 PM
Hi, I'm sorry to hear you feel our costs are too high. The pricing that we've setup is in place to ensure that we are not one of those "Unlimited everything" hosts, that over promise and under-deliver on their services. No host can offer those types of plans with out cutting corners either on server quality, or by overloading servers with clients. Either way I though I would touch base with you and explain our costs. If you would like to discuss this further, let me know and I'll private message you my personal email address.

Posted by swflnetworks, 11-28-2005, 10:44 PM
Perhaps you need to review the forum rules.

Posted by frdalton, 11-29-2005, 12:32 AM
I wasn't aware I was violating any rules, I thought this would fall under

Posted by ioZoom, 11-29-2005, 12:48 AM
Being a custom software I would have to question the reliability of the monitor you're using. Do you know how the monitor work or know what are the parameters? Could it be a case where the monitor reported down after a particular amount of load time? What is the domain/account you had with us so I can verify this?

Posted by KimberlyB, 11-29-2005, 10:23 AM
The monitoring software I was using is by no means custom software. It's very mainstream and used extensively by the entire Department of Education system here where I live. It's called "What's Up Gold". I have no interest to discuss this any further but thanks. Kim

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