
response time and page loading time

Posted by ttgt, 05-08-2011, 10:03 PM
Hi, i think cache on ram may reduce the page loading time, im not sure if it is correct. but for let response time be quicker, need to use more core cpu ? or quicker cpu ? or any way ? is under centos. thanx

Posted by flam316, 05-08-2011, 10:09 PM
On site: combine css/js in head. Put less scripts in head. Everything before should be down to a minimum. On server: You could use something like eAccelerator if you are running a PHP script. More RAM and a faster CPU would help. Optimization of MySQL (if you are using it) and PHP (if you are using it) could help. It could also be your server's proximity to you that is causing latency issues.

Posted by cptechie, 05-08-2011, 10:18 PM
Hello, If you are using suphp with PHP, eaccelerator, APC etc won't make any difference. In effect suphp + eaccelerator combination is of no use.

Posted by IDediServer Kevin, 05-08-2011, 11:12 PM
Not sure that you actually described an issue here. Are you having an issue with an entire site, a specific page, or specific content? The other posters should not be giving any recommendations or etc without understanding what if anything is wrong in my opinion, the OP didn't describe the problem into any detail yet.

Posted by ttgt, 05-08-2011, 11:18 PM
i just wonder how to get better performance for a hosting server,so,i think cache may let the loading time shorter,but im not sure how to let the response time quicker,if from server aside,it should use higher speed cpu?or any method?thanx

Posted by IDediServer Kevin, 05-08-2011, 11:27 PM
ttgt, Aside from php/html/perl etc code optimizations a webserver daemon with faster socket management and less overhead such as nginx or lightty would be a start. A caching engine in front of the webserver such as varnish or simply using nginx caching would also improve response time. In regards to RAM the only benefit would be I/O caching or memcache/apc caching. The only time a CPU becomes the limitation is when requests rates saturate the CPU or code needs optimized, many times caching with nginx/varnish can assist in this case.

Posted by ttgt, 05-08-2011, 11:33 PM
the cache will make effect when link the the same domain within some misutes i think,because some files are cached within ram and let server can transfer the files to visitor,i m not sure if it is correct.but for new connection,how can not let the visitor can find the server is "begining" to load load the page,instead of "will begin" to load the page,it is what the response time i mean,i wonder how to speed up the response time.thnax

Posted by IDediServer Kevin, 05-08-2011, 11:39 PM
ttgt, I did briefly mention that I/O cache will help but you do not need extra RAM if you do not have a lot of files, if you wish to keep something cached in RAM you could look into writing a wget/curl script into a cronjob to request the page/object etc on a scheduled basis. Otherwise you could use a caching engine nginx/varnish to keep objects cached for x amount of time. You could also use a tempfs setup to use memory as disk space but I wouldn't recommend this unless you implement it correctly with planning to prevent data loss.

Posted by ttgt, 05-08-2011, 11:42 PM
do you mean what the response time i asked is io make it ? thanx

Posted by IDediServer Kevin, 05-08-2011, 11:46 PM
ttgt, What I mean in regards to I/O is file caching, if disk data is cached in memory then disk I/O does not occur (that is all I am referring to).

Posted by stardust_x7, 05-11-2011, 06:04 PM
Simply use NGNIX. It will improve your performance.

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