
queing problem on HostDepartment email server

Posted by minhta, 07-04-2005, 08:50 PM
Hi people. Just wondering if any resellers of Host Department is having any email problems? I have a client on mail12 and mail13 who complained to me that she is getting delayed email (from 2 hours to half a day delayed) or emails not arriving when she know it has been sent. I have "chat" with HostDepartment's support staff three times already but all they do is just tell me they will inform their sysadmin after trying to help me with no success. I don't even know if they are informing the sysadmin or not because I don't hear from them or the sysadmin. I've even create a support ticket since it will be answered within 6 hours. That ticket was created on Sunday and today is Tuesday (in Australia) and still no answered. I believe the problem is a queing problem because often the emails get through but there are times when the emails doesn't. Could this be due to too many user accounts on the mail server? Is there a way to find out how many user accounts is stored on a mail server? I know HostDepartment support staff is being helpful but after three times of "I will inform the sysadmin" and still experiencing problems, it's very frustrating for me and more so for my client. Thanks.

Posted by net-trend, 07-05-2005, 02:41 AM
Mail queing shouldn't be an issue. Having too many active mail accounts also should not be an issue. However, the delay could be an issue on the receiving end. Does the problem only happen to a few domains or all the domains?

Posted by minhta, 07-05-2005, 03:09 AM
Hi net-trend I will have to say to a few domains as only this client and her husband are reporting the problems. The husband own another business with his own website as well. It is possible that other clients may be losing emails but they are unaware of it. The reason these two clients (wife and husband) may have picked this up is because both businesses communicate with each other daily to run their business. The wife also communicate with her staff overseas using an email account on the same domain. The staff overseas often has problem sending emails to the wife even though both email accounts are on the same domain and same mail server. This plus the delay emails cause me to think it's a queing problem since an email sent to another account on the same server should be instantaneous.

Posted by net-trend, 07-05-2005, 03:12 AM
Is the server load high on the aforementioned servers?

Posted by minhta, 07-05-2005, 03:23 AM
Wow, thanks for your fast response net-trend. My client's control panel and my reseller control panel, both H-Sphere, does not have any pages that tells you the server load. Let me ask hostdepartment support staff this question and get back to you.

Posted by net-trend, 07-05-2005, 03:26 AM
It could very well be that their mail server is overloaded and in effect causing mail queuing delays. So, you may be right.

Posted by minhta, 07-05-2005, 03:36 AM
The support staff cannot tell me the server load since he does not have access to that information. Once again, he will report this to the sysadmin (rolling eyes) as he think someone may be sending out spams on the mail server.

Posted by Yash-JH, 07-05-2005, 03:58 AM
Normally, delays in email delivery from the mailserver will happen when the queue is too big (someone spamming/massmailing) or when the server is under heavy load. You cannot do anything about it, only your host could

Posted by minhta, 07-05-2005, 04:09 AM
This problem has been going on for about a month now. I suspect that they may have too many user accounts on the email servers so I hope they are doing something about it. I will being looking for another host in case this problem is does not get fixed anytime soon and my client starts to get really annoyed. Thanks for your help net-trend and Yash-JH.

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