
U need a web site

Posted by Jordan Bishop, 05-20-2005, 06:07 AM
I am writing here as I have just had another good experience with my web hosting company. So here is my shamless plug for, because I know that if grows so will their service, value and reliability, obviously a benefit to my business interests, so to anyone looking for great reseller web hosting packages, check them out. Today one of my hosted clients was having an email problem that was able to solve quickly and without fuss. I have been with as my webhosting provider for over 18 months. I now have over 20 clients hosted, some with reasonably demanding email setups and bandwidth use. The service has been very good. My dealings and tech support have been with founder, Mark Oberg, who responds promply and with enthusiasm to my queries. is integral to my daily runnings some much so that I consider them as an important partner in the success of my Web Design business. I am confident with their reliablity and longterm support. Thanks again Mark. Jordan

Posted by empresasdehosting, 05-20-2005, 09:32 AM
how many time have you been with them?

Posted by Plexi_Hosting, 05-20-2005, 09:58 AM
I *think* that answers your question, but to answer literally it sounds like he's been with them once. For over 18 months. Perhaps he'd care to share what domain(s) he's got hosted with them?

Posted by dkitchen, 05-20-2005, 09:59 AM
What domain(s) are you hosting with them?

Posted by uneedawebsit, 05-20-2005, 11:25 AM
Thanks, Jordan, for the kudos. It's always nice to hear from a satisfied customer. Jordan has been one of our resellers for over 18 months and has about 20 domains with us. I will let him decide whether he wants to disclose which ones. Thanks again! Mark

Posted by Jordan Bishop, 05-20-2005, 07:50 PM
Sure. Perhaps you need a web site too (hehe, no pun intended). Shameless plug for myself. we are just building out own flash portfolio, but have been too busy, we also do traditional graphic art for print and packaging etc. Check back in a month : ) Anyway here are some happily hosted sites: ...and more I hope that satisfies. Jordan

Posted by firestarter, 05-21-2005, 05:50 AM
It is nice to know that atleast one is satisfied with his host. Best wishes to both Jordan Bishop and

Posted by Plexi_Hosting, 05-21-2005, 07:31 AM
And a nice long-term review is great to see!

Posted by neonerd25, 05-21-2005, 02:43 PM
Definitely a great thing to see. Long term service and dedication with great reviews.

Posted by Aurelian, 05-21-2005, 06:38 PM
they are 5 times more expensive then my current reseller.

Posted by Plexi_Hosting, 05-21-2005, 06:59 PM
a) That's the definition of non-sequitor I'd say (or what does that have to do with the price of [product] in [place]) b) That's probably why they are able to have a business plan that sustains services to keep customers for 18+ months c) Good find on your cheap reseller account if they are stable, best of luck, I guess you thought the thread needed one negative comment?

Posted by Aurelian, 05-21-2005, 07:27 PM
its not a negative comment, but check it out: a) guy's post is second post here, and there is another thread with a JUST signed up dewd.. i consider these threads to be irelevant. I cant believe a guy that never been here. b) you can get good stuff for cheaper costs too. I can get a car simillar to ferrari, lets say maseratti... but costs of maseratti can go down as 5 times less then a ferrari. Same with BMW/Mercedes and others. c) cheap hosts arent cheap cause of bad support, they are cheaper for the users that cannot afford paying 20/month. My sallary is around 100 Euros. Do you think im able to pay 20% of it for hosting? I prefer getting food too and gas and others... those were just my 2 cents

Posted by Marklittle, 05-21-2005, 07:40 PM
And to you, some might say that they wont believe someone who has under 100 posts...

Posted by Jordan Bishop, 05-21-2005, 08:51 PM
I generally am not much of a forum user, as now I can see they reel you in. For example I jump on my computer to do something and there is this message to further comments to my string. I feel compelled to attend to it. There goes my time management. hehe Secondly I am happy with my web hosting so I don't feel it neccessary to be spending time comparing too much. That would be like (after some pre-purchase product comparison), walking into a shop and buying a new lounge chair, then going down the road to yet another shop and seeing the same lounge for a cheaper price. - counter productive and annoying. That Aurelian is my reasoning for only two posts to this forum. I consider uneedawebsite fair value, your 5 x cheaper is exceptional. Maybe I should have shopped around more - time will tell i guess. Thanks to all the replies people. Maybe I'll become a forum junkie : ) I consider it a bit like Big Brother or The OC tele shows. You know there is something much more productive to be doing but too much and your hooked with anticipation. Whats happening today to my thread? or all those other interesting topics I glanced at ; ) See you again JB

Posted by Aurelian, 05-22-2005, 09:55 AM
i never asked someone to believe me marklittle ... and that was my opinion. i have the right to it.

Posted by uneedawebsit, 05-22-2005, 01:21 PM
Thanks for all the positive posts to this thread. We've worked hard to satisfy our customers, as well as stay in business for the past 5 years. To the fellow who thought our costs were 5 times too high, I would love to know where your host finds his servers that are 5x less than what we use and how he manages to pay 5x less taxes and expenses than us. I thought I ran a real tight ship here, in regard to expenses. Maybe I am missing something. Then again, we have been here for 5 and expect to be here for another 5 years, using the business plan we currently have.

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