
Highly Recommended: ZEONFX

Posted by Shockrift, 04-08-2005, 08:46 PM
As current, I am extremely bored, and still in my "office-mode", so I have decided to write this review about my host. Please note that even though I am a customer to the company and friend to the owner I strive for objectivity throughout. I hope this review is generally helpful to both reseller's and shared hostee's (both potential and actual) who are looking for something better. Cheers! ========= Amidst a series of bad ventures and experiences with particular web hosts that shall remain anonymous, I have found ZeonFX. I remember talking to Mark, the owner of said, when he was first finalizing his plans for the company, and I can say that he met every one of his goals to provide: (1) cost-efficient web hosting on fast, reliable servers; (2) uptime; (3) support; and more. Objectively, it can be said that there are better, more experienced companies out there, that many would feel better on (indeed it is true that many customers tend to choose companies of long-lasting experience), but there are specific reasons why ZeonFX is better than most of these. Cost-Efficient web hosting is one of the easiest things to find among the multitudes. There are, in fact, hundreds of websites that can be utilized to do just this. However, is cost-efficiency the only thing customers should look for? Definitely not! Rather, it is better to find out whether or not cost-efficiency is outweighed by negative aspects, such as lengthy downtimes, faulty support, and the like. ZeonFX does just this, by providing fast, guaranteed servers, at an affordable price. Uptime is something that many a web host might claim. My experience however, is that most are flat-out lying. ZeonFX offers 99.7% uptime, but there has, in fact been only schedule maintenance at highly sporadic intervals. 99.9% might be a better claim, but in keeping to the truth and a realistic outlook, they do not increase this as other web hosts do. This is a very good thing, rather to be realistic, than optimistic. ZeonFX definitely provides this, as well as, excellent download and uptime speeds. Lack of Support is definitely something that many a web host self-inflicts. Growing detached from their customers, generally ignoring or extremely long response to queries, or simply lacking crucial live and email support ticket systems. Not only does ZeonFX have each of these features, but its owner, Mark, is on almost half the day to personally interact with each of his customers. His support staff is friendly, reliable, and always there when one has a problem. This aspect is definitely a plus. These three aspects are but generalizations of the wide variety of features that ZeonFX can, and is dedicated, to supply. Vouching for this company, I can say that I have never been happier. Cost-Efficient, virtually non-existent downtime and a great support staff are all features that any smart customer looks for. So this is definitely the place for any customer (both the personal and the corporate) to flock to. I plan to stick with this company for many years to come! ============ The website for this company is: ( | zeonfx DOT com) The lifespan of this company (officially): 2 years Current (as of this post) customers: 400+ My website (such as it is) hosted on ZeonFX: ( | riftwarp DOT com) My time with this company: 2 years (as well as another year and a half knowing the owner). My name (so you know who to hang if you find otherwise ): Matthew J. Shockley My email (if you have questions): *see profile, but I prefer PM's* Once again, Cheers!

Posted by layer0, 04-08-2005, 08:52 PM
Thank you so very much for the kind words. Everybody on the crew greatly appreciates it!

Posted by Shaw Networks, 04-08-2005, 09:27 PM
Sounds like you've been doing a great job ZeonFx, keep up the good work

Posted by net, 04-08-2005, 10:39 PM
It is a great thing to see Host Provider taking good care of their clients. Very nice review. Net

Posted by anon-e-mouse, 04-09-2005, 05:52 AM
What was the host's domain prior to April last year? Registered through: Domain Name: ZEONFX.COM Created on: 29-Apr-04 Expires on: 29-Apr-06 Last Updated on: 01-Apr-05

Posted by Aussie Bob, 04-09-2005, 06:00 AM
Hellspire posts 10:46 AM responds on 10:52 AM, 6 minutes later. Talk about a setup.

Posted by Tamranda_Ankit, 04-09-2005, 06:34 AM
We can't deny this, But chances are ZeonFx would have been online on the Forum at that time. Also, The Review writer (Matthew) says he is a Friend of the owner, So He might just have ZeonFx in his Instant Messenger Contact List aswell & would have notified the owner about the review he wrote & ZeonFx responded

Posted by JSpired, 04-09-2005, 06:37 AM
Am I missing something? What does this mean?

Posted by WireNine, 04-09-2005, 06:48 AM
I believe he is trying to say "we cannot deny that this was a setup".

Posted by layer0, 04-09-2005, 07:37 AM
I am confused here. I am quite active on this forum so I happen to see the thread in the reseller section. Then, I reply to it and say Thank You for the kind words. Regarding the data that he posted in the review, he asked me over a messenger chat. No, I did not tell him to write this review. One day he was asking me for a place where he can find a job for programming. WHT has a great advertising forum so I told him to check it out for that purpose. He eventually saw that he can write reviews about his web host, so he did so without my consent. anon-e-mouse, Our company never really had a stable domain until about a year ago. Before we were hosting local businesses. After a while, we decided to make a website that shows our plans and go world wide. * If you want proof about the fact that he did not join just to make the review, take a look at all his posts. 75% are regarding programming. Last edited by layer0; 04-09-2005 at 07:43 AM.

Posted by anon-e-mouse, 04-09-2005, 07:57 AM
Mark, I was asking the thread starter He claims to have been with xeonfx for two years and been hosted by you prior to that.

Posted by Tamranda_Ankit, 04-09-2005, 07:59 AM
Sorry for the Confusion, All I meant was that, a setup is possible but chances are more that "ZeonFX would have been on the forums when Matthew had posted & as a result the reply time was only 6 minutes."

Posted by layer0, 04-09-2005, 08:00 AM
Ahh.. sorry about that.

Posted by layer0, 04-09-2005, 09:36 AM
That is correct. I frequent this forum a lot so I spotted the thread. You can take a look at some other threads where I am the first reply with in 2 minutes.

Posted by Shockrift, 04-09-2005, 11:05 AM
There was no domain for this host, prior to the creation date of that domain. Basically, as stated in my review, I was with him before he started the company. As such, it would follow that the domain would not have existed. I think that should have been obvious. As in terms of a setup, I can only laugh... looks like it. Then again, my review also looks like it was taken from some internet site--insert name of company here, etc. Just a matter of how I write, and the coincidental reply on such a short interval. Think as you wish Still a very good host to go to. Cheers

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