
varhosting good or crap? for uptime

Posted by hostingtalkmovies, 04-06-2005, 11:17 PM
i hate joining host to find there down more than up anyone comment on varhosting?

Posted by freak, 04-07-2005, 06:14 AM
I am not sure about uptime statistics, but so far, I haven't noticed or had complaints of downtime. I believe they do have very good system admins, and they are good at balancing the load and keeping servers up. Specially difficult to do for budget hosts like varhosting. But then again, it could just be that they have been lucky so far. Only time will tell, I guess.

Posted by niyogi, 04-07-2005, 07:15 AM
Let me be first to bring it up (since it eventually will come up): node103 is currently down after being compromised and we're working with the datacenter to bring it back up and restored as fast as possible. Sorry about this pre-emptive statement - just had to get it out there since it's relative as far as our uptime is concerned. :-/ Roj

Posted by Suffolk Designs, 04-07-2005, 07:20 AM
Most hosts will have downtime at some point, it always amazes me the number of people that change providers at the first time of trouble hoping that the next one will have 100% uptime. Roj is a good guy and knows what he is doing, I am sure that the uptime on his servers would be better than that of most budget hosts.

Posted by psykik, 04-07-2005, 07:49 AM
I fully second what deefer said! this is my very first server "crash" with them I see solutions, alternatives being made so it shows they are working on it and try to find a way so that it won't happen again. (that's the most important thing for me...) it's not funny when not being able to access one's websites but hey... let's be real here... problems occur...

Posted by icontact, 04-07-2005, 09:03 AM
I've noticed varhosting costs are very competetive indeed and I have been seriously considering purchasing my next reseller plan with them after bit more investigation... so far I havent heard anything negative and i do hope it stays that way

Posted by Aurelian, 04-07-2005, 09:14 AM
Good. i seen my site down for very few times and that lasted..... at most 10-20 seconds. And those times could have been my line since im from romania and we got GAY INTERNET LINES here. so answer is good.

Posted by ePlanetDesign, 04-07-2005, 10:35 AM
I'm on node106 and it's been in extremely high overload this morning, my service is basically down. I've had some other problems but they were finally resolved. The support at var is really good. I think these spammers and malicious scripts are making it hard if not impossible to keep budget reseller hosting up and running. I think I'll look for a small dedicated server.

Posted by niyogi, 04-07-2005, 12:30 PM
jwebby: Actually, a cpanel account was running a particularly vulnerable script that we sniffed out and resolved the problem. node106 is a PowerReseller server and, my personal opinion is that you may find it more challenging to administer a dedicated server than putting up with us every once in a while! It is a learning experience though! Roj

Posted by Shaw Networks, 04-07-2005, 12:41 PM
Definitely true, unless you have experience with administrating another dedicated server or frequently use a console on a Linux box, I would recommend against jumping for a dedicated server.

Posted by almac, 04-07-2005, 01:07 PM
Well was nearly first niyogi! My account on Node 103 is affected, fortunately I am only testing at the moment. I am afraid I am usually the kind that scares away quite easily, but, Varhost has a good write up and seem to well respected. Wish Varhosting best for the future.

Posted by ePlanetDesign, 04-07-2005, 01:36 PM
I have the experience, but not something I want to have to do right now.

Posted by ePlanetDesign, 04-07-2005, 01:41 PM
I agree, it's a pain when someone does that, and again the ssl service is down on node106.

Posted by niyogi, 04-07-2005, 02:28 PM
I've confirmed that the SSL service is up - PM me if you'd like to discuss this issue further (or e-mail me at Further, you can chat with us on our website or submit a support request on our 24x7 helpdesk. Thanks jwebby! Roj

Posted by bear, 04-07-2005, 03:44 PM
As an update to this, node103 is still down. This began at like 5AM, and it's now 3:41 PM. And for that node106 high load issue? Node103 was having the same sort of issues for several days before the eventual hack that brought it down entirely. Might not be related at all, or maybe it is....I'd suggest keeping very recent backups.

Posted by ozzie123, 04-07-2005, 09:37 PM
es, it's still down. And I'd say it's a bluggering three days. The server was down since 1AM (PST) up until now. It has been more than 17 hours, not a very pleasant experience. I hope you guys just didn't loose the data (my backup is quite old). Yesterday, the server suffers DDOS attack for like... more than 12 hours isn't it (since I'm not monitoring that close)? Not to mention what happened the day before which makes the site unreachable or sending a "connection refused" (2 minutes up, 10 minutes down) warning because varhosting are moving some of customer's account out of node103 (at least that's what their rep told me... though I wonder if there's any connection). I won't say that these are pleasant experience but still you got what you pay for. The customer service are great (although one of the rep is a bit grouchy), but the server load is way high (I think it's constantly between 1.5 - 2, oh sometimes, rarely, it goes under 1). Shortly, customer service are great but the hardware problem (server load, etc) isn't that good.

Posted by Alicia, 04-07-2005, 10:23 PM
oh gosh,,, their server is down for more than 12 hours ... and their chatting system is not available.. what happened ????

Posted by ozzie123, 04-07-2005, 10:49 PM
Their chatting system is available. Probably they are busy, try to connect in a while. They said that the server is compromised and they need to reinstall the entire OS, cPanel, and also resync with old data (meaning that the data isn't lost). However, it crossed my mind, how on earth does all that took up to 17 hours ++ ?

Posted by bear, 04-07-2005, 11:05 PM
They claimed it was the DC that was dragging their feet getting the box set up, and that the OS was finally restored around 5PM EST. They then began rsyncing the data back onto the box...and here it is 11PM EST (6 hours later), and it's not done..and no further word. Certainly upsetting.

Posted by ozzie123, 04-07-2005, 11:54 PM
More frustating things is that they repeatedly give the same response like 'we are looking into it' or 'it will be back up soon' or 'it will be online in half hour' or 'we and the DC is working on it' or 'the DC hasn't handle it over to us' or some standard answers like that. If the DC is dragging their foot, call the DC and make sure what happened instead of waiting for the update from the DC (as they usually put 'the DC hasn't update us about this matter').

Posted by Alicia, 04-07-2005, 11:57 PM
17hours is normal i guess.. last time i have a hosting with lypha and their server is down for more than 17hours... the worst is, no reply at all for the ticket we sent to them.. but now they are working fine...

Posted by ozzie123, 04-08-2005, 12:05 AM
It's not 17 anymore... it's now 19! Well, a scheduled downtime is okay but still... 19 hours of downtime is not okay, AT ALL. While at that, all that they can give to their customer is a not-so-strong excuse such as, "We are (well the DC that is) reinstalling the OS, then the cPanel and all the addon under it, oh we also resync with the old data" all which taken up to 19 hours (and counting)? No I don't think that's acceptable nor normal.

Posted by niyogi, 04-08-2005, 12:47 AM
Ozzie: Please check our forums for up-to-date information on the node103 restore process. rsync has been running for about 6 hours and counting right now and we're working hard to get your sites back up and running as soon as possible. Alicia: Chat operators are available day and night to keep you posted on the problem. node103 has been causing problems for quite sometime and we're hoping to get this matter resolved once and for all. bear: node103's load issues were related to the DoS attack and unrelated to node106's problem which was resolved quite quickly. However, it's quite possible that there was an earlier compromise (described in the thread in our forum) that brought about the issues that were experienced on node103. Seeing that this has transformed into the "node103 downtime thread", thanks to all those who have showed the ultimate level of patience while we bring things back to normal. Roj

Posted by ozzie123, 04-08-2005, 04:18 AM
Yay! It's been a full circle. It's now 24 hours downtime! That, and add 3 consecutive days of troubles posted earlier! Woohoo! We should celebrate this... anyone wants some beer? PS: this is sarcasm if you don't get it.

Posted by Alicia, 04-08-2005, 04:43 AM
it is pretty unlucky because i just got my reseller account last month and created an account for my client.. now she is complaining what the heck happened to her website.. luckily i haven't moved everything to this server... how could i tell her that we are reinstalling the OS that takes more than 18 hours ? hope ur server will get back to normal asap.. i am happy with ur support but not for this downtime.. =(

Posted by ozzie123, 04-08-2005, 05:45 AM
Well, they are back up again. It's a really weird blend. Nice and fast support with not-so-good server. And also, it's really nice to offer all of the user of the server in dispute to move to a Dual Xeon class server. :-)

Posted by psykik, 04-08-2005, 05:49 AM
I doubt for all users ozzie normally only Power resellers have Dual Xeon servers if you are a power reseller well then OK I'm glad it's back up n' running

Posted by niyogi, 04-08-2005, 07:24 AM
psykik and ozzie123, Any BudgetReseller affected by the downtime will be able to move to a Dual Xeon server - just submit a ticket and it'll be done for you. Roj

Posted by psykik, 04-08-2005, 07:59 AM
aah sorry I didn't get your post on varhosting's forum correctly great and thanks for your e-mail I'll do just that

Posted by ozzie123, 04-08-2005, 10:39 AM
Roj... my main site is unaccessible while your answers on my ticket or using the chat system is a complete non-sense (You guys answered that all of the site under my account is working... the heck I'm not asking about it. I'm asking about my MAIN site. The chat room assistant isn't helping in anyway also, they even asked wether I'm using a dedicated IP or not while they should've know that by themselves -- PS: I'm not using dedicated IP anyway). Oh not to mention the server load is quite high... average 3 (sometimes it's way up to 4.5 though). Your rep said that you are transfering some site away from the server... heck puh-lease, 3 days ago this is also what they said to me and symbolizing the start of the server's downtime.

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