
IIS tool to find website problem

Posted by prashant1979, 11-09-2010, 04:26 AM
I have a customer who has purchased a dedicated server from us. He is running a Travel portal in the server and a few mini portals which are private labeled portals for his authorized travel agents. While the mini portals are running fine, in the main portal we are facing a frequent problem. The home page of the portal has a search module to search for Flight Availability between different places. Sometimes, while searching, it takes a long time and does not show any result. At the same time, the CPU usage is nothing and even the memory usage by the worker process is not more than 90 MB. I want to find out what exactly is the issue with the application. Is there any tool for IIS which can help to find the cause?

Posted by prashant1979, 11-10-2010, 04:17 AM
Can anybody help me with this? It is very urgent.

Posted by mugo, 11-11-2010, 01:46 AM
Do you know what he is powering the search with? There are various forms... IIS Indexing, some proprietary code...what? Watching the processes and log files would be the first action to start getting clues on where to look. If the search is gathering resources outside of your network, the off-site resources could be causing issues. One or more providers may be very slow or down all-together, or the search is just not optimized, etc. I would also try a one-to-one search for each different flight info resource, as you will probably run head-long into the culprit.

Posted by prashant1979, 11-11-2010, 02:09 AM
The search application is developed in and the data is retrieved from SQL Database. There is no indexing enabled in the server for the application.

Posted by mugo, 11-11-2010, 02:34 AM
That's still pretty open, but it may be hard to line out in a forum. A direct investigation of the server would probably open clues. At this point, I'm not sure if your searched SQL data is pre-loaded from the flight schedule remote resources prior to a search, or if it queries them directly at search time, but slow downs on searches that are aimed at remote data sources are quite common, and the remote services would be the first place to suspect an issue. If you are particular data is pre-loaded into SQL prior to a search initiation, look directly at the system (what's hogging CPU / Mem while it's bombing? Errors in sql or web logs? Timeouts?) If data is gathered from the remote resources on-the-fly at search time, definitely start there. One or resource may have intermittent issues, limitations on remote connections per time period, things of that nature. If you are gathering real-time data from, say, 5 resources, and just one is down, and there is no sanity check for slow or down sources, you could just be waiting for that certain provider to time out, and move on to the next resource in the list.

Posted by prashant1979, 11-11-2010, 03:45 AM
Whenever the search functions gives issues, there is no high CPU or memory usage. Also, once I kill the w3wp process serving the search request, it works fine.

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