
Posted by Bruin03, 06-20-2004, 12:07 PM
Does anyone know anything about this company? There rates are unbelievable. They offer reseller hosting starting at $4 a month and claim to have 99.99% uptime. Can anyone here verify their claims? Or has anyone heard anything about these guys?

Posted by Lubby, 06-20-2004, 12:20 PM
We try to have 99.99% uptime but presently we are just over 99% because of a hardware problem that was out of our control last month - thought I should clear that up right away.

Posted by Trevor James, 06-20-2004, 12:28 PM
Amazing. I have been with this company for about two months and I have yet to had 1 problem. The company has fantastic support techs who are actually willing to help donate there time to satisify there customers. I had a few problems with phpbb and settings, and they had someone help me out and talk to me while we fixed the problem... I have absolutely nothing bad to say about this company... I would rate it a 4.8 / 5 to be honest. Thanks, Trevor

Posted by Bruin03, 06-20-2004, 12:35 PM
I'm just curious.... I read on their site that they only had 1 server. My question is, how do you prevent server overload the associated slowdown of sites with only 1 server? My main concern as a webdeveloper/designer is having client sites that don't have any downtime.

Posted by Bruin03, 06-20-2004, 12:38 PM
Trevor, what exactly was your problem with phpbb? Was it with their php implementation?

Posted by Lubby, 06-20-2004, 12:39 PM
We have one server presently for reseller/shared accounts and 5 for dedicated clients and plans to add more servers as our first is almost full.

Posted by Trevor James, 06-20-2004, 12:41 PM
Nope, it was a stupid error I did in the phpbb admin without even thinking about

Posted by NexDog, 06-21-2004, 02:19 AM
Well, normally, sensible pricing to ensure the server doesn't get bogged down. But 100 accounts for $12.95 might be a bit of wishful thinking but if you're really lucky, most people will only put 20 or so accounts on the server. I've found that after a reseller server is closed up for a year (i.e. adding no new resellers for a year), around 20% will leave and accounts average out at 25ish. We place 40 resellers per server so after a year, it would be safe to say that the server would have around 32 resellers left with a total of 700ish domains. Then you have to do the math. For us 32 resellers still means $1000/mo revenue so it's stable. So I'd rather have 32 resellers paying an average of $35/mo than 70 resellers paying 40% of that. The latter will mean more support and more problems. But like I said, after a year is when everything falls into place.

Posted by Colleen78, 06-21-2004, 05:56 AM
Also, Greg, the owner, is a very nice guy. Greg, this is Colleen incase you're wondering, lol.

Posted by riffmaster18, 06-21-2004, 06:30 PM
I can vouche for hometownhosting too. I know Greg, we own ... The fact is, this is the best host I've used, the support is incredible, and the space is amazing. Sometimes I feel bad for paying so little (no joke)... It would be ridiculous to pass up hosting there. Totally honest business, just plain great plans and I've had no downtime problems or anything. I'm pretty terrible when it comes to this stuff, so having friendly support is a big plus - and I love having so much space and bandwidth. <-- hosted on, gets 4-8,000 impressions per day, no problems Nick

Posted by Bruin03, 06-21-2004, 08:19 PM
I decided to give these guys a shot so I signed up for an account yesterday. I had a queston so I emailed support. I was amazed to get a response from Greg within 15 minutes! I actually had quite a few questions and sent several, all of which were replied to rather quickly! I must say I'm impressed with the service so far. We'll see what happens a year from now. I'll be coming back occasionally to post updates. By the way, Greg, this is Jeff in Los Angeles. All your help was much appreciated!

Posted by Bruin03, 06-21-2004, 08:29 PM
We shall see

Posted by GameGuru, 06-21-2004, 09:38 PM
I just signed up with them a couple days ago and everything seems to be going great. Greg has been very helpful and I have my website totally up on their servers now. They seem very fast!

Posted by Killian, 06-24-2004, 03:22 PM
hey, i have know greg for a couple of months now and have really got to know eachother, i must say the leval of support at home town hosting must be top notch as there is hardly ever a time wwhen he isnt online and even when he isnt there is always some way to get in contact with him. Hes been going for abit now so i think its pretty substancial to say that home town hosting is here to stay and if you have read some of the other posts about hth on here then you will have even more reasons to sign up with them! Killian

Posted by Lubby, 06-24-2004, 05:12 PM
Thanks Killian and everyone else who had nice things to say about HomeTownHosting and myself.

Posted by GameGuru, 10-07-2004, 07:11 AM
Well I just wanted to add I have been with Home Town Hosting for over 3 months and there has been no downtime! I highly recommend them.

Posted by frostbite, 03-31-2005, 01:50 PM
well ive been with home town hosting for almost a year now i love their services. We did have a problem with a service i bought, buts its over now. I also have only expericed 1 down time(when they moved servers.) But otherwise they have helped me with alot of the problem i have expericed. Tho i miss dave(or was it greg)(he left last summer).

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