
Tens of thousands of accounts!!!

Posted by jmp4306, 03-29-2005, 06:23 PM
I want to start a site that, in essence, will allow a user to seamlessly create their own domain name and single page site by only filling a simple form. I figured that a reseller account would be good. The problem is, I am worried that, since I am making my $$ on each new site hosted and the idea is the more the better, there is going to be thousands of new accounts each with a domain. What do I need to be able to handle this type of new account generation? Seriously, I am thinking tens of thousands of accounts.

Posted by Lubby, 03-29-2005, 06:53 PM
With that many accounts you will be looking at a dedicated server. Even with reseller accounts that aren't limited you will likely break their TOS in one way or another with thousands of accounts.

Posted by ldcdc, 03-29-2005, 07:10 PM
Well, maybe you could start with a reseller account, but with tens of thousands of accounts... I really think you should consider getting a dedicated server sooner rather than later. In other words, make sure you price things so that you can afford a dedicated when you'll be told that you need one.

Posted by lifehost, 03-29-2005, 07:45 PM
Site builders are not a new idea...many hosts have them; and similar to your idea, some registrars have a 1-page site builder too. They often call those "business card" sites. Tens of thousands is pretty ambitious...I would recommend starting with a reseller account and when you sell a hundred accounts you can upgrade to a dedicated. I'm not saying you can't do it (you can!), just start small and grow your business debt-free by investing some of the profit back into it. Set small goals on the way to your big goal.

Posted by ezserv, 03-29-2005, 09:34 PM
As mentioned above, check the TOS before they shut you down!

Posted by cartika-andrew, 03-30-2005, 01:54 AM
As others have recommended, it would probably be wiser to start with a reseller account and plan for growth... 1000's of accounts would equal a heck of alot more then a dedicated server. You're speaking a cluster or a pod of independant servers. Alot of control panels offer the ability to assign domains on signup. I know H-Sphere allows for integration with eNom and you can set your costs to whatever (free if thats your package) - you can then activate site studio site builder for each plan, and away you go - customers can be live in a matter of mins-a couple of hours (with the current propogation speeds)... Whichever platform you choose isnt really the issue - you should really focus on immediate requirements, expected growth rate and scalability of your solution....

Posted by Lubby, 03-30-2005, 11:08 AM
This depends on what sort of server you have and what sort of load the sites are using. A beefy Dual Xeon with lots of Ram can probably handle 1000+ static sites.

Posted by jmp4306, 03-30-2005, 12:15 PM
Right, I'm talking about a single html page with a form at the bottom and a single script. Traffic at any certain site should be very light (maybe 200 hots total) and only for a matter of about 3 mos. at the most. At that point the url should be stagnant for the remainder of a year, at which time, the url would be allowed to expire.

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