
Credit card fraud, who to contact?

Posted by RelativeDesign-Jerret, 10-24-2010, 03:33 PM
Hi, In the last couple days one of my clients received nearly 14k credit card form submissions. Unfortunately these we're passed to the merchant gateway and they're (potentially) looking at a charge of nearly $4k for transaction fees. I've helped with some changes to prevent this from happening again and they are aware (now) that some checks need to be in place to prevent this from happening. Now... The originating IP is from a server IP within SoftLayer's ASN, I've contacted their abuse department and they are following their protocol for looking into the matter. By the way, they were extremely professional on the phone! The merchant provider, in this case is CDG Commerce / Quantum Gateway who is going to contact the bank to see if they'll reverse the charges. That said, is there anything my client can do to escalate the matter, such as contacting Law enforcement? To make this more interesting, this has to do with a political race, so you can imagine it's someone with opposing viewpoints that's responsible. Maybe we're stuck with a bill and some good media fodder? Thanks, Jerret

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