
Is this an apache issue?

Posted by john-bcfc, 10-23-2010, 05:37 PM
Hi, I have a dedi server and every few hours apache seems to hang and then crash. In the error logs I see a lot of this: I also got this: Could this be some sort of DDOS attack? I am having to reboot the server every few hours. sorry if this is the wrong section.

Posted by MikeDVB, 10-23-2010, 05:39 PM
It's really hard to tell what the issue is when you've only given such a small snapshot of the entire environment. You could be running out of ram causing something to crash out and it's giving Apache fits, or a lot of other things. At any rate, give us more detail.

Posted by john-bcfc, 10-23-2010, 05:42 PM
I am just waiting for it to reboot so i can get into it to see the error logs. i dont have that much load to be honest although there were shed loads of people trying to see folders such as: var/www/vhosts/werinwr var/www/vhosts/name var/www/vhosts/gerry at the minute I can't even connect to it to do anything with it, ust got to sit and wait for it to reboot

Posted by WWS2010, 10-23-2010, 06:07 PM
What exact version of apache do you use? Do you use eAccelerator?

Posted by john-bcfc, 10-23-2010, 06:08 PM
I can't remember off the top of my head. Can't connect with SSH to check Waiting for it to come back up.

Posted by hostjunkies, 10-23-2010, 06:17 PM
If you can't connect after trying over and over, you might consider calling your provider and asking for a reboot. They might also be able to help determine the amount of traffic being directed at your machine. See if they can help.

Posted by Website themes, 10-24-2010, 01:11 AM
A reboot takes a minute or two at most.

Posted by john-bcfc, 10-24-2010, 05:03 AM
It took a good few hours. It is using this version: I have managed to get in and there are literally hundreds of these in the error logs: I get literally hundreds of these which is when it hits the Max Clients (currently 250) and causes everything to hang. Once it is hanging I then get these:

Posted by madaboutlinux, 10-24-2010, 08:49 AM
What is the resource usage on the server when the problem occurs? As you said you are unable to login to the server when this happens, install 'sysstat' package and use the command 'sar' to check the resource usage of previous hours/days. The problem may occur due a process that is causing Apache to spawn more processes OR a DDOS attack as well. It is worth checking other logs and resource usage as well.

Posted by john-bcfc, 10-24-2010, 10:13 AM
The memory seems to be getting abused with loads and loads of httpd processes. Once I have more posts I will put an image up It has some of this in the error logs:

Posted by john-bcfc, 10-24-2010, 10:17 AM
Here is the screen dump:

Posted by madaboutlinux, 10-24-2010, 10:21 AM
I would say, have your hosting provider to look into your server as the image isn't providing enough details about the exact processes that are causing issues. BTW, have you enabled SuPHP on your server? It might help to trace the users these httpd processes are running for and this way you can concentrate your work on a specific website/application/scripts and figure out the cause.

Posted by john-bcfc, 10-24-2010, 11:06 AM
I haven't installed suPHP. I think I will have a go now!

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