
How can some companies offer UNLIMITED bandwidth? =S

Posted by Txus, 03-14-2005, 02:29 AM
How? Whats the trick behind it? I dont see any of the popular ones here offering that, but I see some around who do.. is it just that no1 has abused that service or...? Thanks in advance, Txus

Posted by icestorm, 03-14-2005, 02:36 AM
It's simply a marketing gimmick. When you see a host provider offering unlimited bandwidth or some amount that is just extraordinary, look closely at their usage policies. There you will see the truth.

Posted by chattersbox, 03-14-2005, 02:37 AM
Hello, 1. They are most likely overselling if they are not paying $$$ for the server at the DC 2. Its a marketing tatic. The avergae joe blow is not going to use unlimited bandwidth. and they set the price higher banking more money. 3. and hoping someone doesnt be a bw hog... 4. look at there TOS there has to be a catch somehwhere. just my 2 cents

Posted by Txus, 03-14-2005, 02:48 AM
Thanks for the responses.. I have another question now tho... Compare for example Allmanaged (cant post urls yet) and ResellerPeak Same price and one offers a lot more bandwidth.. wtf? I dont know how to pick a good host anymore, hehe.. I mean, some look TOO good that they scare me =/ Im with Bluewho atm, its awesome but the bandwidth is like nothing compared to many other sites, but Im affraid of losing uptime or customer service if I go for more bandwidth.. Thanks in advance, Txus

Posted by chattersbox, 03-14-2005, 02:54 AM
dont know about Bluewho, but uptime and performance is the best you can always upgrade or get another plan if you reach you limts. Thats the best thing to do. If you find a good host stick with it. I am with BliksemHosting and I love it.

Posted by freak, 03-14-2005, 07:47 AM
Usually once you start using more than your share of bandwidth, the unlimited host cuts you off. I am yet to find someone unhappy with bluewho. They are pricey, but for a good reason. In the end, it all boils down to what kind of reliability you want. If you are hosting important business oriented sites, it'll be silly to skimp on a few bucks a month. Or if you are mainly just a hobbyist, you can experiment abit with budget hosts...

Posted by Joshua, 03-14-2005, 10:55 AM
AllManaged seems to offer more bandwidth per dollar, while we offer more space per dollar - It all depends what you're looking for . When comparing hosts, you can't just focus on one factor (bandwidth, price, storage). You have to take other things into consideration such as number of IPs, anonymous or private nameservers, addon software, control panels, or any specific Apache/PHP/Perl modules or tweaks that you may need. AllManaged is owned by SagoNet (who owns and operates their own datacenter), so they have a little more leeway when overselling bandwidth - They are a reliable company, however.

Posted by Maxo, 03-14-2005, 10:59 AM
The topic regarding unlimited options have already been discussed many times. I would suggest sticking with the company which has reputation in the market.

Posted by icestorm, 03-14-2005, 06:52 PM
Which is more important - bandwidth or customer service? Hopefully the answer is customer service! There's always the temptation to seek the biggest amount of space and bandwidth for the lowest price, however it usually doesn't translate into the best service.

Posted by ldcdc, 03-14-2005, 07:23 PM
If you ask me, you did a very good job when you chose your current host. If you receive your money's worth from it, I suggest you stick to Bluewho. Remember, there will always be cheaper hosts out there. If you try to chase the best hosting deal, the chasing will never end. Unlimited bandwidth fo reseller hosting is simply asking for trouble. Stay away from it!

Posted by layer0, 03-14-2005, 07:52 PM
Don't go to another host simply for the price. If you are happy with BlueWho why leave?

Posted by cartika-andrew, 03-14-2005, 07:54 PM
I have to completely agree with Dan - if you found a provider you're happy with - why look elsewhere... Im pretty sure you will kick yourself if you switch providers for more bandwith and lose your reliability... There's a reason your current provider is stable and reliable - and it has everything to do with the fact that they do not oversell and run a sustainable business based on profitable plans

Posted by will7, 03-15-2005, 03:29 AM
Simple. They can't.

Posted by Subtilty, 03-16-2005, 02:16 PM
companies cant offer unlimited/unmetered bandwidth since their server/s is/are capped anyway

Posted by TonyB, 03-16-2005, 04:33 PM
Sums it up some company's try this gimmick until the bubble bursts and people are using more bandwidth than the host has so they shutdown sites saying they broke the tos. After this we see the posts on WHT or other similar places complaining about the host.

Posted by rv_irl, 03-16-2005, 05:13 PM has some good information regarding such companies.

Posted by Shaw Networks, 03-16-2005, 07:11 PM
I see this question asked over and over in these forums. Simple answer, they can't. 90% of web hosts offering "unlimited" bandwidth turn out to be unreliable services.

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