
Need SECURE, RELIABLE Reseller Options

Posted by Nsoroma, 01-13-2005, 03:29 PM
Greetings. I have been with HostforWeb for the past year and a half and it has been one headache after another. On the reseller plan, had email issues and outage galore. Got a client that shuts down without the use of email - not a good situation. Switched to VPS (by their suggestion because they couldn't get it together) - security issues I'm not ready for. Rarely can get anyone on the phone / emails not always answered in the 20 minutes they promise. Before that HostGator. Another bad move - I don't think they knew what they were doing at all - wrong or very slow answers to questions - also, no reliability. I am shopping for a very secure and reliable hosting company where I can move my almost 20 sites to as seamlessly as possible. Any suggestions?

Posted by digtox, 01-13-2005, 04:18 PM
Sorry you had that luck with them. Thanks for advising everyone about them. Good luck in your search for a new plan that fits your needs. Also, check the host quotes on the top of WHM. That might also help. Also, could you please tell us what you're looking for? You ask for advice, but you forgot to mention what you're looking for. Good luck, Roman

Posted by grace5, 01-13-2005, 04:33 PM
I feel for ya when we were resellers we suffered lost of over 50% of clients over terrible providers.(We were like a light switch up- down ,up down) You can move simply if you have a provider that will help you out. copy accts using WHM (you new provider can do this) turn down TTL on both servers before any dns changes,ect We have done this and customers never did realize when the change had taken place.

Posted by VanHost, 01-13-2005, 05:37 PM
That doesn't sound like the most ideal of situations - to say the least. I sympathize with your problems. Quick question, so that we might be able to lead you in the right direction, but what kind of requirements do you and your sites demand? Also, what kind of a budget are you running?

Posted by Lubby, 01-13-2005, 05:46 PM
Nsoroma - You may want to check out - I have had great experience with many of the services and although they aren't the cheapest they have great uptime and support. Derek is great to work with.

Posted by Nsoroma, 01-13-2005, 05:51 PM
I am satisfied with the current offerings and would like to keep it similar - the OFFERINGS that is. :-) It's about $60 a month but my budget is $100. Currently, I have 15G storage, 512 guaranteed RAM, 150GB bandwidth; ACCOUNT/WEBSITE FEATURES INCLUDED: Web Browser Control Panel Web Based Email Access SMTP Mail Server Unlimited POP3 Accounts CGI, Perl, PHP, Java SSH Shell Access Unlimited Forwarders MS Frontpage™ Extensions Real Audio/Video Unlimited Auto-Responders Unlimited MySQL Databases MX Record Changes Unlimited Mailing Lists PhpMyAdmin Support Anonymous FTP Unlimited Mail Blocking Cron Jobs Shopping Cart Unlimited Sub-Domains Web Based Statistics Custom Error Pages Unlimited Email Aliases Password Protected Files CGI Chat Room Unlimited FTP Accounts Secure Server Includes (SSI) WAP/WML/Wireless

Posted by VanHost, 01-13-2005, 05:56 PM
Well, it doesn't appear that your expectations are outrageous and you should be able to get a decent account for your budget. A reseller account that size, should be on a server with just a few other accounts like that, so it would be "like" a VPS in terms of CPU/RAM resources available. The differences would be lack of ROOT access and fewer security concerns, as the server would be managed by the provider. Are you able to live without ROOT/SSH Access?

Posted by Nsoroma, 01-13-2005, 06:01 PM
OH I should mention that I am not very security savvy. When my applications are exploited for phishing, I need help (as was the case a few weeks ago). So if I have to solve those problems, I don't want VPS - shared, I suppose...unless there is some easy equation to solve those types of problems... So...I guess root access is not a must. I don't know what to do with it now.

Posted by VanHost, 01-13-2005, 06:02 PM
PS - Thanks Greg for the recommendation, as always, we appreciate the comments.

Posted by Website Rob, 01-13-2005, 06:34 PM
If you do not want to be concerned or responsible for Server security & maintenance, then a VPS is definitely to be avoided. Your Budget seems adequate for a Reseller but do you really need double-digit Web space and those 'unlimited' features? Your Control Panel should give you a breakdown of current usage for Web space and provide a better idea of what you actually need. And since there is no such thing as 'unlimited' Services on any Server, you should be fine with a Reseller account. As your only limits for your own Hosting packages are your Web space & Data transfer, you can pretty much up your packages to what people need. Have you tried the Host Quote Service, here at WHT?

Posted by VanHost, 01-13-2005, 06:38 PM
I think you missed a "]" there Rob, I'll help you out Host Quote Website Rob brings up some valid points. You might want to take a look at your current usages, and then maybe increase your actual usage by about 10-25% and that should allow for some growth. And yes, VPS is to be avoided in your cirumstances. Leave the management upto the provider of a decent reseller package and you'll be good to go.

Posted by privHost, 01-13-2005, 06:53 PM
Nsoroma - Your budget should be sufficient to get a quality host interested, especially if you don't mind the higher end costs too much and don't require SSH access (root or otherwise). A technically competent host should be able to support your sites/clients with no problem.

Posted by Nsoroma, 01-16-2005, 07:54 PM
Thank you all for giving your input, helping me make this important decision! I decided to go with a managed VPS plan with Kualo. I made a request for quotes and Jo made me feel very secure with the company. Additionally, they have excellent packages and this forum speaks highly of them. Hopefully, this will be a harmonious partnership, unlike the last few! Thanks again for your input!

Posted by Website Rob, 01-16-2005, 10:25 PM
Having made the decision to go with a VPS, you next -- immediate -- decision should be to seek out a good ServerAdmin and lock down your Server. Like a good Doctor, Dentist, or Backyard Mechanic, once you find one you can work with, stick with them.

Posted by KualoJo, 01-17-2005, 06:05 PM
Just to confirm so that Nsoroma does not get panicked - this is not required with our fully managed VPS option - everything is taken care of 110% by our in house techs so you need do nothing more.

Posted by Website Rob, 01-17-2005, 06:47 PM
Good info. As most DCs leave Server Management up to the individual, even for VDS/VPS, each also has their own Definition of "managed" as well. I'm sure Nsoroma will feel relieved to know, Server Security & Management will be looked after for them.

Posted by demostorm, 01-26-2005, 05:59 PM
Kualo is spoken of highly for a reason. No question there. Excellent in the reseller market (recently decided on them for some sites we have). Its the VPS packages thats giving me pause which is why I find your comment to the contrary interesting. Can anything really work well on 128 mb of guaranteed ram? I know its probably burstable but I have to believe that guarantee has something to do with the amount of plans they intend to put on a box and how they expect resources to be divided on a adequately filled box. Maybe Nsoroma chose to go with a higher plan but then at the costs qouted for the 256mb or 512mb plan (missed any references to CPU) can you really compare the two (VPS and reseller account) any more? Generally I mean not specific to Nsoroma's decision which he has every reason to make for himself. Just curious because so often resellers compare VPS to reseller hosting plans with not much reference to the resources that they are actually being guaranteed.

Posted by BaselineAce, 01-28-2005, 06:20 PM
I've been with SolidHost for a month now...very good, I think.

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