
Posted by freak, 01-22-2005, 10:11 PM
Well, it has been exactly 2 weeks since I am with My plan is: $9.95 for 2GB space 30GB bandwidth. So far, uptime has been pretty solid and I have yet to detect downtime, although one of my user did once complain about being unable to access the site. Tech support is excellent, for the price. I have yet to catch live chat offline and their support staff seems knowledgeable enough and have access to the server, unlike some companies who hire drones to man their live chat, acknowledge reciept of a support ticket then forward it to their owner for resolution. Staff is also pretty patient and helpful. Speed wise, WHM shows celeron 2.4Ghz with 1 Gig ram. However server load is normally low, often near to 0 (now it is 0.26), and dynamic pages loads fast enough IMO. Download speed is also pretty ok when compared to other sites. I don't use the tech support for end users option (cause my clients are my friends), so I can't comment on that. Pricing seemed to have dropped really low since I signed up, so I am not sure how long it can be sustained. However, Roj seems to have things thought out carefully so I believe I will hold my account there for the time being with a wait-and-see attitude. One gripe is that lpanel just isn't as good as other software out there (I am a huge fan of Kayako) but don't really care, so long as my sites are up and running. I know 2 weeks is short to judge anything, but for first impressions, I would say that they are doing pretty well. URLs are only available on request with a good reason via PM. Thanks for reading.

Posted by NeoGen, 01-22-2005, 10:57 PM
Nice review freak!

Posted by ldcdc, 01-23-2005, 12:29 AM
Great, informative review! Well done freak!

Posted by ThePrimeHost, 01-23-2005, 12:38 AM
LOL. That's priceless.

Posted by NeoGen, 01-23-2005, 12:46 AM
Or I should have written: Nice freakin review

Posted by freak, 01-23-2005, 01:43 AM
Thank you

Posted by UnifiedNet, 01-23-2005, 03:22 AM
freak, Great perspective. Great review. Come Back after two weeks and keep us updated!

Posted by joshuayip, 01-23-2005, 05:12 AM
Nice review. this is one of those thread that really looks into what varhosting can do rather than a mix talk with other hosting company. Lets keep it that way. Joshua

Posted by liamdown, 01-23-2005, 02:54 PM
W0W this host looks amazing, I think this will be something I should definatly consider escpcialy as its cheap for billing software to be added!

Posted by Mark L, 01-23-2005, 04:19 PM
I signed up and moved some free accounts over. I am on their Dual Xeon 2.8GHz 2 GB RAM. Server is excellent with low load times, and I agree with your comment on support, it's A+.

Posted by UnifiedNet, 01-23-2005, 04:39 PM
I think it is only fair to mention the names tripodsupport and tripodhosting as this is the same crew. They come from a support background but lets hope they learned something from what happened and that they have their servers secured.

Posted by liamdown, 01-23-2005, 04:44 PM
i just got a refund, i cant stand the way they have it all setup

Posted by GreatDaneOwner, 01-23-2005, 04:54 PM
Can you be a bit more specific? What was wrong?

Posted by liamdown, 01-23-2005, 04:57 PM
personaly i couldnt stand the way all the control panels were laid out, and the silly long adress to get to cpanel and whm+ first of all it seamed like they didnt have WHM atall,

Posted by GreatDaneOwner, 01-23-2005, 05:28 PM
Strange. Why did they opt for such a setup?

Posted by Companyideas, 01-23-2005, 06:21 PM
I signed up with VARhosting on Friday and it all seams fine, load is low on the PowerReseller side (the dual xeon server) and support are quick. They prefer support questions to have email/form tickets rather than chat but I can live with that as they have been responding within an hour. What typing is too long for you??? After you have entered your username and password it takes you straight to the WHM / Cpanel / Billing / Support page.... Only one thing that came out of the blue was the lack of shared SSL info, now paying an extra $1/m for a dedicated IP and will go and buy a Private SSL. But one to watch out for if you were going to use the shared SSL.

Posted by liamdown, 01-23-2005, 06:23 PM
that whole lpanel thing is what seriously put me off, its gastly

Posted by Companyideas, 01-23-2005, 06:25 PM
hmmm, each to thier own I guess, I quite like it.

Posted by niyogi, 01-23-2005, 06:59 PM
Hey liamdown: Sorry to have you leave us actually - not sure which long URL you are referring to since it's a pretty standard format to get to cpanel and whm. Once your domain propagates, you could use "/cpanel" or /whm" anyhow. As for Lpanel, this is really for our own helpdesk system to communicate with our clients - that's about it. :-) Had me confused there for a while since you signed up and cancelled twice within a 10 minute period. :-P Roj

Posted by freak, 01-23-2005, 07:57 PM
If you are complaining of using an IP address to enter WHM and Cpanel, let me assure you that it is standard, till your DNS propagates and resolves. Even with a long address, there is always the bookmark feature

Posted by dotScott, 01-24-2005, 11:02 AM
It bothers me when a company uses an open source CMS for their website and then removes the credits. It's an out of the box Mambo CMS template too (also, no credits to the designer)

Posted by IvialisJonathan, 01-24-2005, 11:18 AM
Well to my knowledge, someone can correct me if I am wrong, you can take out the visable copyright from Mambo on the footer. You just can't take any copyright notices and credits out of the source code.

Posted by UnifiedNet, 01-24-2005, 12:20 PM
ivialisjso, You are correct. Its just not really nice to remove it since they have put alot of work into it, But Mambo does not force users to keep it in the front end.

Posted by niyogi, 01-24-2005, 12:36 PM
dotScott, Now that you mention it, we really oughtta give props to the Mambo team. It's about time! Putting in a word with my design guys to put this back up ASAP. Roj

Posted by dotScott, 01-25-2005, 09:21 AM
niyogi, very good! I'm a big fan of Mambo and the developers rarely get enough credit. You are correct that you can remove the footer. I personally put the 'Powered by Mambo' icon on all site that I use it on. Mambo is one of the best open source project going that I know of.

Posted by Aurelian, 01-27-2005, 02:15 PM
niyogi i might be a future (near one) customer of yours. Please give me a reason why i SHOULD NOT get you as my hoster. P.S. i wanna buy reseller package.

Posted by freak, 01-27-2005, 08:26 PM
Mind if you shed some logic behind the post?

Posted by jmweb, 01-27-2005, 10:33 PM
Because his name is "Roj", thats a reason

Posted by Aurelian, 01-28-2005, 11:16 AM
i didnt find any bad things on it so far... and as you prolly know, no one is perfect... but its ok. im decided already

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