
hostdime ??? site5 ???

Posted by dagg3r, 01-27-2005, 05:02 AM
hi all i am looking to purchasing reseller accounts and i will make my decision next monday so far i came across these hosts hostdime site5 resellerzoom i read through the previous posts i found a lot of negative posts about hostdime so i was wondering if anyone can give me their experiences??? i plan to have around $220 - $240 yearly so i was wondering does anyone know if is any good?? should i pay the yearly payment cos i dont want to get ripped off are they a reliable and trusting host?? i read a lot of good reviews so i hope they are. reseller zoom they are pretty good but they have been around for a short while so i might go with them but post your opinions what i should do people.

Posted by DreamHost-MikeS, 01-27-2005, 05:12 AM
Before you consider using HostDime, I suggest you give the following thread a read: Surpass, as mentioned in the thread, is owned by HostDime and therefore represents the company as a whole. I would recommend that you steer far clear of any of their companies, but the choice is ultimately up to you. They have some of the cheapest costs around, but there is a reason for that.

Posted by HalimI, 01-27-2005, 05:13 AM
Hi Dagger, I have been with both HostDime and their sister company surpass, and I recommend you to stay clear of that group of companies as their business ethics are questionable to say the least. Search some of the other threads here for Surpass Hosting and HostDime and you will find a number of people who have very unfortunate experiences with them. Furthermore, more and more European resellers seem to be escaping from HostDime in hordes due to atrocious unannounced downtimes, a complete management chaos and questionable business ethics. Another company that I have had only good experiences with so far is ServInt. They are a bit more pricy though, but my experience and many others with me feel that it's a good investment in the long run. I would rather pay $10, than waste $7 if you get my meaning... Unfortunately I cannot help you with ResellerZoom or Site5 as I have not dealt with them, but you should find the forums here helpful...

Posted by dagg3r, 01-27-2005, 05:14 AM
ok thanks all for your posts i was actually GOING to make a yearly payment to them heh so i guess i should stay away from hostdime just too many bad reviews so any reviews on and resellerzoom?

Posted by mdrussell, 01-27-2005, 05:37 AM
Don't risk a yearly payment upfront. Try someone on a month to month basis for a few months and if you are satisfied with them then migrate to a yearly plan. This way if/when things go wrong you stand to lose a lot less.

Posted by dagg3r, 01-27-2005, 05:38 AM
i see but isnt a renowned company so yearly payment doesnt matter?

Posted by IvialisJonathan, 01-27-2005, 06:20 AM
It is really up to you. You should at least try them out first before you make a decision to pay for a year upfront. Just because it is good for someone else, it might not be what you are looking for. It is about finding the right host for you, not the right host for some one else.

Posted by mdrussell, 01-27-2005, 06:26 AM
Site5 is estabilished and well respected. That's not to say their service suits your requirements though - everyone has different requirements which is why it's good to test them out before fully committing yourself.

Posted by rootbug, 01-27-2005, 09:49 AM
Stick with month to month unless they specifically say (in writing) they will refund your balance on your pre-paid yearly payment plan. No questions asked, anytime! If for any reason your host gets blacklisted due to reasons beyond their control yet can't get it unlisted or can't find the spammer on their network, you will want to leave. While this is a rare situation, it has happened and is one example. If all you are going to save is $30 ~ $40 signing up for a yearly plan, I don't think its enough and I consider it a $30 exit stratergy for myself Loyalty is important but not if it compromises yourself. Personally, I don't like it when a company advertises a price then after further reading you find its based on a yearly price (marketing). I feel this way about ANY company so it is NOT specific to S5. (my required disclaimer) Good luck, tough choice! (S5 vs. RZ)

Posted by jmweb, 01-27-2005, 09:56 AM
I would not suggest paying yearly until your comfortable with your partnership with the host.

Posted by ldcdc, 01-27-2005, 03:09 PM
For some a good reputation and a 30 days moneyback guarantee can be enough. For others it won't be. Ultimately it's up to each individual.

Posted by Taylor, 01-27-2005, 09:27 PM
We've been around for nearly 6 years now, we're going to continue to be here. There is also the option of monthly billing periods and then switching over to annual or other payment terms after your initial order if it is a large concern of yours. Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks again, good luck in your search!

Posted by joshuayip, 01-27-2005, 11:57 PM
Cheapest ?? I dont think HostDime is priced very cheap. for 20 per month, I am getting purely diskspace and bandwidth. But with HostGator, you get WHMAP also. So given that the cost of WHM AP on lease is around 18 bucks, (HG cost 24.95), the actual cost of hosting on HG would be 6.95 and HostDime is still 20 bucks. I took HostDime because of the support and community they have . Plus the space is larger than what i can get on HTTPme or bluewho. Plus Manny is nice =) Joshua

Posted by DreamHost-MikeS, 01-28-2005, 12:48 AM
My point exactly. HostDime is much cheaper than other, more premium, providers of reseller accounts. I left HostGator out of the equation because of the situation you presented.. they are doing something that most other do not by providing a billing manager. I would also like to point out that I did say "some of the cheapest costs.." and was not, as you implied, stating that they were the cheapest to be found. If you do not see them as being priced very cheap, you need to explore more of the realm beyond WHT.

Posted by ldcdc, 01-28-2005, 01:11 AM
Considering the number of licenses involved, I highly doubt HG is paying anything close to $18 per WHMAP license.

Posted by joshuayip, 01-28-2005, 02:01 AM
Considering the hot response whenever hostdime / surpass is mentioned, I have put some of my site on HD on host-tracker. it should give me enough stats to make a good decision. I may not have the cheapest host around, but I think in every business, investment is important. Lets just say I am moderately investing into this biz. =) Joshua

Posted by DreamHost-MikeS, 01-28-2005, 04:04 AM
If you report good results, they'll flaunt them like there is a parade in town with their float at the front. Post bad ones and they'll deny the reliability of such services and claim that they are not an accurate representation of their service. Read around a bit and you will find users who have posted results of their trying to use website monitoring services in e-mails to HD staff as a way to claim that they are not receiving the best service possible. You will find that every time, the credibility of such services is questioned.

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