
Looking for brandable hosting. Providing windows and linux platforms

Posted by Pankil, 12-18-2004, 10:08 AM
Looking for brandable hosting with a single control panel which will provide both the platforms.

Posted by Lebanon, 12-18-2004, 10:11 AM
You need Hsphere Panel hosting then , there is loads of them out there.

Posted by joshuayip, 12-18-2004, 12:22 PM
I was reading about jodohost having similar package. I do not host with them, but you can try to see what they got for you. Joshua

Posted by dbarretoivo, 12-18-2004, 09:37 PM
I recommend you to use two control panel, is cheaper to you Last edited by dbarretoivo; 12-18-2004 at 09:41 PM.

Posted by IHSL, 12-18-2004, 09:46 PM
How, exactly? Splitting between two cp's, and getting two providers of equally good quality, is not going to mean he pays less money. Infact, a company offering dual-OS will more often than not, be less expensive than two seperate companies offering the single-OS environment. It also brings up an issue of double amount of learning. Double the amount of outside script integration, and so on, and so forth. It doubles (if not more) pretty much everything the user has to do. Simon

Posted by dbarretoivo, 12-18-2004, 09:51 PM
Really not. Companies can offer you Linux and Windows plans with different cps. If you have a good billing software like Modern Bill, it´s create account automatically for you in booth cp

Posted by Shannara, 12-18-2004, 10:02 PM
I would not recommend h-sphere, it has fake limits that you an put onto accounts, however, it will not enforce them (I found this out the hard way). So I would recommend any other control panel that actually have real limits.

Posted by IHSL, 12-18-2004, 10:04 PM
H-Sphere's quota system is not at fault for that. If you set limits correctly for your plans, you'll have no problems. FYI: The spam offer you sent me via PM, i believe was sent to the wrong person. Next time you're going to violate the rules of WHT, and spam offers to people, make sure you hit the right button, in the right profile. Better yet, just don't break the rules in the first place. Simon

Posted by Shannara, 12-18-2004, 10:14 PM
Actually, I do not believe that is true. It's quota system is a bit faulty. Isn't it? I mean, you set the quotas on the plan, and instead of enforcing the quota, (basically how I believe quota systems should work), it will automatically charge your customers for the excess (which is never a good idea). One example, a forum software is installed, it uses a database for it's data. After so many days or months, the database goes past quote, since it's the responsibility of the control panel to limit the database use, file space use, and bandwidth. H-Sphere is the only control panel that I know of that does this. Basically one of those "get money any way you can" philosiphy (sp?), instead of "lets actually make the quota limits, limits".

Posted by ldcdc, 12-18-2004, 10:18 PM

Posted by IHSL, 12-18-2004, 10:24 PM
H-Sphere has two selectable quota systems available. Regular quota system; simply tell hsphere what you'd like the user to be able to use on each specific service (web, sql, mail), Summary quota: You assign a single quota to a user, and they are free to use/disperse it on any service they wish. Summary quota also works out how much you used on average, throughout the month, so it is now the more popular of the two quota systems. To use summary, you need only select the 'summary disk' and/or 'summary traffic' in the plan creation wizard. Regarding enforcing the quota, you simply set a max limit, or set your warning system up - this will send out warnings to the user when they get past a specific percentage of their available quota. Then, upon your specified limit being hit, H-Sphere will take the action yhou tell it to. If this is to suspend the account, then it will also do that for you, and even email the user with an email, that you can also customize. You can also set it to bill the user, if you wish. The control is completely in the hands of the reseller. If you don't set these limits & warnings, then it will just carry on it's merry way. The options only take around 30-45 seconds to set up (each) and can be used massively to the advantage of both a reseller, and an end-user. Simon Last edited by IHSL; 12-18-2004 at 10:30 PM.

Posted by Yash-JH, 12-18-2004, 10:37 PM
It's not just about combining two CPs to get the dual platform support HSphere offers, HSphere offers a number of additional advantages. HSphere is cluster-based, that means as a reseller you are not located on a single server but are spanned over all the servers the host adds. HSphere has anti-spam and anti-virus support, etc. Give HSphere a try. I know resellers who have never like HSphere before and now would never want to switch from it

Posted by Shannara, 12-18-2004, 10:56 PM
This must be quite new, the enforcing of limits. Because, when I was with, the current version of h-sphere as of early this year, that was not an option. However, they did state that the peeps who created h-sphere was working on an option to actually enforce limits, but they had no ETA on when that would be released. I take it they finally got around to releasing it?

Posted by IHSL, 12-18-2004, 11:12 PM
Summary quota has been available since at least July of 2002. It's an option that the admin's of the H-Sphere cluster can enable at any time, by checking one box in their own system. Both quota systems have been in use as long as I can remember. Enforcing limits and warnings has also been around since the same time. Simon

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