
Control Panels

Posted by webzou, 12-17-2004, 12:23 AM
I am searching for a new reseller account and I'm coming across a variety of control panels, such as Plesks, Helm, cPanel & H-Sphere. Which is the best one? Which is considered the high-end one? Which one is more reliable? Billing features? etc.. Any advice, knowledge or experience is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Posted by Haddy, 12-17-2004, 12:42 AM
Hsphere has a billing program inside of far as which one is consider "high-end" they all have their positives and negatives as well as everyone has their favorites... It boils down to which do you and your clients like better...

Posted by writespeak, 12-17-2004, 02:15 AM
I find Helm rather limited for the end user. It doesn't have many features. Plesk is great. I use it as the end user and as a reseller. It has lots of features, and it's considered quite reliable. cPanel is the most popular one out there AFAIK. I've never used it, but you can probably find a few discussions if you search this forum. One complaint against cPanel is that it sometimes isn't stable. Lois

Posted by xeotex, 12-17-2004, 03:09 AM
I would highly recommend cPanel. Been using it for over a year now and it's always been worked on with new releases being released once a week/fortnight. The interface for it also is very user friendly.

Posted by Mxhub, 12-17-2004, 03:51 AM
In term of features, CPanel stand out from the others.

Posted by Captian_Spike, 12-17-2004, 04:33 AM
I disagree, I would say DirectAdmin does nearly everything cpanel can and has a few extra features of its own. And from a admin point its the best, from the client management to the software installs, its very quick and clean. Also HSphere is a good looking panel, not as many of the features cpanel has, but it makes up for it with its own features (clustering, intergrated billing, windows and linux support etc). Plesk is also very nice, although more expensive. Its not quite as featured filled as the others though. Thats the panels I´ve used to date.

Posted by webzou, 12-17-2004, 02:26 PM
Thanks for all your replies! Besides is there any other reliable resellers out there that provide identical or almost identical services; such as providing the Plesk, HSphere and cPanel control panels? I'm curious about the built in billing system in the HSphere, however of $40 a month is currently to rich for my blood as I just started in the reseller / web design business. Is there a reliable host out there selling slightly cheaper reseller accounts with the HSphere control panel? Finally, what do you think about Thanks! Dan K. P.S. u2mike, where can I find more information about the DirectAdmin and what host provides that control panel? Thanks!

Posted by Haddy, 12-17-2004, 02:50 PM
Point pretty much proven... Direct Admin -> As far as who offers it the only one I know of off my head is and their child site has reseller plans that are extremely affordable...

Posted by buffhost, 12-17-2004, 03:44 PM
cPanel (for Linux server) ADV: more features, easy to use and manage Plesk (for Windows server) ADV: easy to use and manage Regards

Posted by sandanista, 12-17-2004, 04:49 PM
Will you be using the reseller account for yourself (e.g. to host multiple sites) or to sell the space on to clients? I found that my clients preferred cpanel above any other control panel, but as Haddy said, everyone has their favorites and there's still a market for the other control panels. I like cpanel myself, as it has more features. You might want to test each one out and see which one suits you the best.

Posted by IHSL, 12-17-2004, 05:20 PM
CPanel does not have even 10% of the features H-Sphere has. I agree that everyone has their favourites, but based on pure features and stats, there is only Plesk can come close to H-Sphere (although, still a fair distance behind). By the time you've finished plugging in support/billing/signup modules in to cpanel, it's then a more expensive control panel than H-Sphere, and still with only 20-30% of the features. Simon

Posted by writespeak, 12-17-2004, 07:41 PM
Plesk is for Linux too. Lois

Posted by Lebanon, 12-17-2004, 08:48 PM
Hi , Since you are asking , means you probably havent experienced a lot , i would vote for cpanel for you it would be easy to install , setup and run and finally to understand all in one day . The only thing about it it doesnt have billing unlike Hsphere which has it all but might take you a bit longer to finish setting up and running than cpanel. Finally , if you go for cpanel , you could simply later on add a modernbill or a hostadmin installation , to automate you signups or even to handle all billing ! In all cases am sure you will find hundreds of posts to help you installing whatever you choose last !

Posted by cartika-andrew, 12-17-2004, 09:45 PM
cPanel is not any easier to setup and understand then any other control panel. Usually the learning curve comes into play when someone is switching from cPanel to something else - like H-Sphere. Anyone used to cPanel, will need to re-learn how to use a control panel when switching to H-Sphere - as cPanel lacks any intelligence and accomplishes everything "backwards" - The only difference between cPanel and H-Sphere is the billing system? How about the integrated helpdesk? how about the clustering capabilities? How about the true multiple domain hosting capabilities? How about the multiple OS platform support?, etc, etc, etc.. At what cost? How about compatability problems between versions of all these "add-ons" and core cPanel code? H-Sphere does all this inherently - and best of all - its integrated into core code - no compatability issues between the control panel and various plug ins..

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