
Mail ends up in spam, exim

Posted by Master Merlin, 04-01-2010, 06:51 PM
Greetings, I've recently set up my new server with cpanel, but it seems all mail I send from the server ends up in spam (I tried sending to hotmail, gmail, etc)... I think its a problem with Exim. Any ideas? Best Regards, Merlin

Posted by PinGaz, 04-01-2010, 09:05 PM
Check your Antispam software policies(spamassassin, RBLs, SPF and etc).

Posted by TBradley, 04-02-2010, 01:04 AM
This sounds like your IP address could of been blacklisted for some reason. Contact your Web Hosting Provider and they should be able to move you to another server or get you a new IP address. If that does not work, then you might consider switching hosting providers.

Posted by VIPoint, 04-02-2010, 01:27 AM
Ask your host to setup a PTR record for your ip address. Hotmail often sends an e-mail to spam folder if PTR or rDNS is not set for the ip.

Posted by inorite, 04-02-2010, 01:33 AM
It could be blacklisting, it could be some characteristic of the mail or your domain. Only the server logs can tell. If you own the whole server, we can probably give you shell commands to run to help determine the problem. If not, as TBradley said, contact your provider. Give them the both e-mail addresses (sender and recipient) and they should be able to search the mailserver logs, determine exactly what happened and help you. If you're using shared hosting, it's not worth switching providers unless they make no effort to resolve the issue. Blacklisting is unfortunately a basic hazard of the shared hosting environment, and periodic 1-2 day periods of difficulty sending e-mail to some larger services (hotmail, yahoo, etc) are to be expected to some extent. If you contact your provider and get no resolution within a few days or no honest response about the problem, then it would of course be time to consider a new host.

Posted by TBradley, 04-02-2010, 01:35 AM
Good point, I did not think of this! Great Post!

Posted by TheChemist, 04-02-2010, 01:39 AM
I'm not great with DNS. But I think you can arrange your DNS with either another MX record, or an A record that will keep your messages from ending up in junk folders. If I am wrong please correct me. Thank you! Good luck!

Posted by inorite, 04-02-2010, 01:50 AM
DNS issues are easy to check for yourself. Here's how: Type your domain name into the MX lookup. It will show you the mail exchanger for the domain by hostname and IP (assuming it resolves correctly). I believe it also throws flags up if rDNS is not set up, but I am not sure. If not, you can use any web-based DNS/rDNS tester. What matters is: 1) The MX is a hostname, not an IP 2) The hostname resolves to an IP address 3) The IP address resolves back to a hostname (some services also require #2 and #3 to match before they will unflag mail) The next thing you'd want to check on the DNS front would be SPF/DomainKeys. Here's a good site: You send a test mail to an address they specify, then enter the sending address into the form. You get a full report on SPF/DomainKeys for your domain, with any missing things or broken things highlighted.

Posted by TheChemist, 04-02-2010, 01:57 AM
So was I right about the part that a DNS entry needs to be added and it may correct the issue he is having?

Posted by inorite, 04-02-2010, 02:05 AM
You may very well be The server logs for the e-mail transaction will contain the definite answer, whatever it is. But yes, these DNS things are absolutely reasonable suspects at this point.

Posted by afam4eva, 04-02-2010, 10:04 AM
I also have the same problem.

Posted by VIPoint, 04-02-2010, 10:40 AM
Can you please provide excerpt of the exim main log when you try to send a mail? It will help to diagnose the problem. You can use the following command to extract the excerpt from the log file while send mail. tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog |grep replace the field with the recipient's mail address.

Posted by MikeDVB, 04-02-2010, 12:01 PM
It could be any number of things but it boils down to rDNS/PTR, SPF, DomainKeys, Sender Reputation, and RBL. You want to make sure that when a reverse lookup is done on the IP it comes back with a domain/hostname that resolves to that IP. You want to make sure your SPF records allow the mailing IPs to deliver mail for your domain - I would suggest making your SPF so that *only* the IPs you specify will pass SPF. DomainKeys is mostly for Yahoo (it's their baby) and is domain specific. Sender Reputation can be checked at and you can run a RBL check at

Posted by Sileep Kumar M S, 04-05-2010, 02:17 AM
Just check 4 points: 1. Setup Reverse DNS of the mail server IP 2. Setup SPF (Hotmal and Gmail are using this for authentication) 3. Setup DomainKeys (Yahoo and Gmail are using this) 4. Make sure that the mail server IP is not blacklisted in any RBL

Posted by inspiron, 04-05-2010, 04:10 AM
Its sounds like the IP might be blacklisted so try to check in some databases. If its blacklisted try to remove the IP referring to their IP removal policies.

Posted by Aun Muhammad, 04-05-2010, 04:33 AM
Also make sure that your have spf recorded added for your domain. Your hosting provider can help you in adding the spf record for domain.

Posted by RDOSTI, 04-05-2010, 03:57 PM
You need to get a good list of things done from SPF to Domainkeys to Exim Optimization to a few other checks (internal audits) if you really want to pass through. Theres a long list of things. One of them is sending mails through SMTP function rather than PHP(mail) for one.

Posted by MxToolBox, 04-06-2010, 04:11 PM
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Posted by bvsonline, 04-30-2010, 05:13 AM
Please make sure the following things. 1. Check spamassassin policies 2. set proper RDNS, SPF and domainkeys. 3. Also, make sure that the IP address is not listed in the RBL

Posted by Extremeseo, 04-30-2010, 05:39 AM
it looks like your ip is blacklisted,when you send a mail,if it gets bounced or does not deliver to any mailbox like yahoo gmail or hotmail,then check the failure message,in the header of the message they shows the reason that why the site was blacklisted,and also they provide a link to check the ip status, open that link and then there on that spam spoofing site you should submit your ip application to make it remove from blacklist

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