

Posted by BarryAdair, 07-17-2004, 01:25 PM
Well I ordered a reseller package yesterday from these folks, I got a email from them saying it would be setup in 24 hours, ain't happened, while reading the forums on FuitadNET, I found some people have been waiting 8 to 10 days and they are still not setup, so I decided I made a big mistake and went to the billing ticket system yesterday morning to cancel the order, I still do not have a reply from them, no support, no setup, but they want your money, I have been doing reselling for over 4 years and never had a so called hosting service act this way, my DNS has already changed and still nothing, no site no refund, no email, I do understand they are under staffed but that is not my problem, if they can not deliver they should not say they can, in the forums they say goto the IRC channel I have been in it for over a hour now, and no one is answering any questions, this is a joke and a bad one, I just want to cancel the account , because if it take this long to get support on getting a account started, I don't want to have a problem if it is setup, I may have to pay for three more months just to get a problem solved

Posted by InSite, 07-17-2004, 01:41 PM
I don't know what their set up policy is, whether they delay because of fraud issues or whatever, but if they cannot communicate something as simple as this with you, then it's not the best of starts. So I guess the search continues... good luck finding a new home

Posted by vwebweb, 07-17-2004, 01:43 PM
FuitadNET very very poor.

Posted by BarryAdair, 07-17-2004, 01:46 PM
well I was thinking about going to a VPS anyway they just made my mind up for me, and as far as them worring about fraud, now I am wondering, if I should tell PayPal not to let them take anything else off my ATM card

Posted by vwebweb, 07-17-2004, 01:53 PM
Have anyone useing FuitadNET here? They don't have any respond........How can I DO?

Posted by iGravity, 07-17-2004, 02:09 PM
I hear they have many problems with orders. MY friend had his take more then a day so its normal.

Posted by rcrrich, 07-17-2004, 02:15 PM
I can't understand what should take so long, I mean I they are real Hosts. But then there are many that do nothing on the weekends after 5:30 on Fri to Monday.

Posted by TodPunk, 07-17-2004, 03:08 PM
They're open for support all week, just not all forms (like IRC support is lacking on the weekends). As for Barry's account, FNET screwed up. It's all over their forums, and even I've been writing up complaints about how they've been sucking it up. As Sharon reported in this thread, however: all account creations were being handled as he was typing this. I don't think this is at all Barry's fault, as FNET never should have had him in this situation, but as is exemplified in two other posters in that same thread, a little helping us moderators help him would have seen him much better off. We're not staff, but we can poke them in their staff room (specifically we poke Kumar, who is some sort of Support God or something). Best of wishes to Barry wether he chooses to use his new account or move on. If he wants to seek compensation, he can certainly talk to Sharon (the new owner) about that and he may or may not be accomodated. That's really up to Sharon's approval. =cP

Posted by BarryAdair, 07-17-2004, 03:56 PM
Quote from Sharon "Guy all the site will be acitvated by tonight, tommorrow morning, you will have your welcome page" Well it is well past morning, and I do not have a Welcome Page, and how am I suppost th help the moderators, when all I get is empty promises, no reply from the support ticket, no answer on IRC yesterdy or today, today there were 2 moderators in the IRC channel, yesterday there were 5, but no one bothered to address my concerns, the only time I have even got anything from anyone except, volunteers wat the above from Sahron, but it turns out to be not true, like I said it is well past morning, when I received the first email from billing stating it would be within 24 hours, and gave me the DNS to change to, I did because I had no idea it wiuld take days for the account to be setup, so now my sites are down because they have not set the account up, you say it is not all Barry's fault, I don't see where any of it is my fault, because if FuitadNET, had did what they promised there would not have been a problem, I should not have to contact anyone by way of a support ticket, forums, or IRC to have a account set up after it is ordered and paid for, I keep hearing that FuitadNET is understaffed, but I really do not give a damn, if the are so understaffed, stop selling accounts until they get a staff to take care of it, if all the staff left at the same time like I have read, they have more problems than just staffing.

Posted by BarryAdair, 07-17-2004, 04:04 PM
Best of wishes to Barry wether he chooses to use his new account or move on. If he wants to seek compensation, he can certainly talk to Sharon (the new owner) about that and he may or may not be accomodated. That's really up to Sharon's approval. =cP" The account has not been setup, and no one knows when it will be but as the quote says I may or may not get a refund, that tells me I had better call PayPal and dispute the charges, because I put it on a PayPal ATM card. Most honest hosting companies would have already refunded the money as I ask for it in a ticket to billing yesterday, on ticket number AGW-66515-615

Posted by TheRose, 07-17-2004, 04:37 PM
Sorry to hear about your woes Barry. Long time, no chat with Yes, a PayPal smackback may be the only way to protect yourself with this. Good luck and hope it all works out for you in the end.

Posted by TodPunk, 07-18-2004, 01:29 AM
Wow. Thanks for the ticket, sir. I had it checked, and you signed up at: Registered on: 2004/07/16: 11:45:49 From: 68.113.1 .. more That's EST That's just over 25 hours ago. Your account was created and email sent 1 hour ago. I fail to see where this violation to you occured. If you want to fly off the handle, hey, that's your perogative, but please don't portray this like FNET wasn't doing their job. I thought you were waiting for over 24 hours, when this is just not the case. You even stated: "I got a email from them saying it would be setup in 24 hours, ain't happened..." As far as I can tell, this is a fallacy. Best of luck with that. =c( Last edited by TodPunk; 07-18-2004 at 01:40 AM.

Posted by vwebweb, 07-18-2004, 05:04 AM
FuitadNET still no body reply me

Posted by net-trend, 07-18-2004, 05:19 AM
Yes, you had better not delay on this to avoid further issues.

Posted by BarryAdair, 07-18-2004, 06:19 AM
TodPUNK, you are talking about from when the ticket was issued, it was not issued when I signed up, my Credit Card was billed July 16 at 10:00 AM, and no it you were reading, I said in a lot of the post that I had made a mistake after reading the forums, on FUITADNET, that I saw people that had been waiting 8 to 10 days, for the account to be set up, I was wanting to cancel in that ticket, because if I have to submit a ticket, to get the account set up something is wrong, but the account was not canceled it was created many hours after the ticket was issued, so I am now thinking that FUITADNET, does not cancel accounts, so I will put a hold on the PayPal ATM so no more money can be taken out by FUITADNET

Posted by vwebweb, 07-18-2004, 08:52 AM
anyone has phone to them? FuitadNET: Toll Free Phone number: (877) 896-2419 (Good for Canada and United States) Local Phone number: (703) 286-2479

Posted by BarryAdair, 07-19-2004, 01:29 AM
Well they went ahead and set it up, and I do like it now it was a pain in the *** trying to get it set up but, it is super fast and they gave me a free static IP

Posted by vwebweb, 07-25-2004, 12:28 PM
I still don't have any reply............... How can I do.

Posted by vwebweb, 07-25-2004, 12:30 PM
Very Poor!!!

Posted by Doom3, 07-25-2004, 04:34 PM
I had an accound with them as well. After 3 days the server was hacked and down for nerly 2 days. Then i tryed the Host Quote feature on WHT and found a new host in nerly no time. Setup was done after 4 h and till now i am happy there.

Posted by Shaw Networks, 07-25-2004, 05:01 PM
8-10 days?!?! Take your business elsewhere and make a chargeback on the money you gave them. That is absolutely horrible service or a scam.

Posted by Gabriella, 07-25-2004, 05:28 PM
A while back I was about to sign with fuitad until I visited their so-called support forum. It is administered by overly authoritative mods who threaten and posture at every opportunity. Their forum rules are laughable -- paragraph after paragraph of "whereas's" & "however's" & ominous threats for anyone who goes off-thread or does something horrible like being critical of fuitad or using an obscure thread title. Good grief! It's a tiny little forum with a tiny web host, & their mods are arming for WWIII.

Posted by Vchat20, 07-25-2004, 09:54 PM
i use to be hosted there. was probably hosted there for a month. but got abrutbtly kicked off because of having a supposedly 'insecure' script on the site. said script was a module for phpnuke called 4nalbum which is a photo album. strange thing is, it has been praised over at which thrives for phpnuke security. while i understand its common to have stuff like this banned in the TOS, they didnt bother giving me a grace period to clean it up.

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