
Billing and signup software

Posted by JedNet Serv, 06-29-2004, 07:57 AM
I have a linux reseller account and i am looking for a software to integrate with cpanel/whm and ENOM. Is there anyone that can help me? I am thinking about Lpanel at I have some scripts in php, but they are not what i whant.

Posted by Reseller-Center, 06-29-2004, 08:16 AM
Look into Modernbill. You can buy the license or rent it per month if you wish.

Posted by TopQHost, 06-29-2004, 08:33 AM
whmautopilot -

Posted by nal71605, 06-29-2004, 05:20 PM
Whois.cart It is cheap and very customizable

Posted by Laci, 06-29-2004, 06:29 PM

Posted by BF-Gary, 06-30-2004, 02:43 AM
Does it need to be automated?

Posted by omaha.stylee, 06-30-2004, 03:37 AM
you probably don't want it to be automated, gotta make sure the payment is legit first ..

Posted by HostSide, 06-30-2004, 04:48 AM
Yes, automation while convenient will ultimately attract abuse. Known spammers, fraudsters will take full advantage of automating account setups.

Posted by Halo Service, 06-30-2004, 06:31 AM
PIXIEWHM is not bad i cant remember the site tho. Its only $20 and creates accounts and bills through paypal.

Posted by saghir69, 06-30-2004, 06:33 AM
hi i'm new so can u please explain how will automation will atract abuse? don't the automating systems check payment detail and charge the card before issuing the account?

Posted by HostSide, 06-30-2004, 06:41 AM
Hi, and welcome. Many fradulent orders are only detected from manual intervention, and fraudsters look for automatic setups. I.e. if you saw an order placed from Asia, and the CCard address supplied was in the US, it would be highly probable to be fraud. If it was automatic creation, this fraudster would now have access, and then you would be subject to chargebacks etc. Spammers also use take full advantage. They place an order and get immediately setup. Just in a few hours they may have sent thousand of spam messages before you can terminate their account. Now you may ask, how do I know that won't spam if I setup the account manually - well some URL's give it away like "". Some are well known from postings made from WHT'ers/ and searching on Google. I run suspect domains through Google. You'd be surprised what it turns up. Hope this helps

Posted by TR Seeks, 06-30-2004, 06:57 AM
Well said Host Side. Automation can cause many problems, Personally ModernBill and WHMap are my favourite client managment scripts

Posted by saghir69, 06-30-2004, 07:14 AM
so in other words this is a no win situation. if u automate ur service then u get abused and if u don't then you got more work to do and genuine customers have to wait and suffer. oh well thats life. but how can u offer domain registration without automation? cos if someone places an order for a domain name on ur site. how can u be sure that the domain name will not get registered by someone else, in the time u take to manually order the domain?

Posted by hostingvince, 06-30-2004, 07:18 AM
Neither of wich offer a 'complete' automated solution anyway Vince

Posted by hostingvince, 06-30-2004, 08:28 AM
I have tried to get hosting software developers to understand this is more important than cPanel automation with no success. Here is one most recent example: Realistically, thiis makes the most sense commercially anyway. Domains getting registered immediately means you give a sense of instant service to the client, whilst you check out the hosting order is clean. This goes for all domain related part of the order of course, including transfers. Vince

Posted by DSLWeb, 07-01-2004, 02:15 AM
While using WHMAutoPilot you can set it up to register domains through ENOM and set accounts to NOT auto install in which case you have the chance to look at the order then activate the account with the click of a button. Regards, Lee

Posted by BF-Gary, 07-01-2004, 02:33 AM
Okay and does ENOM give you a refund if the order is fraud?

Posted by DSLWeb, 07-01-2004, 02:53 AM
Hmm good question I dont think they do but I do not use them so honestly I can not say. Regards, Lee

Posted by dcfrank, 07-01-2004, 04:29 AM
Try it has a 15 day trial. It will soon support enon in 1.4 which is due out in the next week.

Posted by BlikWerk, 07-01-2004, 09:25 AM
WHHMAutoPilot has a 21 day free trial and then only $19.95 a month to lease it or $149 to own. I've played with a few (ModernBill, ClientExec, Lpanel) and WHMAP wins my vote AND they're less expensive than the others. Definately check them out.

Posted by ant0, 07-01-2004, 10:26 AM
Not cheaper than all..... CE is cheaper, LP is about the same, but cheaper than MB. That said, I am a very happy WHMAP user and would recommend it to all on the WHM/cPanel platform. Great piece of software

Posted by BlikWerk, 07-01-2004, 10:53 AM
An Lpanel Lifetime 1x License - $249.95 vs $149.95 for WHMAP? Seems pretty far off from "about the same" But thanks for correctling me on CE, however. I'll reword and say WHMAP is a better value than CE, IMHO. But Lpanel, if you plan on being in business over a year, is no way less expensive than WHMAP if they are charging $249 lifetime. Anyway, that said, I'm glad you enjoy WHMAP and can concur with my advice

Posted by TechRanker, 07-01-2004, 11:09 AM
Are you WHMAP folks registering domains with Enom along with your hosting services?

Posted by BlikWerk, 07-01-2004, 11:17 AM
Yeah, it works well Looking forward to version 3 with directi integration, though

Posted by BF-Gary, 07-02-2004, 04:04 AM
Again maybe someone with ENOM can explain how they deal with a fraud order for a domain name. We don't use ENOM so I'm curious.

Posted by ant0, 07-02-2004, 04:49 AM
Heh... okay you got me, I was quoting from memory. But it's not quite as clear cut as you note either.... - LP $249 with unlimited support and upgrades (1x upgrades) - AP $149 with 6 mths support/upgrades - then $30 per additional 6 mths So assuming for the moment that '2x' is not released, that you want support/updates, the real prices would be: 1 year cost of ownership: - LP $249 - AP $179 2 year cost of ownership: - LP $249 - AP $209 3 year cost of ownership: - LP $249 - AP $239 So WHMAP is still cheaper, but not by as much. (Pedantic.... me... hell no )

Posted by fastnoc, 07-11-2004, 06:13 AM
I'd like to address this reply. That's not an accurate statement. I've been using ModernBill since October last year. I've got many customers I don't know, and have never talked to because they're completely automated. From the sign up, account creation, domain ordering and transfering (including EPP transfers), upgrading accounts, adding reseller accounts, all completely unattended. I think it's a good idea to manually look through your orders, but I set out a campaign to attract large amounts of customers, and with that in mind, wanted a completely automated solution that could handle the frequent sign ups (we should be so lucky). I wouldn't be able to handle even half the load i have right now if it weren't for modernbill, plesk, ensim and eSupport. But the point is, yes it's a complete and automated solution. There are plenty of bugs, but based on the amount of modules they've integrated it's pretty much expected. FYI I have eSupport integrated with modernbill also, so you don't use the MB support desk. That's the only weakness I see. The email templates are great. Well I edited all mine to make them look decent. <--that's an example I pulled froma customer. Anyway, it all depends on what you do with these things as to how they work. What I've found is, if people would stop trying to hack things, or screw around with them they'd probably have 70% less issues. I've got one Ensim server that's upgraded to the latest rev, but has been running without a crash for well over a year. So take it for what it's worth. These programs, all the way from control panels, to automation, are great if used for exactly what they're intended for. When you start hacking things, you're guaranteed to start having problems. For instance, when new security patches come out you may not be able to apply them because you've hacked your files and upgrading would wipe all your work. Personally i've stayed very hard and fast to the notion that standardization is the key to smooth operation. All my Ensim servers get deployed exactly the same, and the plesk servers are starting to go that way. Although, i do use ServerBeach, The Planet and server4you for leased solutions. NetFire (Recently purchased by speakeasy) is where the servers I build go in. Same issue. if you're going to lease a machine, just keep it simple and you'll probably be fine.

Posted by TechRanker, 07-11-2004, 09:54 AM
E-places, good post. Nice site too.

Posted by beaver_joe, 07-11-2004, 12:56 PM
we use clientexec and always have. we have been using it since it was in beta. works great

Posted by Shaw Networks, 07-12-2004, 12:04 AM
A lot of people will reccommend ModernBill, but I think otherwise. We signed up with ModernBill a while ago and decided to drop it because it seemed too clunky and had way too many features for the job we needed done, it was confusing to first time users and they didn't know how the system worked and it takes days to get setup if you have a large amount of products to add. In the end we coded our own sign up and billing system where after the user submits the order form they're forwarded to the appropriate subscription sign up screen either with PayPal or 2CO. It's been easy to manage and the clients understand it a lot better as well. Hope my advice helps.

Posted by iGravity, 07-12-2004, 12:20 AM
I agree with you on the clunky part. There are too many features and options to be setup. I had an order form which did the same before, but I wanted software that could help manage client orders with invoices. In the end I decided to go with ModernBill and I do like it as it does what I want.

Posted by NeoGen, 07-12-2004, 10:57 AM
Has anyone tried nixit, I suppose its free. Any comment on its usability? Regards

Posted by fastnoc, 07-12-2004, 11:21 AM
Thank you! There's probably a couple things that should be pointed out in this reply. Although I'm not arguing your statement at all (We all have our opinions, which is the intention of the thread to begin with), but I think there's a common misconception when considering ModernBill so I hope this will come across helpful. First off, ModernBill is not an accounting program. ModernBill was initially designed as an invoicing program but has expanded far past that. This might be a little inaccurate, but from what I understand I believe I'm right. With that in mind, I bought MB for the sole purpose of invoicing clients. But i realized that the API interaction with the servers was very nice, and it just so happened that I had ensim, plesk, and already so most of what I use was already managed. When I bought MB, I looked at the control panel, and said to myself.."Ugh, this is going to take forever". But really, there's not nearly as much as it looks. It's just a little overwhelming to look at becuase there's a million modules. Once you narrow down the modules you aren't going to use, and look at it again, there's not nearly as much. However, you're definitely correct that it's not something that will be fast to complete. I didn't expect it to be though. I think the problem is with as many variables as a hosting company is going to have, it would be nearly impossible to not have as many steps as there is. I'm sure it could be made more efficient, but I do understand the reason for the effort needed to configure. However, keep in mind, that's a one time thing. Once it's configured it's setup and there will not be another session like that (this brings quickbooks to mind as a good comparison). Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't modernbill really the only solution that can do everything it does? to be perfectly honest, I think it's MUCH cheaper than I'd have paid for it. I'm also a reseller for MB. Granted I don't have a ton of licenses, only 13, but the number one question I've been asked when initially looking at this, both before, and immediately after installation is "Why is this so cheap". I'm not exagerating here either. Others may well have a different experience. Anyway, the point is, if MB is used exactly what it's built for, it works. I will agree that it's clunky, but it's also a work in progress. Again, the price comes to mind (Leased license for 24.95 per month with unlimited customer accounts). The one part I think they could really improve on would be the convenience. For instance. if I edit a package, and press the submit button, I would expect to be taken back to the package summary, but I'm not. Nor is there nearly enough posted shortcuts to functions. But again, I handle this myself. I take the shortcuts I most frequently use, create a small web page out of them and bookmark it. So as long as I'm logged in, if I want to go do something I can bring down that menu and do it. EDIT: I'm not saying that IncognitoNet considered MB an accounting program, I just kind of strayed that way. I would also add that after reading your reply again i'd have two questions. 1. if you already had the talent to do the work inhouse, why were you considering a third party solution? 2. wouldn't you really expect a single coded php program would be much more simple if coded specifically for your situation? You'd only have one set of server instructions, one or two gateways, etc etc. you understand. MB couldn't be done that way because there are so many companies it supports. Last edited by fastnoc; 07-12-2004 at 11:26 AM.

Posted by TechRanker, 07-12-2004, 11:43 AM
I think lpanel ( does what MB does. The newest version is suppose to be released sometime today...

Posted by fastnoc, 07-12-2004, 11:59 AM
Interesting Mulder thanks. Shame it only supports CPanel, I won't use that control panel. I wonder if they have other cp's in development?

Posted by PMH-Steve, 07-12-2004, 05:02 PM
IMO I would prefer to code myself an order script that would work with 2co and paypal so you don't need to use or one of the others payment gateways. Personally I like my billing done by another company and I don't have to store any Credit Cards and recurring billing does the work for me. I've actually had multiple customers state that they picked our service specifically because we use PayPal and 2co. I have used both ModerBill and WHMautopilot and they both have many features that are cool but they also have lots of stuff I don't feel like dealing with on a regular basis and they don't support 2checkout when it comes to registering a domain and setting a recurring payment in the same transaction. (Unless they've changed that recently) I agree with the previous poster in that manually activating accounts can cut down on spam and fraud.

Posted by fastnoc, 07-12-2004, 05:30 PM
Now I feel like I'm the dork going against the grain on everything, which isn't what I want to do. but my experience with PayPal and 2checkout is the exact opposite. I ran a large advertisement campaign a year ago. I did another one starting in May this year. Well....I should say large for a small business, certainly nothing compared to 1and1's 12 page add in CS. When i first ran the campaign, i was accepting paypal, 2co and During that excersise a ended up feeling a little concerned because I felt like I was getting too many new sign ups to keep track of (i was VERY new to modernbill at the time and didn't fully trust it). It's not much, I was getting between 8 and 15 customers a week. But portion of those were dedicated server customers. Anyway, I ran the exact same campaign again this year. Except I have dropped because of reasons my own. But i've seen not only fewer sign ups from the ads, but higher traffic. Believe that! more traffic and significantly lower client sign ups. It dawned on me last night laying in bed what the ONLY non-common thing was. online CC. I think that people get a bad taste if they go to sign up and only see paypal. Granted it's a great option, but I think it should be used as an option, and not a total or even complete solution. It also gives the appearance that you could easily be a fly by night company. you obviously don't have to have any firm roots have a paypal account, but there's a lot more involved with getting a merchant account, except from what I understand has some kind of bad credit plan? Maybe that's not true, i'm not sure. I wouldn't have attributed the lack of results to something like this, but I can't find another item to look at.. Honestly.

Posted by dcfrank, 07-12-2004, 06:56 PM
What control panel do you use e-places? We are soon going to start working on plesk. You can also check out the lpanel forums @

Posted by fastnoc, 07-12-2004, 07:03 PM
Right now I'm using about 60% Ensim (all upgraded to 3.5 or higher) and 40% Plesk (7.02 or higher). CPanel lacks too much security for me. I know it's the most flexible but that comes at a price. one that I just can't afford to pay. I'd definitely try this out if it would work with Ensim. Heck, even just using the preset packages that are in ensim, and not even being concerned with ala carte ordering at this point. I don't do much non-standard packaging anyway.

Posted by dcfrank, 07-12-2004, 10:16 PM
If you don't mind please msg me in private would like to talk to you some more about these control panels.

Posted by Plb Designs Hosti, 07-14-2004, 02:24 PM
I use WHMap and love it totally. Have tried a couple of others listed here but the solutions that WHMap offers is not available in other software including but not limited to fraud avenues........ is it a bit expensive? yes but in the long run well worth it...

Posted by fastnoc, 07-14-2004, 02:30 PM
FYI I PMd you right after this message was posted. Let me know if you didn't get it.

Posted by edwardw, 07-14-2004, 02:32 PM
WHM Autopilot, Im using it, dont regret it. Its brilliant software, and will be 100% better when V3 comes out

Posted by Plb Designs Hosti, 07-14-2004, 02:42 PM
I agree... the updates this week alone have a very nice ring and touch to them...........

Posted by Aleksey, 07-14-2004, 05:45 PM
Go with it, I think it's the best one so far. Easy to use and not as expensive.

Posted by fastnoc, 07-14-2004, 05:52 PM
Does it not bother any of you autopilot users that you are completely stuck with one control panel? That's one of the things I really like about MB is that I'm able to use as many control panels as I want. I've definintely gotten more sign ups when I started offering a choice of control panels. So are you all comfortable knowing you can never use another control panel as long as you use this autopilot? Or is there some option I'm not familliar with?

Posted by Webpit, 07-15-2004, 10:51 AM
As a consumer, I frown when sites use PayPal for [partially] the reason you mentioned [fly by night], and some other reasons. PayPal, to me, indicates that the company really hasnt gone through all the steps to look like a professional org. By that I mean, when I see PayPal, I think ebay. I think of some person sitting in their living room on the computer trying to make a buck. The one man shop. Now, If i'm ordering a server. Do I want to buy it from the one man shop? Or do I want to buy it from a company that has a staff of billing people, technical support, etc. Its all about perception. You could "look" like a well-staffed company and still be a one man shop. But if you're using PayPal, you might as well stick a sign out there that reads "Sole Proprietor" And what does that mean for 24x7 support, monitoring, etc? Whether this perception is valid or not is not the question. First impressions are the lasting ones. Besides, PayPal takes a bigger chunck of your transactions than a regular merchant account.

Posted by TechRanker, 07-15-2004, 11:02 AM
I agree with Webpit. It would be nice if PayPal offered it's merchant services under a different name. That would help lesson the negative perception that many people have in using the services of people using paypal, IMO.

Posted by Webpit, 07-15-2004, 11:15 AM
One of the most significant weaknesses I see of these so called "order automation" systems is that they tie you into a one domain per order methodology. I've been to a dozen sites that use Modernbill, and I've seen the demos on whmautopilot and I'm still not satisfied that either solution really does a decent job at allowing the customer to spend more money in one order. It's like this. Enter domain. Select Plan. Complete order. Oh, want another, do the process over again. But wait, now you'll have one customer with possibly 5 "account" records in modernbill. You might have to activate the first account, then activate the services, then can you merge the other accounts? So the customer has one account with multiple services? When I encounter a "one domain" order form, it just bugs me because I know it can be done better, and the so called "best of breed" software they claim to be cannot do this. I've written order automation software for a large international hosting company, so I know the ins and outs. I've been considering writing my own, but from the voices in here, it seems that its not an economically viable business to be in because everyone wants it cheaper cheaper cheaper. If a $1500 per year solution came out that empowered you to make 4x more income per order, you probably still would not buy it. Its a shame though, because cheaper does not equate to "better" Regards, Mark

Posted by hostingvince, 07-15-2004, 11:59 AM
It does if you use Whois.Cart Not used the others, so take it from your post they can't do the following: Whois.Cart let's you order as many domains as you like. a) without hosting b) with just 1 hosting package c) with hosting for each etc... Vince

Posted by fastnoc, 07-15-2004, 01:02 PM
I agree with the one domain thing. So did ModernBill. That's been changed since 4.1.4 and multiple domain purchases is now available.

Posted by Webpit, 07-15-2004, 03:25 PM
Interesting. I've visited numerous ModernBill sites and did not see this. In fact I interviewed one of their clients here in Dallas and asked them what their gripes were, and the lack of multi-service ordering was a major one.

Posted by fastnoc, 07-15-2004, 03:41 PM
Yeah I understand that. It's only with their latest 4.1.4 which is a new released. meaning it JUST got implemented. This is just what I read on their forums though. I haven't implemented this. Although, I have used editable client vars before to have them enter the other domains, and I process them manually, so they can still order more, it's just a royal pain that way. I NEVER install the latest and greatest rev of software. I always stay one rev back for stability. So I won't install 4.1.4 until they release the next update. I do know it's possible now though, but I would imagine it's working as I haven't seen any complaints about it yet.

Posted by josemv, 07-17-2004, 07:25 AM
Hi, probably Modernbill is the better hosting package available, but is hard to setup and I never been quite about what happens, what are doing those millions of modules? Ok, the hosting company could take time to learn how works, then you can invest some hundreds of hours to learn and customize it. After that you offer to your customer a signup form that is a nightmare and later this customer will not receive the details in the right language, the same they filled the form. Stupid issues for an American company only selling English speakers, but... I think whoiscart could be a most reliable solution for most of the hosting companies that visit WHT. Even I would pay more money for whoiscart than modernbill, why complex should be better? But, Saeven, open the code to allow people develop their own modules.

Posted by rcrrich, 07-17-2004, 02:46 PM
Most people that I have talk to that don't have this built in like h-sphere does use modernbill. It must be the norm.....

Posted by Criminal#58369, 07-19-2004, 10:39 AM
I think that you should use something like modernbill, and have them automaticly sign up, but check there ip, and location on there form they sent you, also i say call them up to verify before setting up there account, and giving them the account info.

Posted by Criminal#58369, 07-19-2004, 10:40 AM
Oh and also id say check out perlbill... Sry for the 2nd post.

Posted by fastnoc, 07-19-2004, 11:36 AM
Personally I think that if someone is going to call every customer they might as well not even use ModernBill. The point of the software is to automate everything. if you're going to call each customer you defeat the purpose of the program. Not only that, but at 5.99 for low end accounts, it's not NEARLY important enough for me to call each customer. I'd have to let support suffer because I'd be calling people. I choose to let me credit card verification be strict enough that I don't worry about any other levels of communication. On dedicated servers I spose I could see it, but I don't do it then either.

Posted by barrywien, 07-19-2004, 12:07 PM
5.99 for your package, plus a $30+ chargeback fee by your processor and a bad mark on your credit history. A few of those and you can kiss goodbye to your processor as you will be classed as high risk.

Posted by fastnoc, 07-19-2004, 12:27 PM
First off the high risk category doesn't make sense because you're already high risk being an online merchant offering web hosting. That automatically puts you high risk doesn't it? I do see what you're saying. There's a break over point where you have to decide whether you want to stay small, or get big, and the thought process you're talking about will keep you small, but safe. I disagree with it because I plan to have well over 1000 clients. Based on that number, I'd have to hire someone to check every order which i have no intention of doing. You also effectively remove any chance of offering instant activation, which I use and it is a VERY good selling tool. If the number of transactions you do is so small that a couple charge backs are going to cost you your account, then I guess you'd have to think that way. I just can't understand the reason for wanting to automate something then defeat the entire process by purposely stopping the automation. Why even bother with it? You're certainly not going to gain anything. By the way, you could always sign up as a merchant with if you have terrible credit, and from what I understand linkpoint is even more lenient. It's not like you get a couple charge backs and you're history, that's blowing it way out of proportion. I suppose again, if your personal credit is barely strong enough to hold the account it could be an issue, but one has to wonder if someone's credit is that low, and their customer load is that low, what are they even doing in the business?

Posted by rcrrich, 07-19-2004, 02:44 PM
nbsp; Only if you start getting charge backs makes it count as bad

Posted by fastnoc, 07-19-2004, 02:56 PM
Not sure I follow what you mean? Do you mean that it's a bad idea becuase you'll start getting charge backs? If that's the case, that's what I mean about forward thinking. If you stay really small, one chargeback can affect your standing significantly. but if you do many monthly charges, your good transaction percentage outweighs the chargebacks to a point that it's not nearly as important. I guess i mean this, chargebacks are going to happen, PERIOD. I don't care how careful you are. I just focus on keeping the percentage of chargebacks low enough that they don't affect me. That's what i think the mistake is, it's not that you have 2 chargebacks, it's that you have 2 chargebacks and only a total of 25 TOTAL charges. That same 2 chargebacks means much less when you've done 150 transactions.

Posted by rcrrich, 07-19-2004, 03:48 PM
nbsp; Most charge backs are going to be from stolen credit cards. This last 2 months we have had more than 4,000.00 in stolen cards and if we had excepted them and they went through we would now be facing many problems with the bank. So far not one charge back because we monitor every sale now even paypal, as you must be verified first before we accept the charge. This is a real business to us and there are cost and gains in it. Some things are a pain and many users out there want to setup right when they apply and want everthing done in a min. I tried that and well lets just say if someone wants that there are a lot of sites that are that way. I just can't take the change of loosing thousands of dollars as if you get a charge back 2 times in one period and a large one comes in you can loose double the charge as I did which was 30,000.00 taken from us. Don't think they can't do it either so again this is a business and you should do it as one and if anyone can't understand or wants to change your rules from the start, you just may end up with more than it was worth. 

Posted by fastnoc, 07-19-2004, 04:36 PM
I'm well aware it's a business, i own 5 of them, the hosting stuff is the smallest of all 5. I'm not saying that it can't be a pain, it is. I'm also not saying what you're doing is wrong. It's not, if you don't want to compete with the big companies out there, that's totally your choice. But just out of curiosity, if you think this is so incredibly difficult, how do you figure ALL the big companies do it? I'll leave your dollar amounts and your double charges comment to you, lol. Anyway, this is going WAY off base. my statement was that if you're going to break the procedure to begin with, why bother doing it at all? if you can't do it right, don't do it. EDIT: Just to add, there are a lot of companies that do phone verification checks on orders. They give you a code, you have to answer the phone number you entered in the order, and enter the pin. if not, the order doesn't process. Can't remember the names off the top of my head though. Last edited by fastnoc; 07-19-2004 at 04:41 PM.

Posted by GameServerHQ, 07-19-2004, 04:47 PM
Modernbill is decent, it gets the job done.

Posted by BlikWerk, 07-19-2004, 05:54 PM
i think you may be referring to That's one of them.

Posted by KelownaHost, 07-25-2004, 05:10 AM
Once you click to pay for a domain name from Enom or I dare say any domain name registrar don't expect a refund. This is the actual message I see on my Enom account before I purchase a new domain name: Click once to purchase these items (the page might take a few seconds to process). All sales are final, no refunds will be issued. hth

Posted by KelownaHost, 07-25-2004, 05:15 AM
Once you click to pay for a domain name from Enom or I dare say any domain name registrar don't expect a refund. This is the actual message I see on my Enom account before I purchase a new domain name: Click once to purchase these items (the page might take a few seconds to process). All sales are final, no refunds will be issued. hth

Posted by rcrrich, 07-25-2004, 11:54 AM
nbsp; You have 5 days to get your money back. I got stuck with a domain for 10 years Bunch of  crap but as there is nothing that you can do once after the 5 days.

Posted by fastnoc, 07-25-2004, 07:17 PM
That's interesting. I didn't even know they'd do 5 days. I had my config set wrong and my API queue accidentally ran every registration that was signed up for, even though they hadn't paid. I got a bunch of domains registered I didn't want. I didn't know you could refund them, so I just charged it to the game. Wish I'd known that.

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