
I need a list of the best resellers!

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 12:01 AM
BESIDES HTTPME!!! I am so fed up to high heaven with them!! They are slipping a whole lot these days. I wish Aussie Bob was back in control!! Anyway, can you guys give me a list of others? Last edited by Fandez; 07-06-2004 at 12:14 AM.

Posted by, 07-06-2004, 12:05 AM
Best thing to do would be to do a search. There's been several topics re. who's best, but to be honest, there's no universal best host... but I'm sure there's a best host for you out there. I hope this made some sense

Posted by RossMAN, 07-06-2004, 12:36 AM
Why are you "fed up to high heaven" with HTTPme? I would recommend searching WHT for HTTPme, you'll usually find other recommendations in the same threads.

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 12:37 AM
I don't have time to do a search, I need to change immediately, and I need the time to look through the webhosts themselves. Sorry for asking "appearently" again. Normally I would have the time to do it.

Posted by RossMAN, 07-06-2004, 12:42 AM
Here are some suggestions to research:

Posted by basic, 07-06-2004, 12:45 AM
Why not google-ing for "reseller host DIRECTORY" -- you'll find many host directories, some with helpful reviews.

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 12:45 AM
I went to HTTPME originally because of recommendations on here! I have been with them for over a year now. It has been great until Bob stepped out and I think others are getting a bit fed up as well. So here I am asking the community again, for another recommendation for someone else. What do you want? A copy of the rediculous support conversation? I have my reasons for being fed up!

Posted by RossMAN, 07-06-2004, 12:47 AM
My suggestions are two posts up

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 12:55 AM
Thanks. I appreciate it. I hate getting down to the wire. I tend to panic when I have to change things.

Posted by cnm72, 07-06-2004, 02:25 AM
I second and I can understand the panic hope it works out for you... deep breaths

Posted by NexDog, 07-06-2004, 04:05 AM
Care to elaborate on why you think they are slipping? First I've heard of it.

Posted by TR Seeks, 07-06-2004, 04:19 AM I was with jolthost a year ago. They were great. The owner is helpful.

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 04:47 AM
No, I don't care to elaborate. Too many people come on here to try to tear a company apart because of what happened to them. I did consider it, but I really am not going to waste the time. I have websites to take care of. If others start having the same issues, then it will be eventually catch up to them. Maybe I am one of a few who is having issues, maybe not. Who knows, but I personally just don't have the confidence in them that I used to. Like I said it was a lot better when Aussie Bob was still active there. Frankly I still think their network and network support is one of the best. I hope that never changes. But my issues were not about that. Thanks Tris-SA.

Posted by r2h, 07-06-2004, 06:05 AM
Some of good companies are here:

Posted by snickn, 07-06-2004, 07:50 AM
Unfortunately, it's the first I've heard of it too. I've PM'd the user.... sometimes it's not so easy to make connections between WHT usernames and customers....but if we're slipiping, definitely need to know how, so we can get tires with better grip and back on track Communication is key.

Posted by NeoGen, 07-06-2004, 10:15 AM
You may consider following new comers, (but promising) as well:

Posted by alex-info, 07-06-2004, 10:31 AM
Definitly add to your list, they are awesome !

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 10:31 AM
Nick, You were the first person to answer my support ticket two days ago. I have the same username there as I do here. You should have taken ownership of that ticket, especially when I mark it urgent! Thanks for all the suggestions guys, But I think that is more than enough. I don't have time to search through dozens. I see BlueWho uses the same network center as Httpme. They seem to almost be a carbon copy, but with a bit more bandwidth. Which is a good thing. We shall see.

Posted by Jeanco, 07-06-2004, 10:33 AM
I'd highly reccommend They're who I use. At first I was a little worried they're costs were too low, but the quality of service and support has been great. Highly Reccommended. Note: I was worried about cheap costs because I transferred to them from another company with similar pricing structure and they're support and uptime was horrendous.

Posted by snickn, 07-06-2004, 10:39 AM
Without making this a huge issue, we have folks who do billing, and those who do system administration. I do system administration and customer relations, I don't do billing, you submitted the ticket on a federal holiday in the US, when our non-essential employees were enjoying time with their family. I apologize for the 'lack of response', you have portrayed your problems, and they will be brought up, and we will see how we can improve on the complaints. Thanks for the feedback, good luck in your search, and again, apologies for any inconvenience experience. Last edited by snickn; 07-06-2004 at 10:44 AM.

Posted by PeterGH, 07-06-2004, 10:50 AM
There is certainly no excuse for the poor resolve time to your ticket. I apologised for this and once my shift started I answered your ticket and treated it per it's priority. As it appears you haven't left HTTPme yet is there any chance we can convince you to stay? You're free to air your concerns on the HTTPme forums as well as to any one of our staff members. If you felt HTTPme was slipping then we have always been extremely open to criticism and without feedback from our clients it makes improvement difficult.

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 11:01 AM
Ok, first of all, until last night, I had no idea that Aussie Bob was not involved in Httpme anymore. It was NOT a Federal Holiday in Austrailia. On top of that, not all support individuals LIVE in the United States, and not all customers of Httpme LIVE in the United States! This used to NOT be a US owned company! But obviously it is now. Thanks for NOT emailing all your customers when this change occured. It would have been helpful! Oh and not all of us, spend the day AFTER 4th of July treating it like a holiday.

Posted by PeterGH, 07-06-2004, 11:04 AM
HTTPme is currently owned by a British company. It has always been recommended to subscribe to the announcement forums however I agree it should've been emailed to all clients regardless of whether they had subscribed to the announcements forum.

Posted by mdrussell, 07-06-2004, 11:08 AM
An announcement was made in the community when the change took place. HTTPme is community based, hence our decision to announce it here. I am sorry that you dislike a policy implemented under Rob's control that we continue to implement for the security of our customers, but this is not something that will change.

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 11:09 AM
Peter, I appreciate that. You may want to have Nick show you the back and forth PMs I have had with him. He felt the need to make some stinging comments in there in order to end this conversation! I really did not want to drag this out in the open! I was on edge and in a panic, and it was resolved, until more was said. If I decide to leave Httpme, it is my own decision. I didn't think it has to do with anyone in here, except that I was disappointed with Httpme, and wanted to investigate someone as good or better. Again, this is more than one person trying to deal with an customer issue. I am really tired of having to talk to more than one person at Httpme, to resolve this.

Posted by snickn, 07-06-2004, 11:14 AM
Apologies if you felt my comments were "stinging", the PM conversation was forwarded (by me) to Matt though already. Again, thanks for the input, it can only make us better...

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 11:16 AM
Well, I am sorry. I don't have time to go to the Bulletin Board unless I am notified by email that there is an issue with the server. I didn't know I had to take an active part in that community. I guess a change in ownership is unimportant enough to tell people through email. And Matt, it is not the policy, it is how it was handled. I don't care if you don't change it, no problem. But tell the other 4 guys not to add their two cents in a support issue, and confuse the hell out of me. I got pissed an blew my stack, because of another person answering like they were taking the support ticket over! I didn't need that.

Posted by snickn, 07-06-2004, 11:22 AM
Although only 4 of us do Billing, the rest of us like to keep the customer updated so you know that your ticket isn't being ignored, we also like to prepare the information that will be needed to resolve your information (such as order number). Apologies if having more than one person interact in your ticket confused you....I asked for your order number, Navin replies, letting you know why we needed your ordering number, she wasn't asking for it again, simply confirming why it was needed. Peter resolved the issue. I admit, there was some confusion here, however, this was no excuse at all for the rudeness displayed in the ticket. As for the announcement issue, all customers are instructed to subscribe to the announcement and server forums, when you do that, you will receive an email each time an announcement (such as the sale 6 months ago) is made. Please move this conversation to the HTTPme forums, or feel free to email any of us, I don't feel it proper to continue to hijack this thread.

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 11:38 AM
And now I find out that Peter, the one that originally was dealing with the issue and is in billing, does NOT live in the US. So the holiday was not an issue AT ALL. So that was a stupid excuse! I AM subscribed to the server threads, and that announcement did NOT come through it! And if it did, you have already deleted it long before the last server issues back in March! Now you are asking me to move this conversation to the Httpme bulletin board, when you chose to start it up in here? I was done here, until you posted then IMed me. I am not moving a conversation that I did not start! I posted here because I wanted info on other good resellers, besides Httpme. I was not going to answer why I had my issues if you look back. Just stop dealing with me Nick. You are not helping things at all.

Posted by RossMAN, 07-06-2004, 11:40 AM
Back to the original topic. Which other resellers are you considering?

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 11:51 AM
Dude, I have been given the most advice about BlueWho. Even from the most unlikely of people. lol! I have not had any time to look at anyone else, or do anything else because Httpme seems to want to keep arguing with me in PMs.

Posted by PeterGH, 07-06-2004, 11:53 AM
Eek, I just sent you a PM but it wasn't to argue. Hopefully it won't be perceived as such!

Posted by mdrussell, 07-06-2004, 11:57 AM
My staff care about our customers which is why multiple staff have contacted you in the hope of making amends. Please feel free to ignore these, if you wish.

Posted by nipper_uk, 07-06-2004, 12:06 PM
Back to the list of best resellers.... I have been with for around 4 months now and am a very happy customer. Their support is second to none and I have experienced hardly any downtime. Their forum is very active and have some excellent resellers who are always willing to help you out with any queries or problems you may have.

Posted by NeoGen, 07-06-2004, 12:18 PM
Thank God we are back to discussion on reseller! But this post can spin into another intresting discussion and that is "How many people prefer forum support? and How good is forum support." Can forum support be one of the criterea to select a host?

Posted by nipper_uk, 07-06-2004, 12:23 PM
I find the forum support to be invaluable. With a forum you usually find that someone has had the same or a similar query before and the answers are already there. We all know what it's like answering the same questions over and over again...

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 12:25 PM
Matt, As much as I should ignore this.................. Have you ever walked into a store for a customer service issue, and had more than one employee take care of you, saying different things, and confusing you to the point you are pissed? Then when you are in complaint mode, have all these employees come up to you out of the blue, and give you several different excuses why it happened making you feel like you did something wrong, like because you interupted on a holiday or such and such? Then when you nice and upset, they tell you to go to take the issue that you didn't start into another room? Wouldn't you have rather had one person to deal with you from beginning to end? I sure would have, and you need to give Peter a damn big raise, because he understands customer service.

Posted by Lubby, 07-06-2004, 12:29 PM
Their sure are a lot of httpme/voxtreme employees in this conversation.

Posted by NeoGen, 07-06-2004, 12:36 PM
Well...there is no doubt about that, this seems to be a four corner discusion. One the customer other three vendors. Can we have any discussion on resellers?

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 12:39 PM
I have in the past, when I need to know something, went to the forums. Most of the time it was about something I needed help with on a website issue. The members are an extremely good source of information. But as far a issues members cannot help with, or the issue is not one in the forum support, I prefer one on one customer service to help with my problem.

Posted by mdrussell, 07-06-2004, 12:42 PM
And there sure are plenty of hosts eager to get their signature into this thread....

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 12:50 PM
You know, I think Httpme, and others like them, (seemingly BlueWho) have it mostly together better, as long as they don't lose site of how Customer Service should work. I have been in C.S. for years and had training, and even repeat training to keep the focus on the customers and how things should be handled. So my first thing to look at is how good Customer Service is. Then like everyone else, I am concerned with pricing. I have a 4GB space 40GB transfer right now which is ok. But personally I would like to have more bandwidth for that price. Third I consider how many IPs they offer, and the control panel. I prefer Cpanel/WHM. Eventually I am going to go to a dedicated server. Not just to resell, but to support all the stuff I have in the making. I have a killer headache now, so I need to take drugs.

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 12:59 PM
Don't worry Matt. I am not considering any Host that posts in here. And I am not here to listen to Hosts suggestions or Hosts trying to save face for potential customers. I am here to listen to customers of Hosts. That is what I asked for.

Posted by IHSL, 07-06-2004, 01:01 PM
And rightfully so. Thankfully, the HTTPme/Voxtreme guys care enough about their business, to address such an issue in public, and in numbers. A sign of a great company, with good staff, who appreciate each customer - in my opinion. Voxtreme guys - I can only advise that you program an auto-responder notice into the billing desk, during holidays (we use cerberus for this type of thing). Fandez, it sounds like you simply seen a blip in the system, not a crash Simon

Posted by TechRanker, 07-06-2004, 01:15 PM
Regarding httpme IMO, It's totally reasonable that the billing department operates on a different schedule than the support department. It's also reasonable that the billing department is off on a US holiday, regardless of where the staff actually resides. What I would expect is that the department hours are posted and that the initial reponse to the ticket states that "the issue will be looked at when billing returns to the office on Tuesday." Also, I liked how professional the httpe folks are in the forum. I've seen several hosts in this forum post rude comments and it puzzles me why ppl even do business with them. Kuddos to httpme. Regarding resellers What's your budget? Any minimum resource requirements?

Posted by Lubby, 07-06-2004, 01:24 PM
I didn't say their was anything wrong with it and I believe it is a good thing to. Sorry if you took it the wrong way. As far as Matt's comment I don't exactly think that was called for. I have been keeping up with the thread the entire time and put out an observation. It wasn't to try and get httpme staff or that one person to view my signature and I am sorry if that is all he thinks that people do.

Posted by Fandez, 07-06-2004, 01:39 PM
Ok I am done. Bitch among yourselves somewhere else. As far as I am concerned I got out of this what I asked for, no matter what sidetracks happened. My issue with Httpme is over. I am not saying if I am switching or not. Everyone has thier opinions about Httpme, whether right or wrong, I simply do not wish to discuss it with anyone. If you notice, I have never offered the reasons why I had a problem with them. All requests to talk about it were denied and will still be denied. I only responded to Httpme in here because they brought the issue into here. Thanks to you guys who threw up all the resellers. I appreciate it. But I am done talking about this. I have so much more to do. Please do not get into arguements, or even try to tell me how good Httpme is over my problem. I know they are a good company, but good companies do not please everyone. Again, I did not start this thread to discuss my issue with Httpme. I just love pain killers. *plop*

Posted by RossMAN, 07-06-2004, 02:30 PM
Fandez - I would suggest asking the mods to lock this thread. Best of luck with your search for the right web host.

Posted by ceo, 07-07-2004, 03:20 PM
Locking or no locking, I'm sure HTTPme support staff have nothing more to say. Fandez has made the entire issue quite clear. There was a problem, and the host company faltered a bit, apologized and all's fine now..... Fandez, thanks for this thread.... Should help a lot of people considering reseller options, and I'm sure HTTPme is amongst the best... Which brings me to my point. Pretty recently I suggested to Voxtreme (I believe the same or sister company of HTTPme) that they should have an email going out to resellers for every important notice. I simply do not understand how they could be in self-belief, that every reseller MUST come to the Forums, Subscribe to a thread/announcement and be dependant on that for 'important' notices or announcements going out. I mean c'mmon guys, that's the only flaw I can think of right now, in what I see as the best reseller host on the planet. Period.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 07-07-2004, 04:49 PM
If you subscribe to your server's announcement forum (you only do this one time), you will be emailed every time an announcement is made regarding your server. It's a flawless system that enables not only announcements to be made, but for community interaction resulting from those announcements.

Posted by ceo, 07-07-2004, 05:39 PM
That Aussie Bob, is a great idea. If were an owner of a similar business, I would have implemented it too. Where I may differ in my view is that, aside of this great devide/idea, there are so many people who come on as hosting clients not too comfortable with forums. Others who are, may have missed a subscription accidentaly. As an already great hosting company, I would have assumed the owners thought that communication was extremely important. And that irrespective of whether or not a customer has subscribed to a thread, a seperate email list conveys important communication. If that makes it more cumbersome or even duplicate, the least one must do is check if EVERY customer is subscribed, and if he isn't consider it ONE's WON JOB to get the customer subscribed to that thread for anouncements of the hosted server....

Posted by ioenska, 07-07-2004, 06:46 PM
My personal experience with hosting companies has been this: #1.) Hosting with people on ebay sucks. They suck. They're slow. The sites are constantly down, assuming you are lucky enough to find a host that will even MAKE your account. And don't EVER send a money order, because somehow they just NEVER seem to get it. The people at suck. I was waiting for them to set up my account for over 2 weeks, and ended up not hosting with them. I let them keep my money just to insure they'd give me positive feedback on ebay. They were some of the slowest people I've ever seen. -I don't remember what most of the other ones were, but I know one had links about eating disorders in australia on their website. I was only 15 or 16 when I TRIED hosting with them, they took my hard-earned money & didn't give me squat. I suppose it was just so horrible that I decided (at some point) to block it from my memory. I would rather slit my own throat than use those people again. The most reliable hosts that I've ever used were: (i think that's what it was) but they were pretty expensive & it was a long time ago. They were my first hosting company. I think I got like 200 mb of space & all the features you could imagine for 50 dollars a month. But my site was ALWAYS up and tech support was prompt. The second was my dad's friend's who had offered me 50mb of space & like 20 gb of data transfer per site.. I liked them partially because I knew them. lol I could just call & they'd run over & fix or add whatever I needed to my account & all I ever paid was 5 bucks a month. They ripped me off on my domain name, though.. but that's okay. I got it back (now seems to be bought by crap host C-I-Host) was also very good. Very prompt support and I think you get a good deal for the money. The only problem with them is cancelling your account. You have to send mean emails like 9 million times a day before they figure out that they're not supposed to bill you 3 months down the road. As far as reliable RESELLER hosting goes... is awesome Everyone else I've ever tried has been total, complete, absolute crap. They're slow, ignorant and your sites don't EVER stay up... IF they even GET up. (i don't know if i'm stressing the point that they were $#!+ enough or not, but they were!!!!) As far as ebay hosting sellers go... Quackweb and FatNetwork responded quickly & were very nice, but NOTHING was getting done about the site. It was more chit chat and stuff than fixing the problem. The other ones are most likely from India (no offense if anyone reading this is Indian) and they just don't seem to really care about your problem. You're treated like you're in an assembly line & that's not cool. And most likely, your problem isn't gonna get fixed, because they just suck. There was one reseller host that I had... I emailed them constantly, I don't remember their name (they're from the UK), but I'll see if I can find it sometime.. Anywho.. My sites & stuff were up for a few months & everything was great.. The support was great.. Then all of a sudden my sites were down... A few weeks later, the sites were back up, but I was unable to login to my account, I didn't get any response to my emails to tech support, etc.... That is BS, dude. Total BS. When I find their name, I'll post it, that way no one else who reads that has to go through that kind of frustration! To top things off, they used & tried to keep charging my credit card for service I wasn't even getting. OOOOhhhhh... Talk about sending nasty emails to someone... I did. Lemme tell ya! LOL But anyways.. Yep... I like That Rob dude is pretty awesome. I haven't had a single problem with 'em, the support is fast and excellent and my sites stay up, so I'm one heck of a happy camper Best Wishes, ~ Candy ~

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