

Posted by profezor, 07-02-2004, 02:36 PM
In the process of setting up a European based hosting biz. Is anyone having good success with RVSkins? Thanks profezor

Posted by InSite, 07-02-2004, 02:51 PM
Yes - RVSkins is popular among our users, just so long as the support tickets don't start coming in with other languages too!

Posted by profezor, 07-02-2004, 02:55 PM
lol, but while I am American, I will setting it up in Sweden, so it is actually better if the tickets come in in Swedish. Question: The clients get to pick the language and it can be changed on the fly? Or do they/you have to set it when the account is created? profezor

Posted by M7I, 07-02-2004, 03:04 PM
The language can be set on the fly from the control panel.

Posted by Lubby, 07-02-2004, 04:06 PM
If they accepted paypal it would be a lot easier then having to transfer everything around to finally get it to a CC..

Posted by DDT, 07-02-2004, 09:13 PM
Love Rvskins. Great looking panels. Excellent support. Frequent easy upgrades. Complete customization & "branding" much easier than in cPanel. Easy news system. And my personal favorite the "upsell" feature. Well worth the money, one of my "I think I'll check this out" decisions I have been more pleased with than just about any other.

Posted by AlexF, 07-02-2004, 11:26 PM
Another rvSkin fan... Our customers seem to like it as well..

Posted by NexDog, 07-03-2004, 02:45 AM
Personally I think it's ugly as hell but clients seem to like so it's all good.

Posted by IGobyTerry, 07-03-2004, 03:01 AM
I tend to agree. The design of the actual skins and icons are nice, but the colors they use are absolutely terrible. But as you said, customers want them/demand them, so they get them.

Posted by AlexF, 07-03-2004, 01:22 PM
Well don't worry. They will be implementing a skin engine so that you can create your own themes & icons.. Can't wait!

Posted by profezor, 07-04-2004, 08:44 AM
Are most of you running it from a reseller account or do you have it running on your own server? I think I will have to use it on a reseller account first. profezor

Posted by M7I, 07-04-2004, 09:13 AM
We run it from a server, not a reseller account.

Posted by Russ Foster, 07-04-2004, 09:18 AM
Well going from out customer base RVSkins + Fantastico are two things worth having Rus

Posted by ldcdc, 07-04-2004, 10:59 AM
Fully agreed. Those colors are just crazy.

Posted by WirralNet Matt, 07-04-2004, 11:28 AM
I love the amount of control you have over it. I dont think ill go back now. I was sceptical at first (see earlier threads) but ive been running it for 2 months now and within 1 hour I was converted

Posted by ekwade, 07-05-2004, 11:05 AM
Agreed. That's why we offer RVskins and Fantastico Deluxe on all our servers.

Posted by RossMAN, 07-06-2004, 12:38 AM
Agreed. This is one of the reasons I signed up with UltraUnix.NET for a "cheap" web host it's amazing they offer these two features. (are you listening HTTPme and Idologic? ).

Posted by NexDog, 07-06-2004, 12:50 AM
HTTPme would have to spend many thousands of dollars in order to place RVskins on 30+ servers. Plus UltraUnix is based in Malaysia where living prices are lower so they can offer cheaper costs.

Posted by RossMAN, 07-06-2004, 01:07 AM
To be fair, HTTPme is considering offering RVSkins

Posted by PeterGH, 07-06-2004, 01:43 AM
We will be offering RVSkin, however due to the large volume we won't be rushing into it just yet.

Posted by DDT, 07-06-2004, 10:43 AM
Onne other thing I like about Rvskins is the ability to not display features in users control panels. For many of you this will sound strange but I host for a niche market most of whom don't have a clue what to do in a control panel. I would just love them "clicking around" and screwing up a perfectly good database... and I used to get calls all the time like "what does this do" when it was something they had no use for. I know you can accomplish the same type thing from WHM but Rvskins makes it so much easier. The majority of my customers can see their stats, check their webmail, set up an Email or forwarder, etc. and those type things are all 90% of my customers want to do anyway. I also have had really great experience with the upsell feature. As one example: we used to offer 4 stats programs on all our plans. Now the basic plan comes with one and we have our customized Rvskin "upsell" page that describes all the benefits of the others & what they can do for the small cost of upgrading to our next level plan. We had enough customers upgrade within a month or two of starting to use Rvskin, to easily make Rvskin pay for itself.

Posted by PeterGH, 07-06-2004, 10:46 AM
The WHM feature manager is extremely buggy, I once saw almost 90% of features disappear and despite all our efforts we couldn't get them to restore. RVSkin provides this without the pathetic amount of bugs.

Posted by mrzippy, 07-06-2004, 10:09 PM
Maybe charge an extra few bucks for whoever wants it activated on their account?

Posted by Jim_UK, 07-07-2004, 02:41 AM
I agree... the icon'd skin could be a lot better. The text based skin is okay though and what we've used for our shared clients. We didn't get it (and clients didn't demand it ) for the skins though... it's the hugely increased amount of control resellers get which is nice. They can do all sorts of feature enable/disable for their packages and ton's more (such as custom links in cpanel for their clients, etc). I suggest they contact RVSkin for quotes... they may be able to offer good discount for a pack of 30+ licenses purchased together

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