
How do i...?

Posted by KaiserSoze, 03-16-2004, 11:47 PM
I have had a small personal account ( on since October of 2k3. They are dirt cheap for regular, single site hosting, but they are not without their drawbacks. The server has been more stable than some of my work accounts and they are quick to respond, but they aren't the most professional people when it comes to answering nagging email questions. I've come to the conclusion that they are probobly a reseller given the quality of the support verses the tech quality. Now that I am in the market for small (1gig of space or so) linux reseller account, I would like to find out who they resell for. How would I go about trying to do that? Can i even try? On the ethics side of the equation the most "reselling" I would be doing would be splitting the account with some friends for non-work related endevors. -KS

Posted by CPQIS, 03-16-2004, 11:49 PM
You can try looking the domain up on and checking their nameservers. If it's not their domain, that's who their host is.

Posted by Derrick, 03-17-2004, 12:04 AM
Well i would start with the obvious: Ask them where the servers are located(what datacenter). You may even consider asking them if they are a reseller for someone. Back when I was a reseller I told my clients. I believe in being honest with my customers(what a concept ) If I can be of any help to you please feel free to contact me. Good luck, Derrick

Posted by KaiserSoze, 03-17-2004, 11:06 AM
Thanks for responding fellas. The name servers have their name. I don't know why I didn't just run a traceroute last night. I just ran one now and the last hop was to which appears to be a site on They are a little rich for my blood though. I looked at your site site Derrick and you have the right stuff for the right price. I'll be in contact. I will continue to comparisson shop for a few more days. Thanks again guys. -KS

Posted by Derrick, 03-17-2004, 04:37 PM
KS, Glad you were able to find out they use EV1. Comparison shopping is a very smart idea, make sure you find the right host for what you need. Good luck, Derrick Last edited by Derrick; 03-17-2004 at 04:44 PM.

Posted by KaiserSoze, 03-17-2004, 05:46 PM
Derrick, I ran a search here for your service and read months worth of posts by you but I haven't come across any reviews of your service. Can you (or anyone else reading this) point me to a post, person or review site with some more information please ? -KS

Posted by Derrick, 03-17-2004, 07:56 PM
KS, I have only recently starting putting my company info in my signature here on WHT. Most of my customers are from other sources. I will have to check with some of my clients to see if they mind you contacting them with questions. Derrick

Posted by grace5, 03-17-2004, 11:19 PM
no news is good news here at WHT take my word for it if he was a sloppy host you would see several post about it. (why do we always report the negitive but shun the postive?)

Posted by CPQIS, 03-17-2004, 11:55 PM
Because we don't notice the positives. There's too many, like living, breathing, walking... When something bad happens it's out of the ordinary

Posted by The3bl, 03-18-2004, 01:30 AM
If you traced them back to Ev1 that means the servers are located there, that still does not tell you who the end host is. But if the end host is ethical IMO they will refuse to host you since you are hosted by one of their resellers. So it may be best to look at a new host.

Posted by KaiserSoze, 03-18-2004, 04:37 PM
I realize the murky ethical territory I'm getting into with this, which is why I wanted to emphasize for the WHT readers that my intention is not to form a hosting business. I'm just a geek/control freak and I wanted the ability to start and stop my harebrained website ideas at will and not have to email back and forth trying to get my domain pointed correctly or add a database to an account etc... I just started posting on this board and I don't want to get labeled as a troll or anything... at least, not without merit.

Posted by KaiserSoze, 03-18-2004, 05:05 PM
Derrick On your plans page you say "Multiple Domains" for your reseller packages. How many do you allow on Plan 1? -KS

Posted by Derrick, 03-18-2004, 05:25 PM
KS, If you would like we can continue this conversation through email, to spare the public from reading this Having mutiple domains means you can have as many that fit under your resource cap. So you can carve up your space in anyway you see fit, that will determine how many domains you can fit in your plan #1. Do you understand what I mean or would you like me to explain further? Derrick

Posted by KaiserSoze, 03-18-2004, 05:47 PM
Derrick, The information I have been able to gleam in the short time I have been reading this board is staggering. I think I owe it to answers like the one you had just provided. I would prefer to keep Q and A in the forum so that you, and others, don't have to answer it repeatedly. Thanks. BTW - Thank you for all of your responses. -KS

Posted by Derrick, 03-18-2004, 06:31 PM
No problem we as a community are here to help in anyway possible Derrick

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