
MCHost Nightmare Continues

Posted by shahed, 01-16-2004, 09:07 PM
ok more news from MChost, one reseller account where I had few domain , this week some of my domain got deleted, some domain had file access issues. and helpdesk I think only marc is working. Basically Mchost is like Titanic, 2 years ago it was on top of reseller list and now Its sinking and Marc cant hold it .

Posted by vito, 01-16-2004, 09:18 PM
Given the inordinate amount of problems that people have reported here about Mc, and given the problems you're experiencing personally with them, it amazes me that you still are there. If they're not doing their job, move to another host. Veeeeery simple solution. Vito

Posted by eBoundary, 01-16-2004, 09:36 PM
wow, I'd not seen a post about them in a while, I just assumed they went the way of the dodo after all the problems. Personally I understand loyalty and how much hassle it is to switch hosts but seriously you need to move for the good of your clients once the host does not show any sign of bailing them self out.

Posted by Derrick, 01-16-2004, 09:58 PM
Yeah move, it isnt fair for you to get a bad rep from your clients because MC is dropping the ball. There are plenty of great hosts in the same price range. Derrick

Posted by tracphil, 01-16-2004, 11:51 PM
Very wise words. If its not working I would suggest moving. It sounds as thought its not going to get any better from the posts. I guess it depends on ones comfort level with downtime. Mine would be veeeeeeeery short... after all it is your business/livelyhood that you are putting in their hands.

Posted by AFMichael, 01-17-2004, 12:52 AM
Yes, why would you stay at a place that you're not happy with? Pack up and vamos!

Posted by idologicJeff, 01-17-2004, 03:45 AM
Really? Did you miss this one (going at the same time I might add). MCHost treads were dead for a while, but some how keep getting resurrected. Cheers jeff

Posted by AFMichael, 01-17-2004, 03:48 AM
MCHost is like a roach. They never seem to die that easily and those who have used their services and left in disgust hate them.

Posted by wheimeng, 01-17-2004, 04:56 AM
Thats pretty sad to hear a prestigous webhost soars.

Posted by bear, 01-17-2004, 07:59 AM

Posted by radv, 01-17-2004, 09:42 AM

Posted by Othello, 01-17-2004, 02:16 PM
I say MCHost course should be a classic case of research or a film script .. how about a title like from BOOM to DOOM Gosh! Marc was like a God leading the industry with loads and loads of resellers in his deep pockets .. and to my memory, he was like (as good as Andrew) omnipresent on his forums and would reply in most cases within 10 minutes! Personally, I never had a bad time with him .. but I recall the standards started falling whence he outsourced help to some outfit called BobCares .. ever since then the response time to tickets would be never less than 3-days .. that's just plain unbearable. May be MCHost case history and way of operation can be a good knowledgebase for a document called Best Practices in Hosting Industry (or is it, Worst Practices in Hosting Industry .. lol) .. I really do wish good old times return with Marc and company, I do have pleasant memories of having been with them. (Just Thinking Aloud)

Posted by Incognito, 01-17-2004, 02:40 PM
McHost built a sizable business quickly, largely through this board. We all envy that sort of surge. However, they lacked the plan and the infrastructure to manage that growth. Little by little it all unraveled. Day by day service worsened. They tried a number of different approaches including outsourcing support. However, it appears it had just gotten too far away from them. The key word that we should all use as a warning is "Greed". Don't fall victim to it. If you have good steady growth be happy. If the demand is greater than you can support with quality and control, slow down. McHost is not alone in this problem, just seems to have been hit the hardest. It could have happened similarly to Dedicated Now or Fastservers. Why didn't it? They curtailed new orders. It has happened to a much lesser degree to the flavor of last month, Server Matrix. It has happened to It has happened to hundreds of resellers and shared providers. Why does it happen? When you are small you need very little structure. You can handle most things yourself, with a little help occasionally. Billing isn't difficult. Support requests are few. Wehn you are large and established you have all that in place. You have good, automated billing and experienced support staff. You can handle what comes your way. It is in between that is the problem. If you don't control that period, you find you need the structure of the large provider while you still have the structure you started with. As they say, "the harder you work, the behinder you get."

Posted by Othello, 01-17-2004, 03:25 PM
Incognito, very well said! Your words need to be inscribed in Gold at the desk or be pasted as a desktop wallpaper of the office pc of every reseller wanting to grow up. You don't advertise your service here, do you? Rgds Othello

Posted by my_forum_id, 01-17-2004, 05:26 PM
They're probably too busy e-mailing 'cease and desist' orders to worry about something as trifling as a broken server. Good to see they have they're priorities right . . . .

Posted by bobcares, 01-19-2004, 01:22 AM
Hi! FYI,mchost is not supported by bobcares. Regards Amar

Posted by Aussie Bob, 01-19-2004, 02:07 AM
But bobcares used_to_do outsourced tech support for mchost. This is what Othello is saying.

Posted by bobcares, 01-19-2004, 02:41 AM
Yes and that was for something like 8 months in 2002. If the mchost problem continues in 2004 I do not think it is because of bobcares. That was the sole reason I mentioned. We always wanted mchost to grow but we were made to do just tickets and had limited access. Anyway, I wish Marc the best.... The success of outsourced support comes only when both the groups work as a team. MChost should just get into working that way and I am sure it would grow. They have a very good selling model and a good community base. If utilized well I am sure they can get into the top 50 hosting companies in the world. Regards Amar P.S. Off topic. India beat Australia in the match yesterday... It was cool ...

Posted by Aussie Bob, 01-19-2004, 03:00 AM
So true. It was a great game!! I was there. Section 55, row ww, seat 81.

Posted by fantasmic0, 01-19-2004, 03:23 AM
There's only one BOB that I know who realy cares

Posted by Snowman30, 01-19-2004, 06:03 AM
If you ask me a few discussions should be banned on WHT... anything to do with MCH HC @web and those 3 words that have been supposedly trademarked. Remove or ban those words and it will all die down and everyone will forget all about them. At least all bar those affected by them

Posted by McGhost, 01-25-2004, 10:35 PM
I needed this in my sig. Bear, On request I remove it, but only by legal letter

Posted by bobcares, 01-27-2004, 02:52 AM
I would say there are many others... Take Aussie Bob for example Regards Amar

Posted by Tswaibel, 02-20-2004, 05:20 PM
Without bringing to life the infamous threads previously posted throughout the last few months regarding MCHost, I must state this to get it out of my system. It's now common day knowledge that many decent hosting clients, as well as beginner web gurus themselves opt to begin webhosting ventures of there own. Unfortunately at times we run across the less than personable hosts, thus resulting in posts such as these. My two cents worth of previous experience over 2 years ago with MCHost ended in quite an incident. I'll do us all a favor and skip over the usual billing / help ticket failures and go right to the infamous "We don't like competitors" attitude displayed by none other than, the CEO. After cancelling multiple domains on the MCHost servers, it would become apparent that a sour taste was left in their mouths. Speaking in private messages to 3 fellow forum members on the MChost discussion boards, I was advised of violating "Spam" policies. Might I add these were 3 sentence PM's distributed to fellow members, hand written, and to those who opted to recieve the notes. Immediately following, my newly utilized server distributor, as well as the datacenter responsible for the resources of its use were contacted by Mr. Wyss. To sum it all up in a one sentence summary, MCHost reported that this server was the distributor of unsolicited electronic spam and was requesting the service be shut down. Heck of a way to handle your competition wouldn't you say? Happily so to this day, my company is very much alive, well, and maintaining 24 hour Live Support for clients. Let this serve as a personal experienced warning to those searching for feedback regarding their services. It is in no way intended to slander the company or provoke further arguments. As this board encourages feedback of personal 1 on 1 knowledge of being with a company, this is offically my input.

Posted by irlhost, 02-29-2004, 07:53 PM
Mchost took money from our groups credit card after we cancelled our server . They are just bad news,

Posted by WHRKit, 02-29-2004, 10:37 PM
Do a chargeback and cancel the credit card. Move on - don't look back. Be happy again.

Posted by Rob83, 02-29-2004, 11:00 PM
Oh where oh where is Marc to speak? He's so quick to defend his trademarks.. come Marc.. please speak!

Posted by bear, 02-29-2004, 11:10 PM
no, please...not that....again.

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