
Citadelhost Awesome

Posted by Dan Grossman, 10-26-2003, 08:52 PM
I lurked on these forums a while before deciding on which reseller host to choose. I don't actually want to resell hosting, just consolidate all my sites into one account and have the ability to create more without paying more (to the limits of my storage/bandwidth). There were many good recommendations for several hosts including Citadelhost which also had what I consider great pricing. So I went with them. Jon set up my account within minutes of my payment and replied to all my questions within 5 minutes. Today one of my websites was hacked. It's the second time it's happened to me, first on this host. I don't know how someone got my password each time since I run up-to-date Norton AV 24/7 with realtime virus scan. I also don't write down passwords and nobody uses my computers but me, ever. I have a keylog detection program running now... Anyway, I just want to throw out another great recommendation for Jon and Citadelhost. I posted to the site's ticket system and within 3 minutes Jon wrote back that he was creating a new account for me, with a new username and password, and migrating my sites. Within 2 minutes my hacked domain was accessible to me and my sites were all being migrated to the new WHM account within 10 minutes. This kind of service no matter when I create a ticket is just uncalled for. It's above and beyond what I expect out of a reseller hosting operation. I would recommend Citadelhost to anyone who wants the security of knowing someone will be there to help, quickly. Thanks Jon

Posted by DediPlace, 10-28-2003, 02:36 AM
Yup Citadelhost is awesome!

Posted by UH-Matt, 10-28-2003, 06:00 AM
A note on your hacking: The hacker might be exploiting a script on your site rather than stealing passwords from yourself, so I would get the actual site data checked over because migrating it might just open the exploit again for the hacker.

Posted by Hostmax-br, 10-28-2003, 08:28 AM
I must agree with Matt, there are several ways to exploit a site and its not just a password hacking that would do in this case... It can even be your scripts or some flaw in your programing... (not telling you are a bad programmer, please no flames), it happens quite often, specially when working with files and permissions... Just my 2 cents

Posted by saj, 10-28-2003, 09:58 AM
I Second that I just Purhcased a Citadel reseller package few weeks ago so far so good Excellen uptime and all! Now what im thinking is to purchase a second Reseller account with them and use it for a standalone website at the moment im with another Webhosting company getting Charged i think $13.99 dollars for 10gig b/w and 500mb now im thinking i may get an reseller account with Citadel host for lot cheaper and more Resources! Thumbs up to Citadelhost!

Posted by rayg, 10-29-2003, 04:47 PM
Are they American or from elsewhere? There's no mention on their site.

Posted by sylow, 10-30-2003, 08:04 AM
Do they only accept paypal payments? Because for bookkeeping reasons I prefer to pay with credit card directly to them

Posted by James K, 10-30-2003, 02:01 PM
These question are best to ask the host themselves, don't you think? Not only will you get it from the source, you will get your chance to test their sales/support response time as well.

Posted by CrazyTech, 10-30-2003, 03:14 PM
Agreed, I think sometimes people forget the fact that hosts do have support contacts for such information.

Posted by SecureAX, 10-31-2003, 06:09 AM
Hi there, I hate to say this, but I'm really frustrated with Citadelhost's downtime. I do have a small reseller account at Citadelhost. Their server is down, yet again and even their homepage cannot be accessible. I don't know what's wrong with their server and I'm facing downtime monthly for hours. I tried to monitor the server by using Siteuptime Premium last month, but the result is not really good. 97%+ for last month, therefore, I decided not to waste my money to monitor the server. When I first sign up for their services, Jon is always online with a friendly smile. However, just recently, he is no longer active in MSN. I rarely see his ID online now, even the server is down now, I can't find any way to contact them to get it up ASAP, since no other email is provided other that, which is down together. Thanks.

Posted by Necron, 10-31-2003, 06:10 AM
I think Citadelhost is excellent. Jon provides great service. Would recommend them to anyone.

Posted by scoobydoosg5, 10-31-2003, 06:50 AM
i have to agree with you as you say server is down and still is as i type. no jon on nsm or aim you cant even emial to find out whats going on as thats down as well. yes jon is helpful and prompt but so far im not happy with the downtime im getting.

Posted by jpetrov, 10-31-2003, 10:42 AM
I was talking to him only 1 day ago on starting a resseller account. it's 15:41 CET here (i think 14:41 GMT) and the site is not reacheable. One hint - do a whois and phone him???

Posted by Ronald_Craft, 10-31-2003, 11:27 AM
I've already cancelled my subscription. In case anyone is sticking with citadelhost, best of luck to you.

Posted by saj, 10-31-2003, 11:42 AM
Is anyone having problems replying to the "is citadelhost down" thread each time i hit reply and sumbit i get a page cannot be found errror!

Posted by arly, 10-31-2003, 11:49 AM
Yes, it happend to me a while ago.

Posted by jpetrov, 10-31-2003, 01:20 PM
A ghost took over this thread

Posted by, 10-31-2003, 02:03 PM
it's not even letting me post now... sigh.

Posted by ChowSumDung, 10-31-2003, 02:23 PM
Very disappointed with the Citadelhost downtime so far. The worst part is that their main site is also down and I can't even post a support ticket. Without WHT, I would have no idea what's going on.

Posted by inteltechs, 10-31-2003, 02:51 PM
give them a chance, they will get improved after this incident. Kevin

Posted by Ronald_Craft, 10-31-2003, 03:05 PM
Some sort of alternative contact such as a phone number or even an emergency email that forwards to a cell phone (easy enough to do) would have been nice.

Posted by ChowSumDung, 10-31-2003, 03:24 PM
I hope so. However if the downtime continues to drag for more than 12hrs, I'll have to leave.

Posted by cranky_ellen, 10-31-2003, 08:48 PM
I doubt you will do any better, especially in their price range. Given their previous good history, and the high technical skill level of the Citadelhost staff, you'd be better off sticking with them. This trouble will soon pass. The current problems are apparently an upstream issue, Jon is getting the runaround from EV1. (no surprise there) See the thread in the Reseller forum for more details.

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