
Hosts that accept Reciprocal Linking campaigns

Posted by Jon12345, 10-21-2003, 12:05 PM
Which low cost reseller accounts (that accept multiple domains) can I use for reciprocal linking? I ask because recently someone reported me to spam assasin (or was it spam cop or something similar). The host then banned my domain. All I did was send a reciprocal link request to a webmaster and they considered it spam as it was unsolicited. Which host would you recommend? Regards, Jon

Posted by pang, 10-21-2003, 01:35 PM
No hosts want to get spam reports. It is easy to get listed, but very difficult to be removed.

Posted by GreatDaneOwner, 10-21-2003, 02:26 PM
Tough. Agreed, spam is a disease and shouldn't be tolerated. Zero tolerance is the only way to go. But when I have my site hosted with a company, I expect a particular level of protection, too, if I did nothing wrong. Jon's case is a borderline issue, I'd say. I know it has been discussed at length in various other forums, but if we take the approach that you must never send anybody anything unless you've been in contact before and agreed to receive messages from them, then no new contacts will be made on the Net from now on. If somebody sees my nick here and sends me a message saying Hey, I've got a Great Dane, too - do I report them? (My reply: no) In Jon's case, if he sent out a couple of e-mails (a few dozen max.), personally addressed to the owner of the site, one by one, to sites similar to his - then I'd say the host was grossly unfair. As I said, I'd expect my host to be able to tell the bad guys from the good ones and take sides appropriately: spammers kicked out, the falsely accused protected. To answer your question, Jon: hosts can't recommend themselves in this forum (there's one specifically for this purpose), and people might be unwilling to recommend their hosts because they are unsure if they would take you - at least, that's what I think. GDO

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